Friday, December 17, 2021< ^ >
kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[11:56:49] mbarbosa joins the room
[15:03:14] Cheyenne joins the room
[15:27:25] Cheyenne leaves the room
[15:35:55] Cheyenne joins the room
[15:36:42] <Cheyenne> checking new login
[15:37:04] Cheyenne leaves the room
[15:37:15] Cheyenne joins the room
[15:37:16] Cheyenne leaves the room
[15:37:22] Cheyenne joins the room
[15:37:22] Cheyenne leaves the room
[15:40:50] Cheyenne joins the room
[17:14:41] mvita2 leaves the room
[17:21:57] mvitale joins the room
[17:23:20] <mvitale> new login works
[18:18:17] mbarbosa leaves the room
[18:19:33] mbarbosa joins the room
[18:21:08] mbarbosa leaves the room
[18:21:11] mbarbosa joins the room
[20:28:42] mbarbosa leaves the room
[20:29:00] mbarbosa joins the room
[21:43:05] mbarbosa leaves the room
[21:44:43] Cheyenne leaves the room
[21:44:48] Cheyenne joins the room
[23:49:39] Cheyenne leaves the room