Thursday, December 16, 2021< ^ >
kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[12:04:27] mbarbosa joins the room
[12:30:08] mbarbosa leaves the room
[12:30:16] mbarbosa joins the room
[14:59:01] Cheyenne joins the room
[15:50:59] meffie joins the room
[17:00:41] <meffie> greetings
[17:00:57] wiesand joins the room
[17:01:40] <wiesand> Hello
[17:02:41] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> okay, here now
[17:02:45] <Cheyenne> Hello
[17:04:02] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl leaves the room
[17:04:28] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl joins the room
[17:04:59] <wiesand> Not much news here, except obviously went out.
[17:05:06] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
[17:05:07] <meffie> congrats!
[17:05:21] <wiesand> Looking at the rt queues right now.
[17:08:05] <wiesand> and sorry, I'm bit slow right now (even slower than usual ;-)
[17:08:14] <meffie> (i have been bad at posting the meeting notes, will try to do better..)
[17:08:35] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I'm slower than usual right now as well ... I think I literally got
nothing done last week (for openafs)
[17:09:40] <Cheyenne> still getting clean master and 1.8.x builds with latest linux 5.16-rc
[17:11:00] <wiesand> Thanks Cheyenne!
[17:11:55] <wiesand> added 14651 and 13806 to the1.8.9 wish list (#135238)
[17:14:18] <Cheyenne> Oh.. I've pushed a patch that addresses RT #135272
[17:14:39] <Cheyenne> (gerrit 14857)
[17:14:50] <wiesand> while #135265 doesn't affect anyhing we ship for debian/ubuntu, it could be an issue on el8/9
[17:16:56] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> thanks for looking at the RT queue
[17:17:54] <wiesand> Thanks for 14857. Earmarked for 1.8.9 too
[17:18:03] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I'm kind of disappointed in systemd re 135265 ... KillMode=none is,
AFAICT, actually the right thing for us.
But I will actually go read the docs now...
[17:18:29] <Cheyenne> 14857 hasn't made it into master yet..
[17:20:01] <wiesand> I'm sure Ben has a tab open for it ;-)
[17:20:15] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> As of about five minutes ago, yes :)
[17:20:21] <meffie> tabs take up a log of memory :)
[17:20:28] <meffie> s/log/lot/
[17:20:59] <Cheyenne> used mem = e^#tabs
[17:24:58] <wiesand> Other than that, the list is the same as right before aix, cleanup-LINUX_ENV, FDH-BLOCKSIZE,yadav's LSM fix, RX SACK(?), translate_et for UAE, IRX: remove pre-65, Change AFS*_LINUXnn_ENV to AFS*_LINUX_ENV, DARWIN: remove vestigial etap_event_t typedefs, cache-metrics, ~ a dozen FBSD, previousPacket handling(?)
[17:26:16] <wiesand> + probably a few merged on master lately - I'll go through those soon
[17:26:28] <meffie> ok, thank you.
[17:27:01] <wiesand> But feel free to mention your favourites not yet on the list.
[17:27:43] <meffie> i'm not sure if i know all those patches. do you have a list of gerrit numbers you could send to the release-team mail list?
[17:30:10] <wiesand> In most cases I have either a gerrit number, or what I jotted down is a topic. Sometimes it's a commit hash, and in a few cases just a keyword… a bit messy I agree.
[17:31:08] <meffie> ok, i will try to follow best i can
[17:32:11] <wiesand> Let me tidy this up (and identify the dependencies). I'll then send it to the list. Hopefully you'll also see at least a few pullups in the next days.
[17:32:45] <meffie> excellent, thank you
[17:34:28] <wiesand> If anything else fails, you'll get a raw copy&paste of my current notes (but trust me, that's not what you want ;-) )
[17:35:08] <wiesand> Anything else regarding stable to discuss today?
[17:35:26] <meffie> i have nothing.
[17:36:24] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I sent Mike some jabber credentials for you all.
Currently looking at 14857, but no other topics from me for today :(
[17:36:33] <meffie> yay!
[17:37:01] <meffie> (the admins will be happy to turn off our old xmpp server ;)
[17:39:02] <meffie> thanks ben, i see the blob in my inbox.
[17:39:05] <wiesand> Will we have a meeting next week, or will everybody be in xmas mode already?
[17:39:26] <meffie> i am already in xmas mode :)
[17:40:11] <meffie> i can be online, but 23rd is an SNA holiday.
[17:40:27] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> It's an Akamai holiday as well.
[17:40:32] <meffie> same for 30th
[17:40:42] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Probably safest to preemptively cancel
[17:41:13] <Cheyenne> I'll keep an eye out for any Linux rc issues..
[17:41:51] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks Cheyenne!
[17:42:54] <wiesand> Good, thanks. I'll be hanging out here during the usual meeting slots, but won't expect anyone to join. I may reach out for help by PM in a few cases.
[17:43:26] <meffie> so the next meeting is jan 6th (my birthday;)
[17:43:31] <meffie> ?
[17:44:18] <wiesand> I think that's correct.
[17:44:19] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> wiesand: sounds good
[17:44:43] <wiesand> Anything else to discuss today?
[17:45:19] <meffie> i have nothing. (will push notes to openafs-devel mail list this time)
[17:45:45] <Cheyenne> Nothing else here.  Have a wonderful holiday
[17:45:46] <wiesand> Thanks. Let's adjourn then. Happy Holidays!
[17:45:58] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Happy holidays!
[17:46:31] <wiesand> I already have. Right under the lighthouse…
[17:46:32] <meffie> happy and safe holidays all!
[17:47:08] meffie leaves the room
[17:47:23] <wiesand> Thanks a lot everybody. CU next year.
[17:47:27] wiesand leaves the room
[19:29:33] mbarbosa leaves the room
[19:30:25] mbarbosa joins the room
[19:56:06] meffie joins the room
[19:56:15] meffie leaves the room
[19:59:12] meffie joins the room
[20:00:30] meffie leaves the room
[20:02:31] meffie joins the room
[20:20:44] meffie leaves the room
[21:36:45] mbarbosa leaves the room
[23:36:51] Cheyenne leaves the room
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