Thursday, November 18, 2021< ^ >
kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[16:01:17] meffie joins the room
[16:56:19] wiesand joins the room
[17:00:44] <wiesand> Hello
[17:00:55] <meffie> greetings
[17:00:55] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> greetings
[17:01:03] <meffie> jinx
[17:02:28] <wiesand> I have to apologize once more. A little mishap with a bit of water in my cellar kept me from working on openafs the last days :-(
[17:02:40] <meffie> ouch!
[17:03:00] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I was sick for the last week (and still am, really), so I don't have
much to report either.
[17:03:00] <wiesand> Not that bad, just time consuming.
[17:03:20] <wiesand> And it was my own stupidity…
[17:04:23] <wiesand> I noticed 14844. So me being slow again at least makes it likely that will bring Linux 5.16 support too :-/
[17:04:38] <wiesand> Ben, sorry to hear that. Serious?
[17:04:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Merging 14844 is I think the only thing I did for openafs last week
[17:05:05] <wiesand> Thanks :)
[17:05:11] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I wouldn't call it especially serious; I had a fever that maybe peaked
at 100.1 F
[17:05:17] <meffie> hope you get well soon.
[17:06:24] <meffie> Cheyenne is away today. thank you for merging 14844.
[17:06:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> thanks
[17:07:28] <meffie> he said he is able to build 5.16-rc with that patch.
[17:07:53] <wiesand> Get well soon, Ben!
[17:08:16] <wiesand> 5.16-rc: Very good, thanks.
[17:08:48] <wiesand> The last real fever I had was many years ago. But then it approached 107F
[17:08:59] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> That sounds very scary!
[17:09:04] <meffie> yikes!
[17:10:55] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Are we making it a very short meeting this week, then?
[17:11:36] <wiesand> I think so. Go recover!
[17:11:36] <meffie> i dont have anything to add. currently working on a new release of the ansible roles to support solaris 11.
[17:12:06] <wiesand> Thanksgiving is next week?
[17:12:14] <meffie> yes
[17:13:30] <wiesand> So that meeting is unlikely to happen. We should try to collaborate via gerrit and the rleease-team list for the next days?
[17:13:48] <meffie> i will not be available, as we will have guests at this time next week.
[17:14:02] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> coordinating via gerrit and the mailing list sounds good
[17:14:07] <meffie> +1
[17:14:08] <wiesand> Good!
[17:14:41] <wiesand> Let's adjourn then. Stay safe, and Ben get well soon!
[17:14:58] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks everyone
[17:15:15] <meffie> yes, hope you do feel better soon Ben.  and I hope wiesand's basement is dry.
[17:15:39] <meffie> have a safe weekend.
[17:15:44] <wiesand> not quite yet… working on it...
[17:15:58] wiesand leaves the room
[17:21:23] meffie leaves the room