Friday, March 26, 2021< ^ >
kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[12:19:25] mbarbosa joins the room
[13:07:56] mbarbosa leaves the room
[13:50:17] Cheyenne joins the room
[14:22:08] mbarbosa joins the room
[16:00:06] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> greetings
[16:00:09] meffie joins the room
[16:00:21] <Cheyenne> Good morning
[16:00:42] <meffie> whoa, where did the week go!!
[16:01:15] yadayada joins the room
[16:01:34] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> A different open-source project that starts with "Open"
[16:01:43] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Or was that just me?
[16:01:43] <yadayada> hi all
[16:03:21] wiesand joins the room
[16:04:03] mvita2 joins the room
[16:04:29] <mvita2> hello
[16:04:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> (Really, I hope that OpenSSL 1.1.1k was not a huge fire drill for you
[16:05:31] <meffie> oh, the other open is openssl
[16:06:24] <meffie> no firedrills here (yet)
[16:08:52] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Anyway, I reported one of the fixed CVEs and spent some time nailing
down what the (un)affected scenarios are before the "forthcoming
release" announcement went out, and had to do some work to get the new
release out when it landed ... so I literally have done nothing for
openafs this week :(
[16:10:49] <wiesand> Hello. Sorry I'm late.
[16:11:54] <meffie> whoa, but thanks for the openssl contrib!
[16:14:12] <wiesand> Seconded. You taking care of openssl makes me quite a bit more comfortable!
[16:14:44] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Gee, thanks :)
[16:14:52] <wiesand> Not much news from my side today either. Had to take advantage of the dry weather conditions the last couple of days (driveway,…)
[16:15:43] <wiesand> Pulled up a new Linux 5.12 stack after the last meeting. All clean cherry-picks now, and +1s from Cheyenne and Andrew. Guess it's good to go.
[16:16:02] <Cheyenne> Had a clean build with openafs master against latest pull from linux-5.12-rc4 +
[16:16:22] <wiesand> Great to hear that, thanks!
[16:16:38] <meffie> i've been smoke testing the 1.9.1 tag, need to build the tarballs i promised last week
[16:18:25] <wiesand> The good news is that the weekend will be completely rainy here. I'm planning to spend the better part of it in my office, and chances are I'll get something done on that occasion.
[16:19:27] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Solid plan
[16:19:55] <wiesand> Ah, and I did submit my local changes to make-release to gerrit: 14566
[16:20:05] <meffie> yes, thank you!
[16:20:10] wiesand leaves the room
[16:20:22] wiesand joins the room
[16:20:28] <meffie> and thank you for the www.workshop <http://www.workshop> volume release.
[16:21:07] <meffie> i need to make some more small changes today, would you be able to vos release on monday?
[16:21:49] <wiesand> sure. NB do you have my cell phone number?
[16:22:00] <meffie> i do not
[16:23:00] <wiesand> I'll mail it to you. Next time I fail to take care of my Inbox, feel free to pester me that way then.
[16:23:54] <wiesand> (with *some* consideration of time zones if possible ;-)
[16:24:32] <meffie> of course, only for emergencies i think.
[16:28:07] <wiesand> Anything else on 1.8.x today?
[16:28:29] <mvita2> Chaskiel's problem report on openafs-info
[16:29:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I see a note on -devel; is there an -info one as well?
[16:29:13] <mvita2> I have not looked at it closely
[16:29:20] <mvita2> oh, sorry, yes, it's on -devel
[16:30:15] <mvita2> but I will probably look at it some today, I just finished some ticket work today
[16:31:25] <meffie> thanks mvita2
[16:31:57] <wiesand> Hmm, we may have seen that here a couple of times too, but I'll have to check the reports again.
[16:32:32] <mvita2> the EIO thing does reappear with distressing regularity
[16:33:05] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> And is perhaps not helped by a movement we had to switch a bunch of
[16:33:13] <mvita2> but at least we haven't seen the other perennial: ENOENT on the cwd for a while
[16:34:17] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> yes, that is good
[16:34:28] <mvita2> the lock issue is new, I'll be looking at that first
[16:34:56] <mvita2> since it asserts   o_O
[16:40:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yeah, the locking issue looks worrisome
[16:43:10] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> So it sounds like we have a plan for Chaskiel's thing at least.
But maybe that's it on the 1.8.x front for today?
[16:43:56] <mvita2> I have nothing further for 1.8.x
[16:44:57] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> And I'm not sure that I have anything to add for master/1.9, other
than "yes, I should do some things"
[16:46:40] <meffie> same
[16:46:53] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Any other topics for today?
[16:46:56] <mvita2> yes
[16:47:07] <mvita2> I have a curiosity question
[16:47:20] <mvita2> we monitor many cells for their AFS version here
[16:47:53] <mvita2> most problemnatic 1.8.x have upgraded to 1.8.7, only a handful are still running older
[16:48:26] <mvita2> as for 1.6.x, only a few are running pre-rxkad-k5 releases
[16:49:22] <mvita2> so here is my question;  for those sites running 1.6.x releases that are rxkad-k5 aware, is there any way for the outside world to tell if they are still using DES keys ?
[16:49:41] <mvita2> in other words, they upgraded but never migrated their keys
[16:50:45] <mvita2> I was thinking that maybe challenge/response would look different - but I can't tell from the code
[16:51:01] <meffie> i'd think you'd have to try request a service key with a principal in their realm (kinit)
[16:51:06] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I don't think there's anything visible outside of the kerberos
interactions.  You could maybe try to-- yeah, that
[16:51:41] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Or, if the realm is not locked down, directly request a TGT with
client principal being the AFS service principal, and see what
encytpes the KDC comes back with
[16:54:06] <mvita2> okay, thanks
[16:55:26] <wiesand> Completely OT: Is "Fugensand" a word you understand (or even would use)?
[16:55:47] <meffie> not familiar with that word
[16:55:48] <mvita2> not familiar with it, but willing to learn
[16:55:58] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Also not familiar with it
[16:56:35] <mvita2> ah, I see
[16:56:42] <meffie> "no grow" ?
[16:56:43] <Cheyenne> just looked it up.  sounds like it's some type of mortor/sand
[16:56:48] <mvita2> yes we have that here too but we don't call it that
[16:56:57] <wiesand> It's about "joint filling sand". Somehow I guessed that Irish guy tried to fool me…
[16:56:59] <Cheyenne> for paving stones
[16:57:26] <wiesand> Thanks for your feedback!
[16:57:44] <wiesand> 'Nuf of this for today. Adjourn?
[16:58:03] <Cheyenne> looks like it's called "paver sand" at Home Depot
[16:58:04] <mvita2> seconded
[16:58:04] <meffie> heh, have a good weekend and good week all. stay safe.
[16:58:48] <Cheyenne> have a good week everyone -- stay safe
[16:58:51] <wiesand> Thanks a lot everyone! Take care, stay safe.
[16:58:53] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> have a good weekend everyeone
[16:58:59] wiesand leaves the room
[17:00:00] meffie leaves the room
[17:50:07] yadayada leaves the room
[21:43:33] mbarbosa leaves the room
[23:11:15] Cheyenne leaves the room