Friday, November 27, 2020< ^ >
yadayada has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[16:45:54] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl joins the room
[16:49:29] cwills joins the room
[16:59:58] meffie joins the room
[17:00:22] <meffie> good afternoon.
[17:01:19] wiesand joins the room
[17:01:39] <wiesand> Hi
[17:01:42] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> greetings
[17:02:15] <mvita2> <lurking>
[17:03:42] <wiesand> Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
[17:04:08] <mvita2> yes, excellent, how about you?
[17:04:18] <wiesand> My week has been fairly terrible again…
[17:04:29] <mvita2> oh no
[17:04:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> My thanksgiving got deferred a few days due to family work
schedule...though I can still say that I am grateful for all of you
[17:05:18] <wiesand> Since about yesterday it seems clear that my end-of-year vacation, planned and payed for a year ago, is not going to happen.
[17:05:42] <cwills> good day everyone
[17:06:57] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oh no!
[17:07:08] <wiesand> To make it perfect, my governments went out of their ways not only to get into that situation, but also to make it completely unclear who's going to cover the costs :-(
[17:07:37] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oof :-(
[17:07:38] <cwills> :(
[17:09:11] <meffie> :(
[17:09:42] <wiesand> Since, the landlord is not allowed to accommodate me. So it would be her problem. But then, I'm not allowed to travel anywhere near there. So it's my problem. Government's advice is to 'agree on a solution'.
[17:10:46] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Was this another "cottage by the sea" adventure?
[17:11:13] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> (we can talk about something else if you prefer, of course)
[17:11:31] <wiesand> Same as last year. You may remember those really bad picture from under the light house.
[17:11:39] <wiesand> Not an adventure, really.
[17:11:48] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oh, the same place itself, even!  That one did look fun.
[17:12:48] <wiesand> It was, and it would be again 3 weeks from now. If it wasn't off limits this year.
[17:13:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> :(
[17:13:11] <meffie> hopefully, things will be better next year.
[17:15:30] <wiesand> To make it perfect, my journey there would be extremely safe for me and everyone else, much unlike a lot of other activities they're going to allow over the holiday season. I'm so grumpy…
[17:15:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> No kidding
[17:16:48] <wiesand> Of course all that's just another lame excuse for my inactivity during the past week.
[17:16:51] <cwills> On a different note... I guess I can officially say that my grandkids will be getting a new cousin this summer..
[17:17:45] <meffie> congrats!
[17:17:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> congrats!
[17:17:59] <cwills> my son and daughter-in-law announced yesterday that they are expecting :)
[17:18:10] <wiesand> Hey, good news for a change. All the best!
[17:20:02] <cwills> And on "official" afs note.. master and 1.8.x both built cleanly with Linux-5.10-rc5+
[17:20:33] <meffie> thanks cwills
[17:21:35] <wiesand> Thanks a lot. Ok, back on topic then. I merged away the open 1.8.x changes after the last meeting. And pulled up the vos-cleanup stack Cheyenne brought up last week, right before this one.
[17:22:28] <wiesand> (14445..14448)
[17:22:43] <meffie> thanks wiesand
[17:23:19] <wiesand> (14445..14448 ) in case your client turned the above into a stupid sunglasses smiley too…
[17:23:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> 8) :D ;-p
[17:24:53] <wiesand> Any other late additions to the 1.8.7 wish list?
[17:25:17] <meffie> one sec...
[17:25:27] <wiesand> oh oh...
[17:25:56] <meffie> i was just wondering about 14417 ?
[17:26:22] <meffie> seems to be something we would want in 1.8.7?
[17:26:54] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oops, I feel like I was supposed to have looked at that a couple weeks
ago already :(
[17:27:13] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> (spoiler: this was not a very productive week for me)
[17:28:26] <wiesand> added to the "to be merged on master" part of the wish list
[17:28:57] <meffie> i think the commit message doesnt say, but i believe this one was found on a recent rhel7
[17:29:52] <meffie> that's all i had.
[17:30:05] <wiesand> you sure know how to wetten my appetite ;-)
[17:30:26] <wiesand> more on 1.8.x?
[17:30:27] <meffie> ive been working on a new version of the ansible openafs roles collection (still).
[17:31:12] <meffie> should have a new and improved version in github by christmas :)
[17:31:14] <wiesand> on to 1.9/master then?
[17:31:43] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I won't ask which christmas ;)
[17:31:48] <cwills> I need to get back to the linuxxx_env cleanup
[17:33:00] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Basically nothing of master from here; I merged a couple tiny things
that had been sitting for a while, but didn't get anything substantive
done.  I was still pretty focused on IETF things even this week (after
the meeting was officially over)
[17:33:21] <meffie> understandable. thanks ben!
[17:35:48] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Anything else for today?
[17:35:51] <wiesand> Those IETF things are beneficial to all of us.
[17:36:16] <wiesand> Nothing else from here.
[17:36:51] <wiesand> Adjourn?
[17:37:01] <cwills> +1
[17:37:07] <meffie> i have nothing else. looks like the standing 'review review review' orders?
[17:37:16] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yup :)
[17:37:28] <wiesand> Yup :-)
[17:37:45] <meffie> ok, thanks all, have a great weekend, and after, review review review!
[17:38:07] <wiesand> Let's adjourn then. Thanks a lot everybody! Take care, stay safe.
[17:38:12] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks everyone!
[17:38:20] <cwills> take care everyone
[17:38:38] meffie leaves the room
[17:39:26] cwills leaves the room
[17:40:49] wiesand leaves the room
[19:23:48] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl leaves the room