Friday, June 19, 2020< ^ >
kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[12:16:23] mbarbosa joins the room
[15:00:22] cwills joins the room
[15:56:29] yadayada joins the room
[15:57:57] meffie joins the room
[15:59:11] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> greetings
[15:59:19] <cwills> good morning
[15:59:30] wiesand joins the room
[16:00:05] <wiesand> Good morning USA
[16:00:34] <wiesand> Ben: hope you're well again?
[16:00:50] <yadayada> Hi All
[16:00:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I am feeling almost human today.  Let's hope it sticks (unlike last
[16:01:11] <meffie> good day
[16:02:56] <wiesand> Re 1.8.6pre3: smoke tested, rolled tarballs, uploaded. Proposed web change in  gerrit 14251.
[16:03:57] <wiesand> I guess the more relevant downstreams already picked it up, but we should tag and announce it. Any objections?
[16:04:25] <meffie> none here
[16:05:17] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> So I should make the tag?
[16:05:51] <wiesand> Unless there are any, Ben: could you please tag  7cd24908de4b65d9972bd3dca85b049f495bb1bd as openafs-stable-1_8_6pre3 ?
[16:06:25] <yadayada> none here, we can tag it
[16:06:43] <wiesand> Great, thanks.
[16:07:23] <wiesand> "Barring unforeseen circumstances", I think we should release this as 1.8.6 next week.
[16:07:49] <cwills> sounds good
[16:08:06] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yay
[16:08:16] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> [tag pushed]
[16:08:28] <meffie> great news, thanks
[16:09:43] <wiesand> "git pull" grabbed the new tag. Thanks Ben!
[16:10:00] <wiesand> And since "after the release is before the release": Looks like Linux 5.8 will set the schedule for 1.8.7?
[16:11:27] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> That seems likely
[16:11:33] <cwills> I would think so.  5.8 is still in -rc status
[16:11:50] <cwills> (and very early in the rc stages)
[16:12:33] <wiesand> It seems Cheyenne already worked on 5.8-rc1, with two changes already merged and one (14249) still open.
[16:12:55] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yeah, I think 14249 needs some change, but am not 100% sure which one
[16:13:24] <wiesand> Right, rc1 is early, but unfortunately ~6-7 weeks is a tight schedule given my recent performance…
[16:14:34] <meffie> fortunately we have avoided pushing to the 1.8.x gerrit branch
[16:14:59] <meffie> so it should easier
[16:15:18] <wiesand> with a few exceptions ;-)
[16:15:18] <cwills> I'm looking at Ben's comments to 14249
[16:16:46] <wiesand> Obviously, getting master and 1_8_x  ready for Linux 5.8-rc1 would be most helpful.
[16:17:11] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> We'll keep working on that, yes.
[16:19:41] <yadayada> last week I was trying 1.8 codebase on s390x arch and there are some compilation issues, mainly in lwp code. Will push some gerrit early next week.
[16:19:55] <wiesand> Ok.
[16:20:33] <wiesand> No path conflicts between the linux-5.8 stack and the stuff already pulled up to 1_8_x :)
[16:21:32] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Also no path conflicts between linux-5.8 and 14241 :)
[16:21:40] <cwills> yeah.. the 5.8 changes were fairly minor
[16:22:11] <wiesand> There is one with 14242 though ;-)
[16:22:44] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I think 14241 is going to need an update, though, so it seems pretty
clear which one will "win"
[16:24:07] <cwills> yes 14241 is still going through review churn
[16:25:21] <wiesand> That's about what I have for today. I'd still appreciate it if someone had a brief look at 14251.
[16:28:50] <wiesand> It's sad that the 2020 workshop should have been held a couple of days ago.
[16:28:58] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Hmm, for master/1.9 ... mostly I've been trying to catch up after
being sick.
[16:29:10] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> It is sad, yes.
[16:29:56] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> We did have https://rt.central.org/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=135117
come in
[16:30:32] <wiesand> I'm wondering whether it could be resurrected as a virtual event later this year. After all, we all learned a lot about how to do these recently…
[16:31:55] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> And there's also RF 135109 that I have open to take a closer look at.
I don't remember exactly how much noise we expect from libtool for
[16:32:14] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I'm not sure if the right people are in this forum to know about
making a virtual workshop
[16:32:31] <meffie> i heard there are plans for a workshop in 2021
[16:33:02] <meffie> i'm putting pages up for the foundation
[16:34:39] <wiesand> re RT #135109: SL6 EOL is in O(weeks)…
[16:34:46] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Hmm, apparently I lost track of more than I thought while sick,
looking back through gerrit.  Do we remember if there was any
discussion left to have on the 32-bit timeval stuff and/or the NFS
[16:37:20] <meffie> Margarete says the venue for 2021 is already booked. same place (ohio state university).
[16:39:15] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I'm pretty close to out of topics for today; just one thing to note:
[16:39:40] <wiesand> "former normaility" - not necessarily the right path to go…
[16:41:07] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> The openafs package got removed from debian "testing" for a while
because newer versions were not migrating from "unstable" to "testing"
-- there was some issue with the automated testing where doing a dkms
kernel-module build wase failing, and I wasn't able to reproduce it
locally.  I got a notification a couple days ago that it had been
added to "testing" again; apparently something in the automated test
setup changed so it works now.
[16:41:17] <wiesand> What's the impact of #135109? Doe it mean I run "mkdir a b; mv b a" and the former "a" will end up orphaned?
[16:43:23] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I haven't looked enough to say, yet.
[16:44:20] <wiesand> Good news that the package is back in debian testing.
[16:44:45] <wiesand> Looks like we're finished for today? Adjourn?
[16:45:07] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> +1
[16:46:10] <cwills> Sounds good.  Ben, I'll be replying 14249 here in a bit
[16:46:27] <yadayada> nothing from my side
[16:46:43] <wiesand> Fine, let's adjourn then. Thanks a lot everybody!
[16:46:54] <meffie> have a good weekend
[16:46:57] meffie leaves the room
[16:47:01] yadayada leaves the room
[16:47:12] <cwills> have a good safe weekend everyone
[16:48:18] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks everyone, have a good weekend.
[16:49:11] cwills leaves the room
[17:02:45] wiesand leaves the room
[17:46:19] mbarbosa leaves the room
[17:46:30] mbarbosa joins the room
[17:49:12] mbarbosa leaves the room
[17:49:14] mbarbosa joins the room
[22:19:50] mbarbosa leaves the room