Friday, April 17, 2020< ^ >
meffie has set the subject to: openafs release team
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[12:15:38] mbarbosa joins the room
[12:51:57] meffie joins the room
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[14:55:54] meffie joins the room
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[15:51:21] kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl joins the room
[15:58:13] yadayada joins the room
[15:58:33] cwills joins the room
[16:01:01] meffie joins the room
[16:01:17] <meffie> good day. hope everyone is well.
[16:01:30] <yadayada> Hi All
[16:02:03] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> It's been a long week.
[16:02:23] <cwills> Hello
[16:03:36] <meffie> it really has been a long week.
[16:04:10] <meffie> kaduk: have you been  able to sort out your dhcp issues?
[16:04:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I have a ... workaround.  Almost-fix, really, but it reverts some
other improvements I made a few months ago.
[16:05:35] wiesand joins the room
[16:06:15] <wiesand> Good Morning
[16:06:41] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> greetings!
[16:08:11] <meffie> good afternoon wiesand
[16:09:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I'll be up-front and say I basically didn't get anything done this
week.  Work has been quite busy and we had to deal with a flat tire
[16:10:30] <wiesand> Flat tire, yikes. My sympathy.
[16:11:11] <wiesand> Haven't had one in 20 years, thank goodness.
[16:11:12] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Getting the spare on went quite smoothly, luckily, but it's still a
significant distraction.
[16:11:49] <cwills> definitely takes the air out of the day...
[16:11:53] <meffie> unfun. just happened to me not long ago too. (before the pandemic)
[16:12:04] <yadayada> Ben can you review 14146, 14147 once you get time. So that we can logically close this issue
[16:13:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Ah, yes, I'll look at that.  (I had been starting with the things
still open from last week but am having a hard time focusing on
anything large.)
[16:13:11] <wiesand> Re 1.8.6pre2: I merge 14096&7, then create the prerelease, right? Any vetoes?
[16:13:29] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> +1
[16:14:17] <meffie> +1 thank you
[16:15:13] <yadayada> +1
[16:17:28] <wiesand> Merged. Thank *you* for your work on NEWS!
[16:19:15] <wiesand> Ben, could you please tag 9a9e26acf742cf49e2a773ffbb3f4f62a334950c as openafs-stable-1_8_6pre2 ?
[16:19:17] <meffie> you are welcome
[16:21:18] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Done
[16:21:47] <meffie> woot
[16:22:21] <wiesand> Thanks. I'll work on getting the release done next then. I may not manage this evening -  I have to water the garden. No rain for weeks…
[16:22:54] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Sounds good, thanks.
[16:23:22] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I think we have had some rain, but not much, in the past few weeks, so
maybe I should check how my garden is doing...
[16:23:39] <cwills> We are still getting snow (14 inches yesterday)
[16:23:54] <wiesand> what?!
[16:24:06] <meffie> some snow here too.
[16:24:19] <cwills> Colorado .. rocky mountains
[16:24:27] <wiesand> haven't seen snow for years :-(
[16:25:09] <meffie> i see it right now. :)
[16:25:44] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Anyway, it sounds like we're looking at a pretty short meeting today
[16:26:02] <cwills> Linux 5.7 build failure..
[16:26:11] <wiesand> couple of weeks ago I simply could have travelled to see snow if I missed it dearly, but now…
[16:26:13] <cwills> we lost _pagevec_lru_add
[16:26:38] <wiesand> cwills: yikes - any fix at hand?
[16:27:06] <wiesand> I'm not inclined to skip 1.8.6pre2 for that again…
[16:27:20] <cwills> Not yet.. I need to dig into the code to see what I can replace it with.  It looks like there are some facilities that can be used but I need to dig.
[16:27:39] <wiesand> Thanks!
[16:27:41] <meffie> this is for linux 5.7rc1 ?
[16:27:45] <cwills> correct
[16:28:47] <cwills> I think we have some time yet, and depending on what's there it might be a relatively "easy" fix.. I just need to "learn the code" ..
[16:29:09] <meffie> thanks
[16:30:52] <wiesand> would be good to have it for 1.8.6pre3 or (hopefully) 1.8.7pre1…
[16:30:53] <meffie> on the buildbot news. we have new windows servers 2019 builders.
[16:31:14] <wiesand> which are a bit faster?
[16:31:31] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> They are indeed, and more parallel
[16:31:32] <meffie> the old windows 7 builders have been turned off. the new ones are a bit faster
[16:31:47] <wiesand> nice!
[16:32:19] <meffie> thanks to Alejandro R. Sedeño and MIT
[16:35:40] <wiesand> Anything else to discuss today? The lawn is yelling…
[16:35:56] <cwills> Hate it when the weeds want attention..
[16:36:06] <wiesand> ;-)
[16:36:48] <meffie> nothing more here. have a good weekend!
[16:37:03] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Let's hit the lawn
[16:37:05] <wiesand> Let's adjourn then. Thanks a lot everybody!
[16:37:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks everyone!
[16:37:13] <cwills> thanks.
[16:37:22] <cwills> everyone have a safe week
[16:37:31] <yadayada> thanks
[16:37:40] <wiesand> yes, please take care of yourselves!
[16:38:07] wiesand leaves the room
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