Friday, May 17, 2019< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[12:00:05] mbarbosa joins the room
[12:57:54] meffie joins the room
[12:58:06] <meffie> good day.
[13:01:53] wiesand joins the room
[13:01:59] <mvita> guten tag
[13:02:16] <wiesand> Guten Morgen
[13:03:30] <meffie> How are you today wiesand?
[13:03:54] <wiesand> Looks like Ben is still busy moving home… or… what timezone is "greater Seattle"?
[13:04:07] <wiesand> Mike: much better than last week :0
[13:04:37] <meffie> seattle is the same as california
[13:04:58] <meffie> Glad you are feeling better than last week.
[13:05:15] <wiesand> In particular, the recent gerrit activity tends to make me quite happy
[13:05:54] <mvita> YAY!
[13:06:19] <wiesand> Ouch, that's -9h from here, thus 6am - we may have to shift the meeting
[13:06:47] <mvita> oof, you're right
[13:07:26] <meffie> yes, we should shift the meeting if possible.
[13:08:04] <mvita> or invent a time shifter
[13:10:14] <wiesand> let's ask Ben for his preference
[13:10:26] <mvita> sounds good
[13:11:52] <wiesand> re gerrit: I think Andrew is right about 13481/13342
[13:12:01] <wiesand> I'll pull up the latter later
[13:12:19] <meffie> i can pull them up if you like.
[13:12:51] <meffie> (i'll try to remember to do it correctly this time)
[13:13:12] <wiesand> ;-)
[13:13:42] <wiesand> if you beat me to it, fine, but I can really do it
[13:14:06] <wiesand> chances are I'll have some time to kill in the evening
[13:14:51] <wiesand> (we participate in the "lange Nacht der Wirtschaft", and I'm one of the guides)
[13:15:44] <wiesand> I think Andrew is also that we want 13592 (once merged on master) too.
[13:16:10] <mvita> https://www.lange-nacht-der-wirtschaft-lds.de/unternehmen/
[13:16:12] <meffie> ok. thanks.
[13:16:31] <meffie> do you want me to work on the NEWS file for 1.8.4pre1?
[13:17:36] <wiesand> let's handle it like the 1.9.0 one: whoever works on it pushes whatever he has early
[13:17:57] <meffie> ok
[13:18:10] <wiesand> Mark: yes, that one. Outreach… very important...
[13:19:52] <meffie> weisand the stage_1.8.4pre1 is a single stack. i tried to keep the commits in the same git log order as the appear on the master branch.
[13:20:07] <wiesand> Some review would probably help getting 13592 in. And once we add the ppc64le stuff, taking 13593 as well makes sense to me.
[13:20:10] <meffie> i made an exception for the on that fixes the macos build.
[13:20:25] <wiesand> I noticed ;-)
[13:20:32] <meffie> is that ok?
[13:20:54] <meffie> is that what you wanted?
[13:21:25] <wiesand> yes, that's most likely perfect -  thanks a lot
[13:21:36] <meffie> ok, great!
[13:22:07] <meffie> also mark and i finally figured out how to ask gerrit which gerrits need to be reviewed :)
[13:22:35] <mvita> Meffie figured out the arcane and ancient invocaton
[13:22:46] <mvita> invocation
[13:23:50] <wiesand> so, what's the spell?
[13:24:19] <meffie> project:openafs branch:<branch> is:open NOT label:Code-Review=>+1,self
[13:24:43] <meffie> to see for person, replace "self" with a userid.
[13:24:45] <meffie> e.g.
[13:24:57] <wiesand> cool
[13:25:49] <meffie> needs to be "escaped" for the gerrit mymenu dash board. let me dig it up.
[13:26:03] <mvita> now you too are one of the cognoscenti
[13:26:24] <meffie> #/q/project:openafs+branch:openafs-stable-1_8_x+is:open+NOT+label:Code-review>=%2B1%2Cself
[13:26:33] <wiesand> my review doesn't matter much, though
[13:26:59] <meffie> settings -> preferences -> My Menu
[13:27:41] <meffie> yes, but now we have a good way to see exactly which ones need to be reviewed, instead of a vague "review" request :)
[13:28:17] <meffie> and i can run that query from the command line with git gerrit-query to send it in emails and tickets :)
[13:28:28] <wiesand> I fully agree it's very useful
[13:28:58] <wiesand> some of the changes failed to build on win7_x86_free - I'll look at those and verify manually where "failed update" was the reason
[13:29:12] <meffie> i'll update the wiki.openafs.org (afs lore).
[13:29:25] <meffie> ok, thanks.
[13:31:36] <wiesand> ok, thanks to the rebases and reviews, we're fairly close to 1.8.4pre1 now
[13:32:44] <meffie> great. thanks.
[13:32:47] <mvita> huzzah!
[13:32:49] <wiesand> if the nits discussed above are all that's left to do, we could get it out within days
[13:33:27] <meffie> i'll post the meeting notes today as well. sorry i have been lazy about that recently.
[13:34:10] <wiesand> well, if I had worked a bit harder, there would have been more to post
[13:36:00] <meffie> in buildbot news, derek aitkens has some new fedora workers available. i need to add them to the buildbot master.
[13:36:33] <wiesand> ah, good
[13:36:44] <meffie> also, in buildbot news, cheyenne has setup a local buildbot to learn it, and will be giving me changes and fixes, etc.
[13:37:17] <wiesand> good news too
[13:38:15] <wiesand> I don't think I have other topics for today. Anyone?
[13:38:18] <meffie> that's all i have for the buildbot today.
[13:38:28] <wiesand> thanks
[13:39:07] <mvita> nothing here, except we are getting ready for the workshop
[13:41:03] <wiesand> did you receive the announcement for HEPiX fall in Amsterdam?
[13:41:29] <meffie> i dont think so.
[13:42:10] <wiesand> forwarded
[13:42:14] <meffie> ok, thanks.
[13:42:17] <mvita> thank you
[13:43:35] <wiesand> it may be a good idea to register early - I heard the room capacity is limited and they expect a relatively high attendance
[13:43:49] <meffie> are you planning on attending?
[13:44:26] <wiesand> yes, I may go
[13:45:07] <meffie> ok, great. i'll find out if it is possible for someone from here to attend.
[13:45:11] <wiesand> I don't have to fly there :)
[13:45:49] <meffie> train?
[13:45:53] <wiesand> And I dig some of the dutch food you simply can't get here
[13:46:10] <mvita> +1
[13:46:37] <wiesand> train is a possibility, but I'd probably simply drive - I did it before
[13:47:31] <meffie> ah, ok. i thought people in europe used trains to go everywhere
[13:48:23] <wiesand> you're kind of a bad person when you use your car, yes
[13:49:16] <wiesand> but I had one of those "I'm done with travelling by train once and for all" moments a couple of years ago
[13:49:17] <meffie> oh, i really dont like driving, but this is america. dont seem to have much choice.
[13:49:56] <meffie> understandable. airplanes are not fun either.
[13:50:12] <meffie> (well, the crowds are not fun that is)
[13:50:22] <wiesand> I like driving - I just loathe traffic
[13:50:46] <meffie> understandable.
[13:51:00] <meffie> ok, motion to adjourn ?
[13:51:17] <mvita> second
[13:51:20] <meffie> got to run to my ten o'clock.
[13:51:22] <wiesand> sustained
[13:51:36] <wiesand> Thanks a lot!
[13:51:36] <meffie> have a good weekend!
[13:52:03] meffie leaves the room
[13:52:11] wiesand leaves the room
[14:38:55] meffie joins the room
[14:41:01] meffie leaves the room
[17:59:59] meffie joins the room
[18:00:45] meffie leaves the room
[21:54:23] mbarbosa leaves the room