Friday, April 5, 2019< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[11:24:12] meffie joins the room
[11:24:29] meffie leaves the room
[11:24:45] meffie joins the room
[13:02:11] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Slow week over here :(
[13:03:46] wiesand joins the room
[13:03:55] <meffie> good morning.
[13:04:10] <wiesand> Sorry for being late, had some trouble connecting
[13:04:18] <wiesand> Good morning
[13:04:31] <wiesand> Slow week here too :-(
[13:04:32] <meffie> no problem, i was distracted at 9:00
[13:04:54] <wiesand> The next one should be much better
[13:05:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> But I see there's lots of stuff for me to review, which hopefully can
go quickly
[13:05:25] <meffie> (sorry i was not able to participate last week. phone call from the boss.)
[13:05:35] <wiesand> Which will then turn into more backlog for me ;-)
[13:06:13] <wiesand> My major item on the agenda is 1.8.3
[13:06:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> To make up for the easy times you're currently enjoying, no doubt ;)
[13:06:24] <meffie> Margarete says hi.
[13:06:38] <wiesand> Hi back
[13:06:54] <wiesand> re 1.8.3: any more feedback yet?
[13:06:59] <meffie> Margarete: Yes, I really DO exist, I really AM here, and I really WAS talking to Meffie, lol
[13:07:06] <meffie> Have a great day and weekend!
[13:07:34] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Hi Margarete!
[13:07:44] mvita joins the room
[13:08:54] <wiesand> Thanks Margarete. Have a good weekend too.
[13:09:04] <meffie> kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl did the letter arrive from the foundation?
[13:09:22] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> meffie: it did, please convey my thanks to Margarete
[13:09:33] <meffie> thanks.
[13:09:35] <wiesand> mine too :)
[13:09:55] mvita leaves the room
[13:10:01] <wiesand> oh
[13:10:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> w.r.t. 1.8.3pre1, debian is now in release freeze, so even 1.8.3final
would probably end up in "experimental" and not "unstable".  But I
keep meaning to upload pre1, when I get a chance...
[13:11:26] <wiesand> so chances are we have all the feedback we'll get - how about releasing it next week?
[13:11:37] <meffie> i have no new test reports on 1.8.3pre1
[13:12:02] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> no objection here
[13:13:47] mvita joins the room
[13:14:04] <wiesand> i.o.w., if you think there are changes in the pipeline that should make 1.8.3, w/ or w/o a pre2, speak up now
[13:14:45] <wiesand> I'd include 13535 (w/o pre2) and leave the rest for a timely 1.8.4pre1
[13:15:54] <meffie> one thing i know of from andrew... looking for the gerrit
[13:16:23] <mvita> (is here now)
[13:16:52] <wiesand> 13511?
[13:17:13] <meffie> https://gerrit.openafs.org/#/c/13530/1
[13:17:28] <meffie> and related, for the bug reported by MIT
[13:18:19] <wiesand> RT #134904, right?
[13:18:43] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> yup
[13:18:56] <wiesand> good candidate, but not yet merged on master, and would call for a pre2 IMO
[13:19:06] <meffie> sounds good.
[13:19:17] <meffie> oh,
[13:20:14] <wiesand> oh?
[13:20:29] <wiesand> (and what sounds good? ;-)
[13:20:44] <meffie> well, did you mean you want to make a 1.8.3final without a pre2?
[13:21:44] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> If we just add 13535 to pre1, given the lack of expectations of future
testing, a 1.8.3final without pre2 for just that one change seems fine
[13:22:15] <wiesand> if we leave anything less trivial than 13535 to 1.8.4pre1, yes
[13:22:55] <meffie> yes 13535 is fine.
[13:24:13] <wiesand> FBSD 11.2 could go in without a pre2 too, but the other changes I'm aware of would require a pre2 or should be deferred to 1.8.4pre1
[13:25:30] <wiesand> and my preference would be the latter - get the release out swiftly, there's quite some goodness in there already
[13:25:37] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Indeed
[13:26:07] <meffie> sounds good
[13:26:21] <wiesand> but of course it's called release *team*…
[13:26:54] <mvita> yay team!
[13:27:20] <meffie> every team has a captain :)
[13:27:41] <wiesand> that's just the guy doing the dirty work ;-)
[13:28:43] <wiesand> but seriously, I'd like to release 1.8.3 next Friday, with no or only trivial and completely safe changes added
[13:29:00] <mvita> sounds good
[13:29:40] <wiesand> thanks, let's do that then
[13:30:13] mvita leaves the room
[13:30:26] mvita joins the room
[13:31:36] <meffie> sounds good. MIT can try the fixes in 1.8.4pre1?
[13:31:56] <meffie> for the ENOENT issues?
[13:32:19] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yeah.
Or they can just cherry-pick patches; sometimes they prefer to do
[13:32:32] <meffie> good. thanks.
[13:33:00] <wiesand> 1.6.24pre1 should then get the applicable pullups from 1.8.3, and it may make sense to have a 1.6.24pre2 with more stuff from 1.8.4[preX] a few weeks later
[13:33:59] <meffie> ok
[13:35:34] <wiesand> if this works out, we could release 1.8.4 and 1.6.24 at about the same time, and will hopefully be able to keep 1.6.x and 1.8.x kind of "in sync"
[13:36:17] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> That's a fine thing to want, but don't overexert yourself trying to
get there.
[13:36:28] <meffie> maybe we should have less 1.6 releases than 1.8 releases?
[13:37:09] <meffie> so people get the idea that 1.6.x is changing more slowly and is the old series.
[13:37:23] <mvita> that would provide a gentle nudge for sites to start moving to 1.8.x
[13:37:27] <mvita> yeah
[13:37:47] <wiesand> Makes sense, and the strategy outlined above means exactly that.
[13:37:55] <meffie> something like every other 1.8.x release?
[13:38:36] <meffie> ah, yes, i see.
[13:41:14] <wiesand> If we pull up a change at all, it's actually less work (for me) to do it sooner than later. But we'd have more 1.6 prereleases than 1.8 ones, and fewer 1.6 releases.
[13:42:05] <meffie> sounds good.
[13:42:22] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> seems reasonable
[13:42:52] <wiesand> And Ben: you're right, overestimating what I can actually get done isn't helpful. Having a strategy still makes sense though.
[13:44:12] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Definitely
[13:46:34] <wiesand> On to the soon-to-be-established 1.9.x series then?
[13:46:45] <mvita> ok
[13:47:03] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I just merged 13530 to master during the meeting, but the follow-ups
will want some more focused time to finish reviewing.
[13:47:28] <wiesand> ok, thanks - 1.8.4 fodder then
[13:47:31] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I see some updates to the rxgk-phase1 topic changes that also got +1s
on them, which hopefully means good to go, but I haven't had time to
look yet
[13:47:47] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> But that's still the plan
[13:48:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Did I mention 1.9.x NEWS last time?
[13:48:41] <wiesand> yes, and I volunteered to give it a stab
[13:48:52] <wiesand> but haven't yet…
[13:49:40] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> No worries; it's not close to the blocking factor
[13:50:18] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I don't think I have much else to report for the 1.9.x front, but do
have some other news
[13:50:38] <meffie> ok
[13:50:42] <wiesand> go ahead
[13:51:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> The (LetsEncrypt) TLS certificate for buildbot/gerrit/git/conference
expires in less than a week, but the certbot installed on that machine
is using the old/deprecated verification method.  So I have to get a
new certbot client installed Real Soon Now (probably over the weekend)
[13:51:42] <wiesand> ouch
[13:51:51] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> And hopefully that time chunk will also let me deploy the websocket
proxying functionality that we need for TLS-ified buildbot connections
[13:52:07] <wiesand> yay
[13:52:53] <meffie> cool. sorry about the extra work
[13:53:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I mean, it needs to be done...
[13:53:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> In other news, the next couple months may be a bit rough for me,
as I'll be moving house.
[13:53:42] <meffie> fun times!
[13:53:58] <wiesand> you have my sympathy
[13:54:25] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I knew I could count on wiesand to have recent experience :)
[13:54:26] <meffie> any chance for people to come to pittsburgh this summer?
[13:54:46] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> There is some reasonable chance, though not a certainty
[13:54:57] <mvita> I hope you can make it
[13:55:02] <wiesand> Not me, sorry.
[13:55:33] <meffie> ah, sorry wiesand, maybe we can have a euro conf next time?
[13:55:35] <mvita> next year in DESY?
[13:55:54] <wiesand> But if there are means to participate from remote, actively or just passively, I will.
[13:56:09] <meffie> excellent!
[13:56:25] <mvita> things are still in planning but maybe there will be remote participation
[13:57:36] <mvita> you should ask Dave Botsch about that on the list
[13:59:20] <wiesand> Having the next one in Europe then sounds good. Even having it at DESY is at least a possibility. Alas, we're understaffed for various reasons currently and will be for at least the next months, and preparing such a meeting/conference does need human resources, so this is not an offer.
[13:59:27] <wiesand> Mark: right, will do.
[14:00:38] <meffie> thanks. in other news, marcio is creating 3 new macos buildbots on a new mac mini which was just put into a rack.
[14:00:44] <wiesand> Weird idea: meet on middle ground and have the next one on Iceland ;-)
[14:00:46] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> It sounds like we are slowing down, and it's the top of the hour...
[14:00:59] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Ooh, macos buildbots sounds exciting!
[14:01:02] <wiesand> I think the Reykjavik university even has an AFS cell ;-)
[14:01:12] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I hear Reykjavik has pretty cheap hotels, too
[14:01:13] <meffie> OH ICELAND! +1 sounds good to me, but someone else must approve
[14:01:14] <mvita> wow, that would be neat
[14:01:36] <meffie> wow just went out of business
[14:01:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> We could ask Joe Foley for his thoughts; IIRC he's a professor there
[14:02:47] <wiesand> I'm afraid I don't know him. But if you do… great idea
[14:03:26] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I figured I was going to get volunteered for that, since I know him.
[14:03:41] <wiesand> Iceland isn't cheap, especially hotels, but I think no more expensive than US metropolitan areas.
[14:04:21] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Ah.
[14:05:55] <wiesand> But I don't have experience with staying in hotels there. During my trips I always stayed in guest houses, cabins or my tent ;-)
[14:06:07] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> :)
[14:06:23] <meffie> i'll bring my tent. :)
[14:06:27] <mvita> heh
[14:06:36] <mvita> you can go ice camping
[14:09:36] <wiesand> Let's keep it mind. Weird ideas are not always bad ;-)
[14:09:59] <wiesand> And yes, macos build slaves sound good.
[14:10:18] <wiesand> Any other topics to discuss today?
[14:10:26] <mvita> nothing here
[14:10:46] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> nothing here
[14:11:19] <mvita> move to adjourn?
[14:11:43] <meffie> +1
[14:11:50] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> thanks everybody!
[14:11:59] <mvita> thank you!
[14:12:00] <meffie> have a good weekend
[14:12:02] <wiesand> Fine, let's adjourn. Thanks a lot everybody!
[14:36:17] meffie leaves the room
[14:44:47] wiesand leaves the room
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[19:17:36] mvita leaves the room