Friday, September 21, 2018< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[01:03:13] mvita leaves the room
[11:58:26] Marcio Barbosa joins the room
[12:59:38] wiesand joins the room
[13:00:04] <wiesand> Hello
[13:00:16] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Greetings
[13:01:06] mvita joins the room
[13:01:13] <wiesand> I've been a lame duck last week (re openafs)
[13:01:16] meffie joins the room
[13:01:33] <mvita> hello
[13:02:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I keep thinking that I will finish reading LISP specs and be able to
do other things, but they are pretty dense :(
[13:02:10] <meffie> greetings
[13:03:11] <wiesand> And I don't have much time today (storm coming up, the wind as a precursor shook loose an estimated  200 walnuts I better collect before it starts raining)
[13:03:49] <wiesand> Thus I'd be thankful for a brief meeting today.
[13:03:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oh wow
[13:04:16] <mvita> https://www.amazon.com/Nut-Wizard-Picker-Walnuts-Gumball/dp/B018YSTIB6?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-ffsb-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B018YSTIB6
[13:04:18] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Not a whole lot from me; tried to go through a pile of gerrit stuff
[13:04:56] <meffie> me too. down to 160 more gerrits to go.
[13:05:17] <meffie> no, 159 now :)
[13:05:41] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> including some of meffie's old lwp-->pthread bits.
Of which, jaltman is right that xstat still needs to implement RXAFSCB
[13:06:06] <meffie> yes, that's fine. we dont use it, but we can keep those bits around.
[13:06:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> And I wasn't sure if removing that change was going to make conflicts
later in the stack
[13:07:25] <meffie> hmm, i can visit that patch set and rebase. i'll abandon the removal of the rxafscb stuff
[13:07:36] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> cool, thanks
[13:08:41] <wiesand> My only 1.6.x item today is 13330 - do we need to change the wording regarding the ubik changes?
[13:09:39] <meffie> i dont feel too strongly about it, but i thought it would be nice to point out this does fix a rather serious bug
[13:10:03] <wiesand> care to push a PS2?
[13:10:24] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> "Assorted fixes and cleanups" might be enough to cover everything
[13:10:39] <meffie> yes, i can work with marcio to craft a summary
[13:10:50] <wiesand> Great, please do
[13:11:03] <meffie> ok
[13:11:34] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I guess RT 134647 is still waiting for someone to dump a boatload of
unique printf messages into rxi_ReapConnections() and provide a patch
for debugging.
[13:11:39] <wiesand> Thanks. And my only 1.8.x item today is: "Which of the changes recently merged onto master should make it into 1.8.3?"
[13:12:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Um.  What reference point do I start looking from?
[13:13:39] <wiesand> ~13165
[13:14:08] <mvita> Ben, looking at 134647 - it rings a bell, still looking
[13:14:29] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks, Mark!
[13:14:45] <mvita> mike, do we have a PPC test box somewhere in the lab?
[13:15:53] <meffie> sadly, i do not.
[13:16:01] <mvita> ok
[13:16:13] <mvita> I'll ask Andrew.
[13:16:21] <wiesand> no ppc systems gere, sorry
[13:16:47] <meffie> i think ibm offered to do some ppc testing, no?
[13:16:57] <mvita> oh, no wait, Andrew wouldn't.  I'm confusing ppc with arm
[13:17:06] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Stephan: probably 13177 and maybe the tests that go with it
probably 13070; it got a load of reviews on it
13310 and 13309 should be fine
12271 minor perf boost
13157 probably fine
12272 I think is fine, if we pulled up the HAVE_PIO fix already
13303 and 13286 fix a real bug (also reported in RT)
[13:17:41] <mvita> I've got some PPCs here (old macs) but they are not running atm
[13:17:59] <wiesand> Ben: Thanks!
[13:18:02] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Oh, and 13252 goes on top of 13251; merged in a funny order due to
needing to rebase to appease gerrit
[13:18:07] <meffie> is it just for build testing? we might be able to emulate ppc with qemu.
[13:18:19] <mvita> yes, I think it will have to be qemu
[13:18:56] <mvita> but this is a kernel module issue so qemu might not be up to it
[13:18:56] <meffie> so just for build testing?
[13:19:25] <meffie> we'd better ask ibm if they can run the tests
[13:19:26] <mvita> no, for https://rt.central.org/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=134647
[13:19:52] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I don't know how we're doing on Stephan's time constraint, so I will
also toss out
into the mix.  I don't really have good ideas for what could be going
on there.
[13:20:02] <mvita> but maybe no machine is necessary = let me pore over this backtrace for a bit first
[13:20:50] <mvita> Ben - yes, that one is a head scratcher
[13:21:07] <wiesand> no idea, but I have to admit we don't have 1.8 servers in production yet
[13:21:56] <mvita> it's almost like the cache is RO
[13:22:07] <mvita> um, no.
[13:22:15] <mvita> that's a FileLog msg he gave us.
[13:22:18] <wiesand> it seems really unlikely though that a bad client could corrupt a volume on the server
[13:22:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> There was the  volume callback thing in 1.8.0 (not .1) but I don't see
how it would cause those symptoms
[13:23:11] <mvita> hmm, good point - maybe there could be a connection
[13:24:24] <meffie> it's hard to say what happened with this limited information.
[13:24:34] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yup
[13:25:05] <meffie> and he was trying different things and changing versions.
[13:26:20] <wiesand> storm front approaching… more to discuss today?
[13:26:38] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> "keep up the good work"
[13:26:56] <meffie> i have nothing else, just trying to catch up on gerrits before pushing more :)
[13:28:00] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Go rescue the walnuts!
[13:28:18] <wiesand> Let's adjourn then. Thanks a lot everybody!. Off to harvest the nuts (and maybe the apples too…)
[13:28:19] <meffie> if they are black walnuts, wear gloves.
[13:28:47] <meffie> save some walnuts for us!
[13:28:55] <wiesand> Yes I know the effect - but they taste great
[13:29:10] <mvita> thanks, have a good weekend
[13:29:21] <wiesand> you too, goodbye
[13:29:22] wiesand leaves the room
[15:04:00] mvita leaves the room
[15:41:52] meffie leaves the room
[15:46:41] mvita joins the room
[19:03:14] meffie joins the room
[19:13:34] mvita leaves the room
[19:32:57] mvita joins the room
[20:11:41] mvita leaves the room
[20:57:43] mvita joins the room
[21:29:38] Marcio Barbosa leaves the room
[22:03:07] meffie leaves the room
[23:12:36] mvita leaves the room
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