Friday, April 13, 2018< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[06:38:58] mvita leaves the room
[11:43:49] Marcio Barbosa joins the room
[12:31:10] meffie joins the room
[12:32:39] meffie leaves the room
[12:33:17] meffie joins the room
[12:46:17] <meffie> good morning.
[12:46:55] <meffie> seems the buildbots cant find 13011 ?
[12:48:20] <meffie> oh, it's project:openafs-web. why do the buildbots care?
[12:49:37] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> An interesting question
[12:56:31] <meffie> i'll look to see if we can filter the changes by project.
[12:57:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Sounds good, thanks.
[13:00:17] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> (I mean, I guess we could also teach buildbot how to build the
website, but that sounds harder.)
[13:01:03] wiesand joins the room
[13:01:38] <wiesand> Hello
[13:04:37] <wiesand> Ben, thanks again for the 1_6_22-branch. I can review +2 now, and once I alse verified +1 I get a submit button.
[13:05:14] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yay
[13:06:54] <meffie> > (I mean, I guess we could also teach buildbot how to build the website, but that sounds harder.)
actually, that would be very very useful. i have markdown we could use.
[13:07:06] <wiesand> I also pushed a NEWS change and a backport of the EL7.5 fix (which should be the same as the abandoned first version for 1.6.23pre1 by Mark).
[13:07:45] <wiesand> (13012, 13013)
[13:09:13] <wiesand> Some review welcome. I'll test this once again, but then could go out
[13:09:50] <wiesand> Unless there are more (trivial) changes someone would like to see in the point release?
[13:10:33] <wiesand> I'm leaning towards deferring the release to early next week though.
[13:11:30] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> So you don't steal my thunder?
[13:11:33] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> ;)
[13:11:58] <wiesand> Exactly.
[13:12:55] <wiesand> And after all, those in desperate need for the EL7.5 fix today will get their official release today ;-)
[13:13:32] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> :)
[13:14:07] <meffie> heh
[13:14:38] <wiesand> But seriously, I tend to make mistakes when rushing things. And we should mostly care about the 1.8.0 release today.
[13:16:16] <wiesand> I'll read the draft release notes now and look at the web change. Feel free to discuss something else meanwhile…
[13:17:36] <wiesand> UNC: \\/afs looks weird
[13:18:05] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I just copied from a previous announcement, though maybe it's been
wrong for a while.
[13:21:16] <wiesand> maybe "many more" or "many additional" code quality fixes… after all, quite a few of those were backported…
[13:22:45] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Sure, I can get behind "many additional code quality fixes"
[13:23:44] <wiesand> Doesn't 1.8.0 remove support for old Solairs releases as well?
[13:24:21] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> or SUNOS or something?  Maybe.
[13:24:24] <meffie> i wish it did.
[13:24:51] <wiesand> Not many will care, hopefully
[13:25:19] <meffie> we effectively still run on solaris 10 and solaris 11.{1,2,3}
[13:25:22] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> We can hope, yes!
[13:25:27] <wiesand> Final nit: the 1.8 series is not targeting Windows, is it?
[13:26:09] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I do not want to say it is targeting Windows, no.  (IIUC it is
supposed to be usable there and even have lots of fixes compared to
1.7, but "no one" is testing it to be sure.)
[13:26:41] <meffie> (we should deorbit 5.9 and earlier, it would help maintenance imho)
[13:27:10] <wiesand> hey, we still run 5.8 systems!
[13:27:17] <meffie> no way!
[13:27:35] <meffie> running openafs 1.2?
[13:27:45] <wiesand> er,…
[13:28:20] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> contents-vnder-pressvre:~> rxdebug bloom-picayune 7001 -version
Trying (port 7001):
AFS version:  OpenAFS 1.2.8 built  2003-06-12
[13:28:40] <meffie> heh
[13:29:31] <wiesand> back on topic: ok, if it's supposed to be usable there's no need to say more explicitly that 1.8 is not for Windows
[13:37:37] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Did we drop off topic again?
[13:37:39] mvita joins the room
[13:39:00] <mvita> present
[13:39:06] <mvita> sorry for my lateness
[13:39:13] <wiesand> Hi Mark
[13:39:58] <wiesand> btw i just +1'ed two open web changes by Jeffrey - maybe they could go in together with the 1.8 change?
[13:40:29] <mvita> > AFS version:  OpenAFS 1.2.8 built  2003-06-12
[13:40:32] <mvita> GASP
[13:40:54] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> > go in together with the 1.8 change
I expect so.
[13:41:00] <mvita> I have a change to that page as well
[13:41:28] <mvita> (our link needs some extra stuff to work correctly in the OpenAFS frame)
[13:41:29] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> We at least used to (past couple years) have a machine running
pre-openafs AFS at MIT, but I forget the hostname :(
[13:41:41] <wiesand> push it, an I can merge it together with the one next week
[13:42:02] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> How long do people want to look over the draft 1.8.0 announcement?
[13:42:08] <mvita> okay
[13:42:32] <wiesand> assuming that everyone is fine with deferring the release?
[13:43:00] <wiesand> Ben: I'm finished. Except for the nits above, looks fine to me.
[13:43:07] <mvita> looking at 1.8 announcement
[13:43:28] meffie leaves the room
[13:43:32] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> wiesand: cool, thanks!  Wait, nits plural?  I only remember the "many
additional [static analysis fixes]"
[13:43:56] meffie joins the room
[13:43:58] <wiesand> I still think \\/afs should lose the /
[13:45:06] <wiesand> looks more pleasant too ;-)
[13:45:24] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Ah, right.
[13:45:43] <meffie> (sorry network dropped0
[13:46:23] <mvita> draft announcement +1
[13:47:22] <mvita> did you want comment on the release notes too?  or have those already been reviewed?
[13:47:41] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> The release notes should have already been reviewed, I think.
[13:47:51] <mvita> that's what I thought
[13:48:21] <wiesand> they're just copy & paste from NEWS, right?
[13:48:49] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Yeah.
[13:52:23] <wiesand> go unleash it :-)
[13:52:52] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Okay, okay.  I still need to push the button on the second jaltman web
change, though.
[13:52:54] <meffie> friday the 13th. perfect timing.
[13:53:00] <wiesand> though, looking at the calendar…
[13:53:13] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> April is before Christmas, right?
[13:53:29] <wiesand> it's after christmas, too ;-)
[13:53:57] <mvita> Delivered 8 months early, and under budget.
[13:54:28] <wiesand> no, I meant the same as Mike - are you sure?
[13:54:41] <mvita> it's just a date
[13:54:54] <wiesand> just kidding
[13:54:59] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> ;)
[13:56:04] <meffie> i'm not superstitious, but a i am a little stitious.
[13:56:07] <meffie> ;)
[13:56:19] <meffie> it's just a date.
[13:59:39] <mvita> mvitale@mvs1:~/src$ git clone git.openafs.org:openafs-web.git
Cloning into 'openafs-web'...
[13:59:43] <mvita> seems to be stuck…
[14:00:00] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> uh-oh
[14:00:08] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> you could always clone from gerrit, I guess?
[14:00:23] <mvita> ssh: connect to host git.openafs.org port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
[14:00:34] <mvita> wrong port?
[14:00:43] <wiesand> Wrong date? ;-)
[14:00:49] <mvita> OH NOES
[14:02:11] <wiesand> % git clone git://git.openafs.org/openafs-web.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/openafs-web/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 8514, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2325/2325), done.
remote: Total 8514 (delta 6548), reused 7847 (delta 6098)
Receiving objects: 100% (8514/8514), 3.43 MiB | 1.20 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6548/6548), done.
[14:02:33] <wiesand> took about 3s
[14:03:21] <mvita> got it - must have been user error - thanks Stephan
[14:05:15] <wiesand> live web change looks good
[14:05:51] <mvita> I'll push my web change to gerrit in a little while
[14:05:55] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> I even remmbered to release the volumes, too :)
[14:06:10] <wiesand> hooray
[14:07:26] <mvita> maybe we could add a 1.8.x link in the left hand frame under Downloads?
[14:07:35] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Now to scrounge up an -announce moderator...
[14:07:35] <wiesand> NB when I send to -announce, I wait for the auto-reply and then reply to that with a cc to jhutz and cg2v
[14:08:49] <wiesand> MArk: good point, but we should rather change the existing 1.6.x link since that now points to 1.8.0 anyway
[14:09:07] <mvita> okay
[14:12:50] <wiesand> 1.8.0 … [plop] Congratulations Ben!
[14:13:03] <meffie> hooray!
[14:13:16] <mvita> huzzah!
[14:13:36] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> congratulations to all of us!
[14:13:40] <mvita> Congratulations, Ben and THANK YOU!
[14:15:20] <wiesand> But I have to run. CU next week?
[14:15:33] <meffie> ok, have a good weekend.
[14:15:43] <mvita> okay.  thanks, Stephan!
[14:15:43] <kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl> Thanks, you too
[14:15:48] <mvita> bye
[14:16:07] wiesand leaves the room
[14:40:13] <meffie> rxdebug localhost 7001 -version
Trying (port 7001):
AFS version: OpenAFS 1.8.0 2018-04-13 mmeffie@bismark
[15:20:59] meffie leaves the room
[15:53:08] meffie joins the room
[16:47:32] meffie leaves the room
[21:49:40] Marcio Barbosa leaves the room