[07:06:27] --- wiesand has become available [07:37:27] --- deason has become available [08:29:02] tarballs are up at /afs/.grand.central.org/software/openafs/ [08:46:07] web change is 10615 [08:47:23] Derrick, could you please tag 0d61953e69c004667e8a293d1bc58b396710a356 as openafs-stable-1_6_5_2 ? [08:55:57] tagged and tag pushed. web page merged and released. [09:01:54] Great, thanks. [09:12:12] Hmm, the web change seems not to be in effect yet [09:23:24] --- wiesand has left [09:57:59] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [10:50:15] --- deason has left [12:15:17] The web pages are live now. Whatever/whoever it was: thanks. [12:15:27] me. i don't know why it didn't happen the first time [12:16:30] Thanks again, and Happy Holidays! [12:20:59] --- stephan.wiesand has left