[01:39:09] --- wiesand has become available [06:46:45] --- Marc Dionne has become available [06:58:11] --- deason has become available [06:59:33] Hello Andrew and Marc [06:59:45] hi Stephan [06:59:51] mornin'. [07:00:04] Good morning Ben. Is anyone else actually here? [07:01:04] Probably not. Jeffrey said that Derrick and he probably wouldn't be available. [07:01:21] So let's make it a brief one. [07:01:28] Marc: Any Linux news? [07:01:29] Hmm, I should probably go actually look at the agenda. [07:01:41] just tested this morning with current git, still ok [07:01:50] Good, thanks. [07:02:05] hi, all [07:02:09] odds that that 3.12 will be released over the weekend, unless LInus decides to do another rc [07:02:14] hi Andrew [07:03:04] It'd be nice if 3.12 were released soon. [07:03:19] Does anyone have any information regarding the state of a Mavericks client? [07:03:48] sounds like it panics on creating symlinks [07:03:54] :-( [07:04:15] at least for one guy [07:04:33] derrick would be the one to ask [07:04:59] right... [07:05:13] Ok, next topic: the 10354 stack. [07:05:45] I think it needs some more review. [07:05:51] Or doesn't it? [07:06:18] I can get some this week [07:07:11] I also have to admit I hadn't time to run a test build with this in. Shoudl manage later today. [07:07:40] I think I started glancing at them and decided that I wasn't very familiar with that part of the code. [07:08:00] Fair enough. [07:08:09] i'll try to go have a closer look through the set, fwiw [07:08:31] Thanks. I saw you already reviewed one of them. [07:09:45] Ok, on to the BSD changes. [07:09:56] Sorry they're so late. [07:10:09] I see there are pullups now. Are these complete yet? [07:10:09] (Including the one I just pushed a minute ago, 10381.) [07:10:19] reloading... [07:10:44] I need to re-test in my 9.2 and 10.0 VMs, but the code is identical to what I had staged previously. [07:12:13] --- squinney has become available [07:12:34] Do you want me to put a +1 in when I've done that? [07:12:55] Yes, please. [07:13:17] Okay, will do. They should all be simple and/or freebsd-specific. [07:14:48] At first glance, they all look ok to me. [07:15:20] Sounds good. [07:16:09] Still, they should be reviewed by others before merging. But I don't expect any objections. [07:17:04] Fine. Last topic: As you can see, I haven't had time to push a next draft of the release notes yet. [07:17:33] But I believe I have all the input I need for what's up there to do so (thanks). [07:18:08] Of course the list will have to grow a bit, too with the new changes lined up for inclusion. [07:18:15] Help welcome ;-) [07:18:23] I have an open issue about the clang/lwp stack alignment issues I see on freebsd, but I don't think I can really ask other people to put much time into it. [07:18:29] I'm considering whether it's worth testing a build with -mstackrealign applied only to lwp.c, since that would be a more narrowly scoped change. I still don't have a good sense for where in the stack the best place to check for that flag and introduce it is, though. [07:19:46] Sorry can't help there. [07:20:51] Andrew, any thoughts? [07:21:50] I'm not sure I understand; do you mean "where in the stack" as in the stack of gerrit commits? [07:21:57] Hmm, I see the lwp.o rule already has a special case for rs_aix*. [07:22:05] or what files to use -mstackrealign? [07:22:35] Where in the build order. The check would need to be at configure time, I suppose, but does the extra information go in Makefile.config, or directly into the Makefile, or somewhere else? [07:23:54] this is a configure check? I thought it was always on freebsd of certain versions or something [07:24:23] That flag is clang-specific, unfortunately. [07:24:44] So, we would need to either check for the flag at configure time, or have some way of knowing wither CC is clang or gcc or other. [07:24:55] configure sets MSTACKREALIGN, and a makefile.in references @MSTACKREALIGN@ somehow [07:25:03] something like that, is what I would expect [07:25:23] or more conventially, MSTACKREALIGN=@MSTACKREALIGN@, and then $(MSTACKREALIGN) later [07:25:38] Okay, I'll take a look at that. [07:27:17] Anything else to discuss today? [07:28:18] Marc, thanks for the +1s [07:28:50] no problem [07:29:57] Ok then. I'll stay online for a while, but this concludes the meeting. Thanks everyone. [07:30:34] Thanks, Stephan. [07:54:36] --- deason has left [09:22:07] --- wiesand32022 has become available [09:22:07] --- wiesand32022 has left [09:22:07] --- wiesand59713 has become available [09:22:07] --- wiesand59713 has left [09:22:07] --- wiesand33807 has become available [09:22:08] --- wiesand33807 has left [09:22:08] --- wiesand14702 has become available [09:22:08] --- wiesand14702 has left [09:22:08] --- wiesand10992 has become available [09:22:31] --- wiesand has left [09:28:17] --- squinney has left [09:33:39] --- wiesand10992 has left [10:33:38] --- Marc Dionne has left