[09:34:06] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [09:34:22] test [09:35:29] I hear you [09:35:38] fyi, I will not be present tomorrow [09:35:55] Pity. [09:36:15] But good to know. I probably shouldn't put 1.9 on the agenda then. [09:36:26] I'm teaching a full day class [09:38:19] Ah, I guess the 1.9 can wait another week. [09:39:10] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [09:51:20] --- stephan.wiesand has left [09:51:34] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [09:56:35] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [09:57:03] Hmm, WiFi at the Hotel seems a little flaky. [10:00:16] --- stephan.wiesand has left [10:23:35] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [11:02:07] --- stephan.wiesand54586 has become available [11:02:07] --- stephan.wiesand54586 has left [11:02:07] --- stephan.wiesand55306 has become available [11:02:07] --- stephan.wiesand55306 has left [11:02:07] --- stephan.wiesand5732 has become available [11:02:28] --- stephan.wiesand has left [11:22:43] --- stephan.wiesand5732 has left [21:33:11] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Disconnected [21:39:10] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [23:36:15] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [23:36:17] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available