[00:24:39] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [00:25:12] trying Jabber... [00:35:09] Hi [00:47:59] Hi Ken. This is my 1st attempt to use jabber. [00:48:30] you're doing well so far! [00:49:27] thanks. [00:49:48] wondering whether we're still supposed to call a meeting tomorrow.. [00:59:34] yeah, I got the impression that Jeff was leaving that in your hands [01:03:25] notice seems a bit short to me - but waiting for another week seems bad as well [01:07:06] I have no problem with cutting a "pre1" right now, based on HEAD (7472866c71fddd7f7954b683b2b147bfd671cf7f) [01:08:27] I know Jeff wanted to get Linux 3.7 support in, but imho we should just go with what's there [01:08:47] I'm setting up a test cell tonight based on 7472866c [01:16:01] good. [01:16:39] still, Jeff and Derrick wanted to check for "forgotten" patches on master before pre1 [01:25:21] I emailed Derrick about that to find out if he has a script or something to do that. Maybe I wasn't communicating properly because he forwarded me an email thread that didn't seem to have a script [01:25:50] NB isn't Linux 3.7 addressed in 5aae6e0c ? [01:26:34] there's a script for generating the list: http://www-afs.secure-endpoints.com/afs/your-file-system.com/public/openafs/list-master-patches-not-on-branch.pl [01:28:43] after fixing the msdog linebreaks, set $stable to origin/openafs-stable-1_6_x unless that's your current HEAD already [01:44:36] current list: http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~wiesand/master-patches-not-on-1_6_x.txt.bz2 [01:46:26] awesome, that is the Perl script I was looking for! [05:00:55] --- ktdreyer has left [05:01:16] --- ktdreyer has become available [06:26:00] --- meffie has become available [06:58:06] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [07:02:45] I believe that https://rt.central.org/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=131505 will need to be addressed for 1.6.2 [07:02:59] There may also be one or two OSX issues [07:08:22] Noted. I'm also wondering about gerrit 8484. [07:16:51] Hmm, from what I remember of the issue motivating 8484, it should probably come. [07:19:28] I am a little bit wondering whether we should make good on the Elders' threat in http://www.openafs.org/pages/no-more-des.html and start allowing kaserver to be disabled, but this is not really an urgent thing. [07:25:33] I'd rather defer this to 1.6.3 at least... [07:28:54] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [07:38:26] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [08:00:00] there should be no changes in the status of kaserver in a stable release series [08:01:11] 8484 should go in 1.6.2 [08:01:44] Making it possible to optionally build without kaserver should be acceptable? [08:02:29] on master [08:03:40] 8512 and 8513 or something else that fixes the RX_INVALID_OPERATION abort problem needs to be in 1.6.2 or the change that added RX_INVALID_OPERATION aborts needs to be removed before 1.6.2 [08:16:14] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [08:35:43] --- meffie has left [08:41:42] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [09:25:44] Ken, stupid question: how exactly do you create the source tarball for your test cell? [09:28:20] no problem. Let me send you the script I use [09:38:09] my code is at https://gitorious.org/ktdreyer/openafs-nightly/trees/master [09:38:49] I run "./package-openafs", and it does most of the work inside a mock chroot [09:41:01] as explained in the comments, it would be much easier if we tag directly on the 1_6_x branch, so "git describe" will work again [09:42:16] the "make-release" script, ./build-tools/make-release, is supposed to be able to use "git describe" to figure out the version automatically [09:42:26] it will after 1.6.2 [09:43:08] cool [09:43:45] I believe tagging directly on 1_6_x is supposed to be the standard procedure, and the 1.6.1 branch was an exception. [09:44:13] correct [09:44:21] ah, great [09:45:02] commits were pushed to openafs-stable-1_6_x that were not meant for 1.6.1 so we had to branch from an earlier point for the release series [10:16:48] --- mmeffie has become available [10:22:19] --- mmeffie has left [10:22:31] --- mmeffie has become available [10:23:16] --- mmeffie has left [10:31:58] --- stephan.wiesand has left [10:50:59] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [11:03:05] --- stephan.wiesand has left [13:59:10] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Disconnected [14:04:01] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [17:07:26] --- edgester has become available [17:10:52] --- edgester has left [23:05:50] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [23:17:27] --- Stephan Wiesand has left