[08:08:33] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [08:13:15] --- shadow@gmail.com/owl8EEDA0A2 has become available [09:03:29] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [09:03:38] Right place? [09:07:37] Wrong time [09:14:09] --- jhutz@jis.mit.edu/owl has become available [09:28:55] --- mdionne has become available [09:36:49] at the top of the hour [09:37:27] Yeah. BST != UTC [09:38:37] 22 minutes [09:38:59] --- haba has become available [09:39:20] --- meffie has become available [09:39:26] OK; can we stop reporting every 2 minutes when the meeting will be? [09:40:13] ok. next update in 3 minutes then [09:43:28] While waiting, we can play the following video: /afs/stacken.kth.se/home/haba/pict/own/2010/06/22/mov01856.3gp ;-) [09:44:05] hey, i thought it was midsommer! (except i mocked you for your link which said it wasn't) [09:45:39] The midsummer business is an interresting one. Physically it IS midsummer (the shortest night etc etc) but I had forgotten that in Sweden the midsummer is moved to the friday AFTER because otherwise noone would work for the whole week. [09:47:01] So it's just another artificial festival? [09:47:08] However, the evening sun is shining and I should go out and have a cool beer in the sun instead. ;-) [09:47:32] It's just moved 2 days. [09:47:38] Same here. However, I will wait until after the meeting. [09:47:45] I do get the friday off [09:47:53] sun's out here. i am having a beer inside while the new iphone sets up [09:48:29] --- Russ has become available [09:48:30] You got an iPhone 4? [09:49:33] yessir. [09:49:41] Eh Simon, we now got a Cray in the computer room. Do you have any contact with someone who is already running such a beast? I will not be main responsible, but I expect that we want AFS clients sooner (rather) or later. [09:50:25] I don't, no. [09:50:49] What do Crays use for their front end these days? [09:51:17] The whole thing runs a stranegely hacked version of SuSE [09:51:42] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [09:52:18] --- cg2v has become available [09:52:52] does anyone need me to generate a current ChangeLog? i assume yinz are basically familiar with what's in the tree or won't have time to read it all anyway if you're not [09:53:37] Yeah. I think a ChangeLog against the 1.4 branch point is just going to be insane. [09:54:53] * cg2v wonders how much openafs-devel he can skim in 10 minutes [09:55:37] i bet the loudest part of what you skip is the --enable-fast-restart discussion [09:56:22] Yeah. There's scarier changes than that :) [09:56:41] i agree. but most of it wasn't loudly discussed [09:56:53] --- tkeiser has become available [09:56:54] Simon: One of the other few Crays in Europe is at the EPCC, that's why I was asking. [09:58:05] They don't run AFS, sadly. I think they've just started trialling NFSv4, the poor souls. [09:58:18] --- meffie has left [09:58:40] --- deason has become available [09:59:05] --- meffie has become available [09:59:44] The Cray runs NFS internally because some can boot diskless without NFS, some can't [10:00:14] Seems that we would be the first ones to try. Hm. This will be fun.... [10:00:30] > we now got a Cray in the computer room. maybe you want to talk to moose? or maybe kenh; I can't remember if they had one [10:01:38] (and I would not be sad if I would find a reason to say hello to you Simon) [10:02:06] ok. well. i wonder what the odds are everyone who is coming is here [10:02:15] since, well, we're on. [10:02:46] tjhsst has or a had a cray, but it may be so old as to not be useful [10:02:56] Are you expecting anyone else? [10:03:13] probably not [10:03:18] (cray sv1, I think? I know nothing about them, so I don't know how useless that is) [10:03:28] You never expect the spanish ... just begin ;-) [10:03:39] Shall we begin then. Hazel's home and we have dinner plans ... [10:03:42] so i guess we should start with where we are: it's not really controversial, since, well, it just is [10:04:00] --- tkeiser has left [10:04:11] at this point we have what seems to be stable dafs. i (and probably others) are still testing [10:04:11] Can I suggest that someone open RT tickets for everything that we decide needs doing before 1.6? [10:04:15] --- tkeiser has become available [10:04:28] That sounds like a great idea. [10:04:29] sure. we can tie them all to a single ticket to make it obvious [10:04:35] (a dependency ticket) [10:05:12] We have the technology [10:05:43] we have considerable updates since 1.4 in many spaces, especially thanks to warning killing, so even if you don't use new features, and even if you're not touching the fileserver, there's been a lot of code touched [10:05:50] things which i believe today to be issues: [10:06:02] 1) weak testing of sys5ish platforms: aix, hpux, irix [10:06:40] > we have what seems to be stable dafs by what metric? what do we have in the way of tests or something? it would be nice to be able to generate confidence that it's correct, rather than just a lot of "it hasn't broken for me yet" anecdotes. [10:06:50] 2) weak testing of non-dafs fileserver. well. i guess more "insufficiently broad" rather than weak. i have been running both ongoingly in real service in several environments [10:07:28] jeff, the tests (that i have) are still being rewritten so they can ship [10:07:36] they are not ready to be committed yet [10:07:49] i believe there are other tests but i can't volunteer anyone else's effort or code [10:07:53] you mean, the tests you did umpteen years ago for MS, or something else? [10:07:57] something else [10:08:14] and not just "it hasn't broken for me yet", but "it has been breaking much less than it used to", if that's something [10:08:17] when these tests appear they will be in openafs/tests/ [10:08:19] I don't believe that we need to be stable to branch 1.6 [10:08:47] Stanford University funded development of a test suite for demand attach, which is what Derrick is talking about. [10:08:50] sure. but my belief is we are anyway, which will help in getting further testing [10:09:12] Simon, I thought that was the definition of 1.6 [10:09:21] It's the definition of 1.6.0 [10:09:22] branching 1.6 != releasing 1.6 [10:09:22] We need to be stable to release 1.6. [10:09:23] branch 1.6, not release 1.6 [10:09:36] oh, yes, sure. [10:09:40] note that today we have no unstable branch [10:09:42] Stabilizing on a branch versus stabilizing on master is one of those long-standing procedural debates. [10:09:44] we have master, and we have 1.4 [10:09:45] We have to approach this as the start of a process, rather than it's completion. [10:09:52] Sorry, stray ' [10:10:03] yay, you caught yourself before i did:) [10:10:16] --- tkeiser has left [10:10:38] --- tkeiser has become available [10:10:41] so anyway, back to where i was [10:11:05] --- meffie has left [10:12:14] other platforms have been tested more completely, notably linux 2.6 and macos, and there has been more attention to solaris than any of the sys5y platforms have had [10:12:25] so, basically, the questions are [10:12:31] 1) what should go in before we branch [10:12:38] --- meffie has become available [10:12:38] 2) what if anything should come out before we branch [10:12:51] 3) when should we branch? (i think when 1 and 2 are done, but we should set a deadline) [10:13:44] likely candidates for 1 are in gerrit [10:13:55] however i believe we should provide one more: [10:14:02] And then ... what should go in before we release? [10:14:03] the equivalernt of fast-restart for dafs [10:14:22] Based on the discussion, if that's fairly easy to do and we can make it not a compile-time option, I'd like to do that. [10:14:27] well, i think we have to branch first, but yes, i guess we can talk about it now [10:14:42] I would like to see another 1.5 release before we branch. [10:14:45] russ: we can do a command line option. we should make it suitably named that people realize the risk [10:14:50] Since a ton of stuff has accumulated. [10:15:00] russ: agreed. i want 1.5.75, i needed to fix the rx mty thing for jeff [10:15:03] Yeah, I'm thinking of some sort of --destroy-my-data fileserver flag. [10:15:04] mtu [10:15:05] we can continue to issue 1.5 releases after the branch [10:15:30] Indeed. [10:15:31] Jeff: Yeah, but I think it's worthwhile to do a 1.5 release from master immediately before the branch since it then serves as a synchronization point. [10:15:31] i assume we will issue more 1.5 releases post-branching, from the 1.6 branch, until we are ready for RCs [10:16:05] Personally, I think we should consider moving to RCs immediately. [10:16:08] Then immediately after that release, we branch and change the version number on master to 1.9. [10:16:14] i'd like 1.5.75 before we issue any rc [10:16:18] Me too. [10:16:22] I take it from your earlier comments that the newer parallel salvaging stuff will not be going in? [10:16:25] That's fine. [10:16:36] But once we've branched, I think we should only cut RCs from the 1.6 branch. [10:16:45] deason: i'd prefer not, simply as it's a new batch of code to test [10:16:52] but i am but one voice there [10:17:01] after we branch 1.5.x and 1.6.RCs only from the branch, not master [10:17:01] I think the ship has sailed for big shiny newness on 1.5 [10:17:04] I want to test a 1.5.75 fileserver before the rc frency begins. But it would not need the whole binary stuff. [10:17:08] > the equivalernt of fast-restart for dafs what does that mean? [10:17:25] it means "don't assume anything needs a salvage even if shutdown was unclean" [10:17:32] if possible, I'd like to break out and submit some of the internal salvaging changes for 1.6.... [10:17:36] except this is safer as the demand salvage will still happen [10:17:42] deason: ok, that sounds reasonable [10:17:50] wrt dafs 1.6, there is another change we need to make before the release: fsstate.dat needs to record a copy of the capabilities bit vector and fileserver runtime options so that we can determine at startup whether or not to throw away callbacks... [10:17:51] to make some things possible, some things were done e.g. taking away global variables and putting them in a struct that's passed around [10:18:05] doing that in 1.6 will make pullups easier for e.g. salvaging changes [10:18:09] I think we need to think about freezing the 1.6 branch for a while. [10:18:18] Otherwise, the testing we get will be less than helpful. [10:18:19] tom: can you open an rt ticket for that? even just brief mail to -bugs [10:18:28] sure [10:18:31] So, have a period between branch and 1.6.0 in which only bug fixes make it in. [10:18:41] Absolutely no new features. Not even little ones. [10:18:41] simon: after 1.5.75 we can freeze for e.g. a week? [10:18:55] Agreed with Simon. [10:18:55] Well, I think we should freeze the branch for as long as it takes. [10:18:59] I suspect we'll need longer than a week. [10:19:05] well, gotta start somewhere [10:19:07] also, if the newer pthreaded ubik stuff is not going in, the ReadAnyWrite interface could be pulled [10:19:27] and if we get reports, fixing them is more helpful than asking people to test knowing they will report the same again and again [10:19:28] Once the first RC is issued, bug fixes only until the release. That really should be true for _every_ "stable" release. [10:19:37] andrew: nothing uses it, so it's harmless to stay [10:19:40] --- meffie has left [10:19:52] jhutz: I sympathise, but I'm not interested in that conversation right now. [10:19:53] --- meffie has become available [10:20:04] jhutz: it depends how you construe bug. also, ==sxw [10:20:13] Sure, we can fix bug reports. But nothing that isn't a bug fix. [10:20:16] At this point, pulling code is a risk even if no one calls it, and it doesn't fix a bug, so we can just leave it. [10:20:32] I'm a little uneasy about keeping an interface in the tree that is known to be broken, but... [10:20:40] fine, so let's limit the scope to the present release. [10:20:43] then add a comment! [10:20:49] add 2. they're cheap [10:20:56] can the interface be removed if it isn't used and put back after the branch ? [10:21:04] --- zuluchas has become available [10:21:07] we could do that [10:21:14] We can do 1.5.x's for a while, but once 1.6.0rc1 is cut, no non-bug-fixes on the 1.6 branch until 1.6.0 is cut [10:21:15] I'm with Russ with regards the risk thing. [10:21:38] Once the 1.6 branch is cut, no non-bug-fixes on that branch until 1.6.0 is cut. [10:21:39] in this case i don't think there's much risk. just roll back basically the most recent patch in the code [10:21:41] me too [10:21:42] --- zuluchas has left [10:22:01] jhutz: "me too" untargeted? not useful [10:22:02] and the interface in this particular case was just added... what, a week or two ago? [10:22:07] yeah [10:22:15] Okay, so maybe I'm more happy with rolling that back. [10:22:16] in this case i am comfortable pulling [10:22:20] perhaps not generally [10:22:24] Oh, okay. [10:22:31] > Once the 1.6 branch is cut, That's fine too, as far as I'm concerned. but then, why do any 1.5.x releases from the branch. "me too" with regard to the risk thing [10:22:36] For Windows, we also need to plan for runtime defaults changing once the 1.6 RCs have started. That will block future 1.5.x releases from the branch. [10:22:39] Yeah, not having people use it by mistake is a minor good, and if it's brand new and hasn't been in a 1.5 release, let's just pull it. [10:22:48] We can put back the fixed version after we branch. [10:22:50] I don't think we should do 1.5.x release from the 1.6 branch. That way lies insanity. [10:22:51] but ==russ (again), too [10:22:52] --- zuluchas has become available [10:23:05] --- haba has left [10:23:16] jeff: explain what runtime defaults you expect will change? [10:23:27] also: are you proposing you want 1.5 releases after 1.6 rcs start [10:23:32] Simon: We're going to be doing 1.7 releases from what's essentially a 1.8 branch going forward, though, aren't we? [10:23:49] I mean, 1.5 basically is alpha candidates for 1.6. To me, they're the same sequence. [10:24:09] russ: i agree, i want to confirm jeff agrees [10:24:09] We switch from 1.5.x to 1.6 RC when, well, we have RCs. [10:24:14] Well, I see it as master being a branch to which we apply unstable numbers, and each of the stable sequences as being branches from master. [10:24:32] so, we end up in a funny corner. suppose we release 1.5.75 (is that next?) and then branch 1.6 from that. ~nothing should then appear on the 1.6 branch that doesn't also appear on master, naturally, since that would get things out of sync. but people are going to want to keep doing development before 1.6.0 is released. Do we call those 1.5.x releases, even though they're from after teh 1.6.0 branch point? [10:24:58] i think we do [10:25:00] jhutz: As soon as we branch, master should become 1.9. [10:25:00] If you want people to test then 1.6.0rc1 is a much bigger incentive than 1.5.96, imo. [10:25:07] Simon: Agreed. [10:25:22] I don't think we should be doing development releases until 1.6.0 is out of the door. Lets focus our attention. [10:25:38] Yeah, but we should do the version number change on master anyway in case people build Git snapshots. [10:25:42] If 1.6.0 takes months, then we can reconsider that. [10:25:52] > master should become 1.9. so we release 1.9.1 or whatever before 1.6.0? I mean, releasing 1.9.x before any 1.7.x or 1.8.x is already going to be confusing enough. [10:26:01] If 1.6.RCs take three months (the 1.4.RCs took longer) then we will need a mechanism to continue issuing Windows releases. For Windows, since 1.5.x is production it was agreed that runtime defaults would not change nor would packaging changes be made until 1.6.RCs. Things that were discussed on the list were removal of afscreds.exe, afs_config.exe, modifications to the installer defaults, changing the defaults for some other settings. [10:26:04] No, I don't think we should release from master until after 1.6 is out. [10:26:04] simon wants to do versioning differently (with git tags). we can do that eventually. but it's not for today [10:26:07] I'm just saying change the version. [10:26:13] I'd quite like to land the change that means that builds from git snapshots so that development release don't have numbers. [10:26:18] --- haba has become available [10:26:20] Speaking of which, one of the things that I'd like -- ==Simon. [10:26:24] I want to get that in before we branch. [10:26:27] In some form or another. [10:26:41] jeff: then i will pose that if we need to we branch a "continuing 1.5 release series" from the 1.6 branch [10:26:47] and make windows releases there [10:26:48] ==derrick [10:26:51] with the old defaults [10:27:01] if we need it, and not if not [10:27:10] ==derrick. [10:27:12] And we should only build those releases for Windows. [10:27:13] Branches are cheap. [10:27:15] yes [10:27:20] (so no Mac, or unix builds from them) [10:27:28] Maintained branches aren't cheap, but this one should be cheap. [10:27:33] I think PR wise, we want to push everyone at 1.6.0rc being where they need to be. [10:27:39] a windows-only 1.5 branch would be cheap [10:27:46] Right. [10:27:49] when we think it is, yes [10:27:50] Simon: Agreed. [10:27:59] I agree with adding the RC to get people to test. [10:28:00] OK, what if we do two branches at basically the same time. One is the 1.6 branch, from which 1.6 RC's and 1.6.0 are released. The other is the 1.5 "stable" branch, used for doing further stable releases for Windows (and MacOS X?), but _not_ for new development. New development happens on master, with the next release being a 1.9.x, but (tentatively) not until after 1.6.0 is out. [10:28:16] Not Mac OS X. [10:28:19] But yes. [10:28:30] --- edgester has become available [10:28:31] jhutz: Agreed. I'd prefer not to release a 1.9.0 until we get 1.7.0 out, for that matter, but that may be too hard. [10:28:31] dammit, I take too long to type things [10:28:50] i'd prefer to defer the 1.5 continuing branch until the 1.6 branch becomes rcs [10:29:04] We can always make the branch whenever. [10:29:06] yes [10:29:12] Yeah. You can branch from any point in time. [10:29:13] I vote we make the branch at the point when we decide we have to make another 1.5 release. [10:29:16] but i'd prefer later to earlier [10:29:16] We might never need to. [10:29:20] yes [10:29:28] defer as long as possible [10:29:41] So, what do we need to do before we cut the 1.6 branch? [10:29:51] Get in some variation of Simon's versioning patch. [10:29:53] Release 1.5.75. [10:30:02] what in gerrit should go in [10:30:15] what do you branch from? It can't be the 1.6.0 branch, once the incompatible for-6.0 changes Jeff is talking about happen. And it shouldn't be master, once further development has happened, since continuing 1.5.x is not supposed to have new development. [10:30:16] andrew, what do you believe we need in terms of bugfixes from your pending changes? [10:30:18] we should cut a 1.5.x branch from the 1.6 branch prior to any Windows defaults or installation changes hit [10:30:26] I think we need to build both dafs and normal fileservers side by side. [10:30:30] jhutz: We would branch from 1.5.75 to make more Windows-only 1.5 releases. [10:30:38] jhutz: what jaltman said should be fine [10:30:44] or that [10:30:49] derrick: trying to look and read here at the same time, lemme see... [10:30:51] simon: in every build? [10:30:54] Yes [10:30:56] deason: understood [10:30:57] But note that we can cut a "continuing 1.5" branch from same branch point as the 1.6 branch, even if we actually _do_ it months later. [10:31:15] are we going to do something about the linktable collision thing rainer and I were arguing about? [10:31:16] rxgk, rxk5 are not in master, right? [10:31:19] I don't care where we cut the continuing 1.5 branch now. [10:31:21] jhutz: Correct. [10:31:26] 1903/1940 [10:31:33] --- meffie has left [10:31:33] --- tkeiser has left [10:31:35] deason: i [10:31:37] I don't mind if rainer's version goes in; it's better than nothing [10:31:39] Should the output table stuff in libcmd go in before the branch? [10:31:48] i'd prefer to do it right but we could take rainer's version [10:31:51] --- meffie has become available [10:31:52] Russ: I don't think so. There are no callers [10:31:56] --- tkeiser has become available [10:31:59] Shall we do this with a bit more structure? [10:32:10] simon: "this" [10:32:13] I'll paste in the summary of each gerrit change, and we can discuss [10:32:16] simon: there's a caller in another gerrit changeset [10:32:19] simon: ok [10:32:21] I thought [10:32:22] Works for me. [10:32:31] deason: Yeah, I think so too. [10:32:41] Windows: Cleanup of src/config/NTMakefile [10:32:44] --- matt has become available [10:32:44] > I think we need to build both dafs and normal fileservers side by side. Me too, unless we can figure out how to make it a runtime option. $prefix/libexec/fileserver needs to always be a non-dafs fileserver. Much better for it to not exist at all on a dafs-only build than for it to exist and be the wrong kind. [10:33:20] I think that one is a no-brainer. Anyone else? [10:33:34] yes, we take [10:33:34] Yup, in. [10:33:48] vos: Interpret VLOP_* lock flags [10:33:49] Russ: the output table stuff, i thought there were questions if that belongs in libcmd [10:33:53] In. [10:33:55] VLOP flags: in [10:33:56] meffie: There are. [10:34:06] Can we discuss in order? We'll get to libcmd. [10:34:08] I asked in part because I know it's controversial. But we'll get there. [10:34:21] for dafs vs non-dafs. Can the "fileserver" process accept a -dafs option that causes it to exec() dafs-fileserver? [10:34:31] jeff: wait [10:34:33] Only issue with VLOP is if it breaks things that parse command output. [10:34:34] VLOP: in, but assuming people are okay with that output format [10:34:46] well, it's only adding new lines, not changing any existing ones [10:34:46] But I think that's fine across a release boundary. [10:34:55] So, in as far as I'm concerned. [10:35:02] that output shouldn't break any reasonable parser [10:35:08] Well, it's okay across a release boundary as long as it doesn't break things badly, but that in particular should be fine. [10:35:11] also "it's locked". you already lost [10:35:13] VLOP flags: in [10:35:13] I say that as someone who parses vos output. [10:35:16] Cool. [10:35:17] windows don't include afsconfig.h and afs/param.h in util_cr.c [10:35:27] I think we're rejecting that one. [10:35:35] we are? does util_cr need them? [10:35:39] For assert. [10:35:43] This is fallout from a bigger change - that assert.h has gained dependencies due to my work with clang [10:35:51] the fix to util_cr.c will be required by 1.5.75 [10:35:52] it's a very early . ah. crap. [10:35:54] > I say that as someone who parses vos output. Me too [10:35:57] yes, i thought so [10:36:00] (required) [10:36:07] so util_cr needs to not assert [10:36:11] Oh, okay. [10:36:15] Marc has also pointed out that we need to fix the way Linux calls osi_Assert() [10:36:17] Then in, but not that version of the patch. [10:36:22] it does not. assert need to be removed. Matt and I are working on it [10:36:29] (because it requires osi_AssertFailK, which normally doesn't return to return) [10:36:38] I'll fire that at RT. [10:36:44] yes, so we don't assert. a different version. anyway, next [10:37:00] vldb_check: Interpret VLOP_* vlentry flags [10:37:03] in [10:37:03] In. [10:37:11] Don't hold on to the afs_xvcache lock while creating a symlink [10:37:15] in imo [10:37:23] after investigation it's right [10:37:27] In, I think, although the risk does scare me a little. [10:37:32] albeit with a better comment [10:37:32] vldb_check: in [10:37:36] We already have LocalHero races, though, so what's one more. [10:37:42] it shouldn't race. [10:37:49] either my rpc wins, or it loses [10:37:51] * Russ doesn't know the code well enough to have an opinion. [10:37:53] Sure. [10:37:59] --- tkeiser has left [10:38:00] if mine wins, i am localhero [10:38:01] In, I think, but we should keep an eye on it. [10:38:09] ok [10:38:13] --- tkeiser has become available [10:38:20] An RPC test dispatch library for vice [10:38:21] and rainer says there's another patch pending to remove a xvcache hold across GiveUpCallbacks, btw [10:38:32] any idea if that's in a 1.6-ish "soon" timeline? [10:38:34] rpc test: in [10:38:39] Cool. [10:38:49] there should be no local hero race if we take that [10:38:52] ==sxw The description sounds right, but I haven't reviewed the code. The fileserver certainly should be able to do atomicity [10:38:55] I'm not sure it matters whether the RPC test library makes it in or not, since I don't think the caller is going to make it in, but it's also fine. [10:39:08] russ: i'd like it as it will ease other testing [10:39:12] Then in. [10:39:18] --- haba has left [10:39:20] rpc test: nothing is calling it in tree, it's harmless either way [10:39:29] deason: I think any major changes that haven't made it into gerrit yet, are probably out for 1.6.0, unless we decide now that they're release blockers [10:39:33] in general, anything in /tests is fair gamre to change whenever [10:39:37] can we slow down just a tad [10:39:39] it's not part of the binary release. [10:39:43] ==derrick [10:39:49] --- meffie has left [10:39:50] jhutz: only if you promise not to make things drag on for hours [10:39:50] --- haba has become available [10:40:03] --- cg2v has left [10:40:11] tests is very new and is going to be in flux for a while, and should not be considered horribly stable at this point. I don't expect 1.6 to have a meaningful make check; that's for later. [10:40:13] Yeah; it'd be nice to have time to type up something before you've gone on to the next one. [10:40:23] type faster. i hunt and peck [10:40:24] --- meffie has become available [10:41:03] Okay if we move on? [10:41:09] fwiw, the next ones from me related to ubik/vlserver can be done as one chunk together; they're the same thing [10:41:20] It'd help a lot if people' messages weren't 1000 characters wide, so the window fits with my browser. [10:41:35] I have no opinion on RPC tests yet; I'm not entirely clear on what that change _is_ [10:41:41] Jaltman asked for NT build for rpc tests. I need an hour or two to test that [10:41:45] ... but I'm not asking to block while I figure it out :-) [10:41:49] ubik: Fix buffers for reading-during-writes and the rest of deason's ubik changes? [10:41:49] rpc tests: it's a test. you don't care [10:41:53] jhutz: Yeah, that's a client mismatch problem; not adding newlines makes them look better in other clients and is easier to type. [10:42:15] ubik changes: out, imo, unless he is distilling out needed patches [10:42:22] I'm a little scared of changing ubik in a way that seems rather fundamental this late in the game. [10:42:27] yes, ==russ [10:42:37] It is cool, but scary. [10:42:41] The change seems fine, but it seems like a 1.9 thing. [10:42:46] it will be cool for 1.9 too [10:42:51] yes, that's fine; I'm not pushing for 1.6 particularly fervently [10:43:13] Okay. Great. [10:43:14] should we discuss pulling the ReadAnyWrite interface at the same time, then? or... [10:43:24] Yeah, I think we should pull it for right now. [10:43:34] I'd agree that pulling it seems like a good plan. [10:43:38] Do you want to roll that patch? [10:43:51] ubik: sorry, but I agree with Russ and Derrick - some of those changes seem obviously OK, but others are scary [10:43:53] sure [10:43:58] should rt get a ticket? [10:44:05] yes, please. [10:44:16] that I will create? [10:44:16] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [10:44:16] --- tkeiser has left [10:44:17] Shall I handle RT? [10:44:17] --- jaltman has become available [10:44:29] or simon; either way [10:44:31] Whoever's willing would be great. [10:44:51] ok [10:45:05] I find myself wanting gerrit to have a feature whereby I, as a reviewer, can batch a set of changes together and review them collectively. [10:45:08] --- tkeiser has become available [10:45:27] 127520 in RT. [10:45:29] Moving on ... [10:45:54] cache-bypass explicitly reference pages involved in background i/o [10:46:01] I think this is safe, and uncontroversial. [10:46:04] In. [10:46:05] if we agree it's right, in [10:46:16] ==shadow [10:46:19] Is this a good point to talk about cache-bypass in general? [10:46:26] --- meffie has left [10:46:35] should we do configure options after gerrit? [10:46:39] Yes. [10:46:41] Okay. [10:46:42] that's a good question. is cache-bypass in? if so, does it stay? [10:46:52] Moving on, then... [10:46:53] vol: break callbacks when needsCallback is set [10:46:56] jhutz: already in, will stay, q is on by default, moving on for now [10:47:07] i think that's in. [10:47:13] In. [10:47:27] --- meffie has become available [10:47:28] In, as far as I'm concerned. [10:47:37] and now it *is* in [10:47:37] in [10:47:38] > If we are not the fileserver, tell the fileserver over FSSYNC to break callbacks if we can. When can this happen? [10:47:38] --- haba has left [10:47:49] volserver [10:47:49] dafs, I assume. [10:48:18] --- haba has become available [10:48:19] preparing rxosd integration: change in AFSFetchStatus [10:48:38] out [10:48:41] Out, as far as I'm concerned. I still don't think we've resolved the protocol field hijacking issues. [10:48:43] I think that's work on a new feature, so out. [10:48:47] so, it seems that if the volserver attaches such a volume, maybe it should wait until _after_ it's done whatever to tell the fs to break the callbacks (and in fact, in the non-dafs case the FS will figure it out), to avoid unnecessary duplicate breaks? But anyway, in, modulo changes. [10:49:07] Provide manpage for fssync-debug and most subcmds [10:49:11] yes [10:49:16] In. [10:49:19] AFSFetchStatus: out, and don't reuse protocol fields [10:49:19] Yup. [10:49:23] should we take as-is or wait for him to incorportate feedback [10:49:25] I'm inclined to push that right now and we'll add the other subcommands later. [10:49:30] jhutz: stale. i said it in the ticket [10:49:30] I think that's a good plan. [10:49:39] russ: push [10:49:52] I need to review and check POD syntax, but will do that hopefully today. [10:50:04] > i said it in the ticket you're two or three changes ahead of me again, I don't know how, and I'm barely keeping up _without_ reading the comments. [10:50:12] Add output-table to libcmd [10:50:18] I have to agree, slow down a touch [10:50:19] and Example usage of the tabular output in libcmd [10:50:19] out [10:50:39] there are no users of the new functionality, it should wait. [10:50:41] Sorry, I've been using IRC-like stuff at this speed for about twenty years, so I'm very, very used to it. [10:50:45] jhutz: if we break twice, it shouldn't do anything; first break deletes the callbacks, and no client can obtain more while volserver has the vol [10:50:57] ==russ [10:51:06] well, I'm trying to read diffs, comments on the diffs, and comments in here at the same time; I expect jhutz is too [10:51:09] I'm inclined to agree out for the libcmd stuff. Although I think someone should explain why to Christof, so he doesn't disappear again. [10:51:10] --- zuluchas has left [10:51:11] --- chaz has become available [10:51:11] --- tkeiser has left [10:51:19] man pages: documentation is always good libcmd: uh... [10:51:34] libcmd changes belong elsewhere (util, probably) imo [10:51:39] I think we should wait on the libcmd stuff, but agreed that we should say something in the review. [10:51:41] i understand why he picked libcmd [10:52:00] Happy to move on? [10:52:02] russ, so have I. I can keep up with conversation. Just not conversation about materials I am trying to evaluate in real-time when other people obviously knew this particular part of the discussion was coming and have formed opinions in advance. [10:52:10] I should probably say in the ticket that I have hopeful plans for doing something else with libcmd in the long run to make our option parsing more like the rest of the world without losing our special features. [10:52:14] --- tkeiser has become available [10:52:21] jhutz: Ah, yes, sorry. [10:52:28] fssync manpages: needs a couple of updates for accuracy, though [10:52:41] deason: Just the list command, yes? [10:52:42] I pointed him at the in-tree fssync.txt docs; I can update it or he can [10:52:56] well, he's missing the VGC* commands, which he said he was missing because he couldn't find any info on them [10:53:03] If we're waiting for Davor, we may have to wait for a while. [10:53:08] I don't care too much about missing subcommand documentation. [10:53:14] Right now, we're missing *all* the subcommands. [10:53:18] okay, I was about to say, or "option 3: we don't care" [10:53:39] but I don't mind fixing if he's not going to update that soon [10:53:58] I don't think we're looking at freezing documentation at the same point as code, so in/out probably doesn't matter as much for doc changes. [10:53:58] if you don't mind, please do [10:54:02] I vote we push his patch and then you or I do follow-up patches that correct things. That way, he gets the credit and the patch in. [10:54:09] yeah, that's fine. push then update [10:54:10] ==Russ [10:54:17] Credit is good [10:54:38] Onwards? [10:54:38] yeah, that sounds good [10:54:41] Yes, isn't it. [10:55:05] i prefer cash [10:55:07] unix cm rx-oblivious connection pooling [10:55:10] out [10:55:12] That's not ready. [10:55:13] --- haba has left [10:55:14] (not ready yet) [10:55:19] eval only [10:55:21] Okay. [10:55:22] So, there's something that ensures the order of thigns doesn't change when I reload the page, right? [10:55:35] hahahah gerrit? no [10:55:38] jhutz: Not entirely. The order will change if any of the patches are touched. [10:55:44] CM pooling: sounds cool, but no opinion on whether it's ready. [10:55:45] Including new review comments. [10:55:47] --- haba has become available [10:55:55] Oh, so don't do that. :-) [10:55:59] What I should have done is sort by Id before I started ... [10:56:01] Hey ho. [10:56:16] Try to flush vnodes in FBSD's unmount, bailing if necessary [10:56:20] well, the date ordering gives us some sanity in pooling related changes.. (sometimes) [10:56:23] There's another patchset, even that's not ready. This one has bugs, don't find them and yell. [10:56:27] that's FBSD-only. in is fine [10:56:29] --- meffie has left [10:56:32] Yes, fine. [10:56:33] That's fine. [10:56:39] in fact for FBSD-only i'm happy to continue taking right along [10:56:43] if it stays in src/afs/FBSD [10:56:44] --- meffie has become available [10:56:45] Agreed. It's basically a new platform. [10:56:56] Yeah. Given it's broken now, I think it's fair to keep pulling changes that have no impact. [10:56:58] since FBSD is currently yeah [10:57:00] yeah [10:57:09] Next? [10:57:23] yeah [10:57:25] Next. [10:57:27] Add replacement mkstemp and use it [10:57:34] as-is breaks windows [10:57:40] It can't go in as-is. [10:57:42] My feeling about this one is that we should pull libroken and use that. [10:57:47] But I think that's a 1.9 change. [10:57:48] I'm not sure if I'll get the time to rewrite the Windows side. [10:57:53] I don't like the libroken mkstemp. [10:57:58] But I can fix that in Heimdal. [10:58:12] Yeah - fix it in Heimdal, and we get the fixed one for free. [10:58:14] So, out? [10:58:18] out then, imo [10:58:21] This change is useful even if we pull libroken because it has a test suite that libroken doesn't have. [10:58:23] what was the motivation? [10:58:23] but out is fine. [10:58:40] jhutz: Stop using #ifdefs all over the code where we want to use mkstemp and just use mkstemp. [10:58:42] so split out the test suite, or get it into heimdal [10:58:44] jhutz: We have platforms on which we still use mktemp [10:58:53] which is gross [10:59:25] Out is fine. It's not been high on my priority list. [10:59:31] Hrm. I won't argue [10:59:34] Cool. Onwards... [10:59:40] And would require cycles from Jeff or someone else since I can't test on Windows. [10:59:49] ihandle positional read and write [10:59:49] next 2 are 1.4 [10:59:56] Yeah, skipping those. [10:59:58] ah, and you skipped them, good [11:00:03] out [11:00:07] needs testing [11:00:11] should just work but out [11:00:17] Okay, agreed. [11:00:18] Too late in the game. [11:00:28] Anyone want to disagree? [11:00:32] Going, going ... [11:00:35] out [11:00:37] "too late" well, it was submitted months ago... [11:00:37] i want to disagree. i'm like that [11:00:38] sad but true [11:00:38] but yeah [11:00:40] No. It worked, I heard. [11:00:51] it needed other things before it could be tested [11:00:56] deason: Yeah, I don't mean on the submission, but on the merging. [11:00:56] How many folks tried it. Not enough. [11:00:59] and there's only so much time [11:01:13] anyway [11:01:14] next? [11:01:17] seems like this could be a performance improvement later [11:01:23] hell yes [11:01:26] vlserver: Add a struct for trans-specific data [11:01:29] out [11:01:36] all the vlserver changes out imo [11:01:42] part of the ubik stuff from before, out [11:01:44] is there something that depends on this? [11:01:49] --- haba has left [11:01:49] fine [11:01:57] yes, the new ubik changes [11:01:57] Convert from using nvldbentry to uvldbentry [11:02:17] This is a prerequisite for another change, isn't it? [11:02:18] it's visible in some way which makes it not a no-brainer [11:02:26] changing "public" interfaces from last I heard, yes? [11:02:28] This has the potential to be an API change, depending on how you define our API. [11:02:31] that is required if we want to support uuids. I need to add compatibility interfaces [11:02:38] --- haba has become available [11:02:46] Oh, yes. vsutils/vsprocs is "public" [11:02:47] I can do that later today or tomorrow if we want it. [11:02:48] I'd be inclined to say out for 1.6 [11:03:00] i think out is easier, at least for 1.6.0 [11:03:03] Unless the Windows stuff in 1.7 will need it. [11:03:10] the motivation was adding "vos xxxx -printuuid" so that support would be easier [11:03:21] I think the next change is related, yes? [11:03:26] Which would be nice to have, but perhaps not for 1.6.0? [11:03:28] ==sxw; let's give us time to be sure the new API is right, then it can be pulled up mid-1.6.x as a backward-compatible API extension [11:03:31] yeah [11:03:41] that is fine [11:03:54] -printuuid thus also out [11:04:03] 1742 is dead, I think - comment says that it is going to be abandoned. [11:04:06] -printuuid will be abandoned [11:04:07] register: imo in, and we kill all other register keywords also [11:04:31] If we're going to kill register everywhere, now's the time, or we should wait until before we branch 1.10. [11:04:33] We'd always said that we were going to do a register and whitespace cleanup at the 1.6 branch [11:04:37] well, out as-is, but I agree for s/register/ for the whole tree at this point [11:04:40] Marcus even wrote a script to do it. [11:04:41] yes [11:04:47] I vote for killing register everywhere now. [11:04:51] register: in [11:04:53] the debate on "register" changes is to do it one directory at a time or the entire tree at once. [11:05:10] Will this make things painful for osd, rxk5, rxgk, Windows IFS for the merge? [11:05:11] I think we run Marcus's script across the whole tree. [11:05:26] Everyone else also runs the same script, maybe? [11:05:35] It's been handled for rxk5. Surely not Windows. OSD... [11:05:36] who's going to do it, if the whole tree? [11:05:36] I bet Git's going to get really confused by that. [11:05:39] do it globally same for reindent/whitespace (but a separate commit) having one commit that does the whole tree makes it easier to follow code history backwards across it [11:05:39] Yeah. That should actually solve merge pain. [11:05:44] i can do the whole tree [11:05:57] I'm pretty sure that if master runs the script and an external branch runs the script, that doesn't actually fix things. [11:05:59] Cool. Two RT tickets going your way. [11:06:01] You still get merge conflicts everywhere. [11:06:14] git will resolve the merge conflicts for you. [11:06:24] (Basically, it ends up applying patches) [11:06:28] You don't get conflicts where the changes are identical, but you do get conflicts that Git won't resolve everywhere where you also changed code as part of your work. [11:06:34] it should recognize that the change was 'replaced' by another change on a separate branch, I thought [11:06:36] --- tkeiser has left [11:06:38] --- meffie has left [11:06:54] You will probably get fewer conflicts if you rebase your external tree to reorder commits to put the cleanup first. [11:06:58] --- tkeiser has become available [11:07:06] But otherwise you're going to get conflicts on every change you made up until the change that does all the whitespace fixes. [11:07:08] --- meffie has become available [11:07:33] In other words, this is going to be a mess for external branches. [11:07:34] 127522 [11:07:45] yeah, but it will be no matter what, right? [11:07:53] It will be unless we never do it. [11:08:06] In which case it's only a mess for rxk5, which already did it. [11:08:21] I don't believe that it is as hard as you imply. [11:08:24] i don' [11:08:30] i don't care if it's hard for rxk5 [11:08:34] oh, I thought we were talking about 'register', but are we talking about whitespace? [11:08:35] since it never belonged there [11:08:39] --- haba has left [11:08:39] both [11:08:42] it shouldn't be a mess for rxk5 since the patches already have whitespace and register removal broken out [11:08:53] deason: If we're running Marcus's script, it's going to do all of it, both whitespace and register. [11:08:57] register is a much easier problem. [11:09:00] If your git-fu is strong, then I think you can work around the conflicts. [11:09:13] we can do register then run marcus' script [11:09:17] Marcus's script has options, IIRC, so will do what you ask it to. [11:09:21] register should merge fine nearly all the time. [11:09:32] register I think is clearly in; I'm not too worried about that part. [11:09:36] --- haba has become available [11:09:39] The conflicts will be straightforward and easy to resolve. [11:09:43] yeah, i think so [11:09:43] Whitespace is much more of a mess. [11:09:46] do we care about removing "register" from function parameter specifications? [11:09:53] yes [11:09:56] I'd prefer to nuke it everywhere. [11:09:57] for whitespace we're talking about fixing inconsistencies... not changing to all-spaces or something, right? [11:10:05] yes, making things consistent [11:10:07] yes, nuke it everywhere [11:10:10] We're talking about fixing what git regards as whitespace errors. [11:10:13] Trailing whitespace [11:10:15] Spaces in tabs. [11:10:18] okay [11:10:34] Unless we know of some platform where 'register' in a parameter declaration actually affects the calling convention, and then maybe we have a problem. [11:10:55] i know of none [11:10:58] As a keeper of a number of large external git trees, I think we should do it. [11:11:34] I'm definitely okay with doing the global cleanup from my own perspective; I don't care. [11:11:46] Cool. Lets do it, and see who screams :) [11:11:47] I'm in favor. [11:11:57] I do care about merging Windows IFS and rxgk and rxosd (and rxk5, but we make that easier), but if y'all don't care, then go for it. [11:12:19] I'm quite happy to talk people through the git stuff to make it hurt less. [11:12:19] The impact on IFS is minmal [11:12:43] next? [11:12:43] Okay, who's going to run the script and submit the change to Gerrit? [11:12:48] i'll do it [11:12:52] Cool. [11:12:57] I've assigned the bugs to you ... [11:12:59] yeah [11:12:59] --- tkeiser has left [11:13:01] Onwards! [11:13:10] --- meffie has left [11:13:13] --- tkeiser has become available [11:13:13] vice error table: out [11:13:26] WTF is this for? [11:13:27] it's for locking changes, which are new feature [11:13:35] Ah, that was my question. Out, then. [11:13:37] we need to represent more errors. nfsv4 has the same issue [11:13:52] wait, is this just running out of 256 errors? [11:14:04] it's "not mapping to E(something)" [11:14:06] well, not wait; fine to leave it out until we need it. [11:14:09] --- meffie has become available [11:14:12] It's about introducing meaningful symbolic error constants. [11:14:13] yes [11:14:16] out for now [11:14:18] anyway [11:14:21] Use git describe to determine build version [11:14:26] git describe for AFS_component_version.c [11:14:27] Oh, I see. errors that don't belong in UAE. Fine. [11:14:27] I think we want something like this. [11:14:31] git describe: in [11:14:31] In, but I don't like the current implementation. [11:14:31] i'd like it but not as is [11:14:40] I think I know what it should look like. [11:14:47] like, i don't want to force people to have a git binary [11:14:48] (We should be using git attributes) [11:14:49] otherwise, in [11:15:01] But let's discuss that later. [11:15:16] just comment in gerrit. anyway next [11:15:20] rxdebug: show delayed abort packet count for rx peers [11:15:29] out [11:15:31] needs stds work [11:15:43] Agreed. [11:15:47] Agreed [11:15:55] I really want that reporting feature, though. [11:16:00] Remove the global tempHeader/stuff structures [11:16:03] out, imo [11:16:06] yeah; that looks like a protocol change. [11:16:08] due to need to test [11:16:21] I would like this in. [11:16:24] tempHeader: no opinion [11:16:37] russ: does this affect something? [11:16:47] I don't know if I care either way; pullups should be fine without... no behavior modifications... [11:16:56] Sorry, one second -- let me see if this is the change I thought it was. [11:17:21] it incorporates a change from you but version 1 was never in, so it won't "fix" it? [11:18:02] Yes, I want this in; it fixes a bizarre aliasing problem, IIRC. [11:18:03] (next 4 are dependant on vol position i/o, btw, so are basically 'out') [11:18:19] I think this code is currently being built with -fno-strict-aliasing due to the thing this patch fixes. [11:18:21] ok, then i am ok with in [11:18:21] er, it does? I thought it just removed the global vars [11:18:36] Isn't this the one that fixes the problem where we were reusing a pointer variable as an offset? [11:18:39] Maybe I'm confused. [11:18:50] i thought the ptr var as offset was introduced in version 1 [11:18:58] and fixed in version 2 [11:19:08] yes, that was fixed between change 1 and change 2 [11:19:15] the original one didn't have anything like that [11:19:20] er, "the original code" [11:19:26] Oh, okay. Never mind. [11:19:31] Then I don't care. [11:19:35] Out? [11:19:44] I was remembering the 1 -> 2 delta and thinking 1 was the current state of the tree. [11:20:01] out then [11:20:11] --- meffie has left [11:20:18] Provide an abstract thread pool object [11:20:23] ouyt [11:20:25] out [11:20:26] out [11:20:26] next 4 are out [11:20:32] Yeah, those all look out. [11:20:36] Add AFS::ukernel libuafs perl bindings [11:20:44] is that ready yet? [11:20:45] I'd like more time to figure out how this fits into the build. [11:20:47] Out for right now, IMO. [11:20:48] do we care if perl bindings go to 1.6? [11:20:57] I can fix the things we need, I think, but [11:21:00] I think perl bindings could go in later in 1.6, if we need them. [11:21:00] I want them in the tree, but I don't see any compelling need to get them in 1.6. [11:21:10] So, out for 1.6.0? [11:21:13] probably not for 1.6.0 [11:21:21] that's fine with me; just need more time to work on it [11:21:22] i think they can go in whenever, it's new [11:21:23] Are we sure SWIG is the right approach? That's not consistent with existing perl bindings for AFS. [11:21:28] so out for now is fine [11:21:29] Let's not get into that now. [11:21:32] Extended callback implementation [11:21:34] yeah. out now [11:21:37] out for now [11:21:38] --- meffie has become available [11:21:38] Out for now. [11:21:39] er, perl out now [11:21:39] out [11:21:41] Out, but we want to take it for 1.9 [11:21:45] Yup. [11:21:48] extended callback... is the stds work done? [11:21:53] yes, i want extended callbacks badly, but not for 1.6 [11:21:58] yeah [11:22:03] jhutz: Done as anything can be, I think. [11:22:17] (bearing in mind that we don't have a stds process) [11:22:18] Oh; that reminds me; I have mail to send out [11:22:22] Anyway ... [11:22:29] Make file offsets in vldb layout unsigned ints. [11:22:33] in [11:22:35] In. [11:22:40] modifies public header [11:22:42] in [11:22:50] Now's the time. [11:22:52] in [11:22:57] in [11:22:59] public interface, that is [11:23:03] yeah, for 1.6.0 is the time, tho [11:23:04] can we fix all of them then? [11:23:04] are there other headers we should do the same for? [11:23:10] all of "them" [11:23:11] which them? [11:23:13] how so? the vldb on-disk format is not a public interface [11:23:31] yeah, it's vlentry, not vldbentry [11:23:32] My gut feeling is that unsigned <=> signed in a header is an acceptable change if it fixes a bug. [11:23:37] that too [11:23:42] it's not the on-disk header... bah, need to look [11:24:11] if you overflow your 31 bit type into the sign bit, or just declare it correctly, i'd rather just have correctly [11:24:13] (So I suspect that deason's long blocked change could be reconsidered, too) [11:24:20] instead of relying on it being right [11:24:32] it depends. i though deason's change wasn't on-disk? [11:24:36] if it is, we can push it [11:24:37] this might be something that should be removed from the public header entirely.... [11:24:39] deason's change is wire protocol. [11:24:41] which change is that? [11:24:42] yeah [11:24:45] or not, I'm trying to see [11:24:54] jhutz: using unsigned ints for IP addresses on the wire instead of signed. [11:25:00] the ubik one was just the libubik interfaces [11:25:00] does this mess with people whose volid's have rolled over? [11:25:02] Doesn't change the bits on the wire, but it's more wire-ish. [11:25:10] the RPC ones could change, but I didn't change those, I thought [11:25:19] Oh, maybe I'm misremembering what you submitted. [11:25:29] Anyway, we're not there yet. :) [11:25:39] Shall we see if we get to it before we all get bored/killed. [11:25:43] Moving on? [11:25:50] > using unsigned ints for IP addresses on the wire instead of signed. doesn't change the wire protocol, and in any case they're not integers; they're IP addresses. I could see reexamining that [11:25:54] well, hold on [11:26:05] * Russ has another five minutes and then has another meeting. [11:26:05] simon, any idea how many pages of this there are? [11:26:13] We have about 20 changes left. [11:26:15] 4 pages. we will not go all 4 [11:26:28] Oh, actually, not too much left [11:26:34] for the vlserver stuff; do these need to be in public header files at all? does anything use these besides vlserver internals? [11:26:56] don't change that now. moving on [11:26:59] a [11:27:05] B [11:27:08] Mention that -fakestat fakes local cellular mounts [11:27:12] in [11:27:15] (I will have to go soon too) [11:27:21] no in as-is [11:27:22] We decided to fix this a different way, but no one has had time to do the work. [11:27:28] Basically, the patch documents a bug. [11:27:29] were we going to redo? [11:27:30] I'd rather fix the bug. [11:27:34] we can fix the behavior to max the docs; do we need for 1.6.0? [11:27:38] But if no one has time to fix the bug, we should probably document the bug. [11:27:38] "match the docs" [11:27:40] --- meffie has left [11:27:49] We should do one or the other for 1.6.0 [11:27:50] i think we take as-is and when we fix, we fix docs [11:27:51] --- meffie has become available [11:27:51] so in [11:27:55] Sure. [11:27:56] Okay, in. [11:28:07] bosserver force corefiles [11:28:13] in, I think [11:28:15] in imo [11:28:22] in [11:28:23] In, although there are nits that should be fixed first. [11:28:32] Okay, so in with fixes [11:28:36] ok [11:28:41] Lockless path through afs_linux_dentry_revalidate [11:28:46] Out, imo. [11:28:49] 1.4 change. [11:28:49] how does I5b5e8c6a relate to Iba05ae77 ? [11:28:49] is 1.4 [11:28:50] out [11:28:53] --- tkeiser has left [11:28:57] --- haba has left [11:28:58] It's against the wrong branch, and is scary. [11:29:02] yes [11:29:06] --- tkeiser has become available [11:29:11] Reuse existing non-linktable special inodes [11:29:16] out; using rainer's change instead [11:29:17] --- haba has become available [11:29:26] Okay. [11:29:28] we should abandon then [11:29:36] yeah, I will [11:29:40] i did [11:29:46] oh, okay :) [11:29:47] xstat: fix large integer output [11:30:03] Ah, this may be the change I was remembering. [11:30:05] in? [11:30:06] In, given previous discussion. [11:30:09] i think we should take it [11:30:11] In, I think. [11:30:13] yay [11:30:28] in, but possibly with changes that I think were noted before.... [11:30:38] The xstat protocol needs to be taken out and shot, mind you. [11:30:45] yes. [11:30:55] well, yes, but [11:30:57] moving on [11:30:59] Windows: add BSD getopt to afsutil.lib [11:31:02] out [11:31:09] Okay. Author speaks. Next [11:31:10] out [11:31:11] Out. [11:31:12] not required for 1.6 [11:31:17] Add throughput framework to cm_RankServer() [11:31:20] out [11:31:21] jake's change is not ready. out [11:31:23] out, [11:31:28] Add xml functionality to the vos examine command [11:31:28] out. Really want that for 1.9, though. [11:31:32] good for 1.9, once ready [11:31:34] out [11:31:35] XML: Hrm. [11:31:38] same for xml [11:31:38] we could take later in 1.6 too [11:31:39] Yeah, out, I think. [11:31:40] but out [11:31:43] Yeah. Later [11:31:49] well, I'm not sure I want xml ever, but won't object in 1.9 [11:31:51] Do not corrupt volume linktable when special file already exists [11:31:55] in [11:31:57] in [11:32:08] in; see previous discussion [11:32:11] Cool [11:32:12] I suppose I must remove my -1, but blargh, still don't agree... [11:32:25] fix dumptool on macos [11:32:28] oh, and we should add code to issue a demand-salvage for dafs in that case [11:32:29] in but should be fixed [11:32:36] (tests only) [11:32:48] deason: note in the gerrit thing [11:32:50] dumptool: fine [11:32:54] patch cbd_printCBcrash - harden callback debugging [11:33:02] I'm not sure I know what that is [11:33:05] in [11:33:10] 'harden'? [11:33:10] The comment isn't helping me either. [11:33:11] it's for the kill -XCPU handling [11:33:27] In. [11:33:29] Ah. So cbd doesn't go boom if your state is wonky. [11:33:29] in [11:33:30] In. [11:33:33] taking a lock in a signal handler? or am I misunderstanding [11:33:37] fine [11:34:03] I think it needs review, but the idea seems like something we should take. [11:34:39] deason: Your point seems valid - could you comment in gerrit? [11:34:42] I've got to run. [11:34:50] see ya later [11:34:55] bye [11:34:55] I've written a note to myself to do so [11:35:06] see you russ [11:35:09] --- tkeiser has left [11:35:14] no fs sa /afs in dynroot mode [11:35:19] I've got a todo list from this meeting... need to do stuff when I can think more [11:35:23] in as is and we can change if we change the software later [11:35:24] --- tkeiser has become available [11:35:24] in [11:35:33] agreed [11:35:46] doc change; in [11:35:49] I think we're hitting the point where we should stop. [11:36:02] i'd like to do one more [11:36:03] with only 10 or so to go? [11:36:05] since it's mine :) [11:36:20] Okay: mariner log messages for creating and removing files [11:36:22] the mariner change? in [11:36:24] in [11:36:26] viced host hash collisions seems like it should be discussed, too... [11:36:29] in [11:36:39] Gosh, I hope so. [11:36:44] Okay: viced: host hash address collisions [11:36:45] --- meffie has left [11:36:54] --- meffie has become available [11:37:05] (My reason for stopping was that things more than 2 months old can't be pressing, but I could be wrong there) [11:37:18] changes to viced host tracking scare me, because they always precede periods of instability [11:37:20] no, this should be discussed [11:37:29] this hasn't been tested much, I think, but the current behavior is also very very iffy [11:37:34] jhutz: unless they're already unstable. whine whine [11:37:58] Drh is running it in production, and it fixed a crash that happened a couple times a month, at umich. [11:38:03] it's also not small; those not familiar with it may not come to a conclusion right here right now [11:38:14] I need to review it. [11:38:21] i think tentatively in [11:38:31] Can we flag that as "in, with appropriate review" [11:38:34] but I think the issue should be addressed for 1.6 [11:38:40] And those who want to block it can -1 it in gerrit? [11:38:43] like, i reserve the right to say i lied, but refreshing my memory it looks fine as-is or if not we should tweak [11:39:00] I don't necessarily object, just advise caution [11:39:09] my only real concern was the possibility of recursing too much or something, iirc [11:39:15] fine. so configure options quickly or is simon out of time? [11:39:20] (which is noted in there) [11:39:31] We should think about Make ubik use unsigned addresses [11:39:46] I think that should be in. [11:39:51] So, what exactly happens to the older things? If they're "not pressing", do we just drop them on the floor forever? Or assume they won't see the light of day until 1.10, which may be 5 years from now? [11:39:51] I think in, despite my earlier notes of caution. [11:39:52] i'd be ok with in [11:39:55] jhutz? [11:40:06] ohai russ. [11:40:15] * Russ is back while waiting for his next meeting. [11:40:18] But will disappear shortly. [11:40:20] heh [11:40:34] However, I think changing from signed to unsigned in the public header files is a change that we should only do in major releases, but since we're about to do one, in. [11:40:35] Is there a wire protocol change here, or just an API change? If the latter, I think it's probably OK; see previous discussion. [11:40:37] I can re-check that it doesn't do anything to the wire if people want; it's been awhile [11:40:40] I think it's just API. [11:40:41] If 1.10 is 5 years away, I will be very very grumpy. [11:40:42] api [11:40:51] i think in [11:40:52] I think it should go in [11:40:58] in then [11:40:58] fine. simon, time for configure? [11:41:03] Yup. [11:41:05] and we should search for other places where similar changes should be made [11:41:10] --enable-namei-fileserver [11:41:10] jaltman: agree [11:41:23] i think this needs to stay for the like 3 platforms where people might still want inode [11:41:24] what's the question? [11:41:27] --- tkeiser has left [11:41:35] namei: in for irix! [11:41:36] I wonder if we should switch to namei by default everywhere. [11:41:38] jhutz: whether or not to get rid of configure options (I think) [11:41:42] which of these options should go away, be defualt,, be turned off [11:41:52] --- tkeiser has become available [11:42:01] simon: perhaps could be surprising on a couple of platforms? [11:42:03] old solaris, dux, old aix, old hpux people will not want their fileservers to break [11:42:15] Here's my dump on configure options real quickly since I'll have to disappear: I think --enable-unix-sockets should become the default and possibly not even an option, --enable-supergroups should stay as is, demand-attach should stay as-is until we build both servers and then it becomes different, --enable-pthreaded-ubik should stay as-is, and I have no strong opinoin on the rest. [11:42:16] for other things i think namei is alreayd just default [11:42:27] * edgester votes for namei as default [11:42:29] And now gone. [11:42:30] Okay, so let's leave it as is for now. [11:42:34] we should perhaps start telling people to say --disable-namei-fileserver when they actally want inode? [11:42:36] OK, general rule: If we make an option "go away", such that only once sense is available, then using that option to request that sense should still work, and in at least some cases, using it to request the opposite should fail. [11:42:38] "should we" [11:42:40] --enable-unix-sockets can be default but we should at least leave the code for the other so people can use new volserver with old fileserver [11:42:57] --- meffie has left [11:42:57] Okay, so let's change the default, but leave the option. [11:43:07] I thought it was default on 1.5 [11:43:09] enable-namei: leave as-is [11:43:17] --- meffie has become available [11:43:30] enable-unix-sockets: make default [11:43:46] i'll pause to make sure we catch up.have consensus on those 2 [11:43:57] what order are we looking at these in? [11:44:00] name [11:44:03] er [11:44:06] acinclude.m4 [11:44:12] ./configure --help I think implies it's not the default, but it is [11:44:14] Real problems with namei vs inode are only for people wo rely on binary builds. [11:44:16] (cache-bypass will be next) [11:44:21] should fix that; ticket to me, if so [11:44:36] fix which [11:44:42] 127524 - is enable-unix-sockets [11:44:46] ok [11:44:50] --enable-unix-sockets is already default, but config help makes it look like it's not [11:44:59] we can fix that to look like defauly [11:45:02] > Real problems with namei vs inode are only for people wo rely on binary > builds. No. If I've been building fileservers on Solaris since 1989, and you suddently make the default behavior be namei, I lose. [11:45:07] So no matter what the default, during the transition both binaries namei/inode need to be built. [11:45:23] we've been building both for solaris for a while [11:45:24] I think we'll leave namei/inode for another release. [11:45:29] fin [11:45:30] e [11:45:32] let's move on [11:45:35] cache-bypass [11:45:35] cache-bypass ? [11:45:47] i think just on [11:45:49] I'd like to turn it on by default, because having it off just means that we keep breaking it. [11:46:07] Providing the run-time default is off, it should be safe. [11:46:11] because it does nothing unless you run a command to use it, right? [11:46:12] What effect does turning it on have, if you don't choose to use it? [11:46:15] none [11:46:30] Then why should the configure option stay at all? [11:46:35] There's some changes to the way in which readpage handling works that I should look at [11:46:35] * haba will now not comment much on folks that go from 1.4.x to 1.6.x building their own fileservers without reading the relnotes. [11:46:39] the code was ifdef'd before [11:46:43] Yeah, I'd like to kill the ifdefs too. [11:46:45] we can eject the ifdef wrapping [11:46:58] Okay. I'll create a ticket. [11:47:01] ok [11:47:04] supergroups [11:47:09] as-is, i think [11:47:12] Another reason is that I'll have to leeeeeeeaaaveee [11:47:26] Yea. Too dangerous to enable by default at the moment. [11:47:36] but cant' kill [11:47:44] the default is off? I'd love to see that change to a runtime option. BTW, at some point we need a config file... [11:47:44] we need to have a tool to perform a backward (perhaps lossy) migration [11:47:46] Has anyone seen a fault in supergroups since...1992? [11:47:55] --- tkeiser has left [11:47:57] jaltman, yes, that would be nice to have [11:47:59] jhutz: config file parser coming in 1.9 [11:48:03] well. we have it now [11:48:04] but [11:48:06] matt, it doesn't matter. see mailing list discussion [11:48:07] --- tkeiser has become available [11:48:11] Have a nice evening and we'll see who wins the soccer match. [11:48:17] matt: how do you handle downgrades? [11:48:21] bye haba [11:48:22] we can't ship as-is [11:48:25] Issue with supergroups is that the bitmap code isn't alias safe. [11:48:26] seeya haba [11:48:26] --- haba has left [11:48:30] that too [11:48:33] later haba [11:48:41] bye haba [11:48:44] he's gone [11:48:51] now we can disparage… oh wait [11:48:55] We need to find someone to do some work on it. Once that's done, we can think about turning it on properly. [11:49:01] agree [11:49:11] What's next? [11:49:13] it just needs some. not that much [11:49:16] fast restart [11:49:19] --- meffie has left [11:49:24] Leave as is. [11:49:30] i'd happily eject the configure option but leave the code but as-is ok [11:49:39] eject the configure option++ [11:49:40] fast restart: leave as is, at least until dafs is default bitmap-later: the same, I think [11:49:50] I vote for runtime option, but can be persuaded otherwise [11:49:55] ditch the fast restart configure option [11:49:57] I'd be happy with ejecting the config option but leaving the code. [11:50:00] --- meffie has become available [11:50:05] I could live with ==shadow [11:50:13] Runtime would be good, as long as it came with a warning in letters 100ft high. [11:50:21] runtime option is easy with DAFS, harder for non-dafs code path [11:50:26] yeah, what tom says [11:50:41] So, leave as is, or eject the config option, and leave the code? [11:50:43] you sure? the VCheckInUse path is the same for both [11:50:47] i'd be happy to provide runtime dafs flag, otheriwse leave code and eject configure [11:50:53] Okay. Let's do that. [11:50:53] unless you mean the salvager additional option too [11:51:17] lasve code and eject, then? [11:51:21] i think so [11:51:37] bitmap later is less problematic, if the implementation can be fixed. [11:51:39] leave code and ifdef, remove configure option, provide runtime for dafs? is what I hear? [11:51:46] yes [11:51:54] 127525 [11:51:56] bitmap later, i think is fixed for dafs case [11:52:02] (for cache-bypass) [11:52:08] 127526 ( fast-restart) [11:52:11] tom, do you know if it's fixed for the non-dafs case also? [11:52:33] going by tom's objection on the list, both dafs and non-dafs take vol_lock there, so... [11:52:44] ok [11:52:55] so i think we can leave this. kill configure option or no? [11:53:04] that is, we hold VOL_LOCK for the vip->bitmap test-and-set [11:53:12] If we're happy that it's safe, then I think we should leave it. [11:53:20] let's leave it then [11:53:22] If it's safe now, make it runtime if possible/easy; otherwise keep the configure option [11:53:23] (for now, it being a build time option is sucky) [11:53:26] demand attach [11:53:38] I think we have to build both before we ship 1.6.0 [11:53:38] keep as-is, duh [11:53:38] no idea on how hard it is to make this runtime... haven't looked at it much [11:53:49] I think runtime is too much risk. [11:53:52] well, functionally. but ==sxw [11:53:52] build both, ideally. configure should decide which is installed as fileserver [11:53:54] runtime: no [11:54:06] Disagree - I think fileserver should always be non-dafs [11:54:10] fine [11:54:16] That way, the bnode problem goes away. [11:54:18] ok [11:54:24] No. "fileserver" must always be non-dafs, because you can't switch to dafs just by running a different "fileserver", and if you try, you'll end up with a mess. [11:54:25] no one jumped on when i suggested that [11:54:34] (if you try to run both fs and dafs, then you lose, but I think you deserve to) [11:54:39] er, to be clear, my "runtime" comment was for bitmap-later, not dafs [11:54:40] we should do same with volserver and salvager too them [11:54:42] then [11:54:47] have dafs names for all [11:54:47] yes [11:54:54] fine [11:54:59] we'll do that? [11:55:02] running both fs and dafs simultaneously is not possible; one would fail on acquiring fsync socket, viced socket.... [11:55:04] well, is there a salvager, or just salvageserver? [11:55:15] there's salvager [11:55:20] --- tkeiser/2 has become available [11:55:21] you can still "by hand" [11:55:28] that's good to know [11:55:30] ok [11:55:32] so [11:55:34] disconnected [11:55:37] i think "as is" [11:55:43] simon? [11:55:45] affects nothing if you don't trigger it [11:55:52] wait wait; so we _are_ renaming dafs binaries? [11:55:54] I'd love to turn disconnected on. [11:55:59] deason: yes [11:56:01] --- meffie has left [11:56:03] and building both sets [11:56:09] (always) [11:56:19] okay, so configure option is removed... oay [11:56:19] always always? dafs config option goes away? [11:56:20] --- meffie has become available [11:56:23] --- tkeiser has left [11:56:25] disconnected++ [11:56:26] jhutz: don't see why not [11:56:26] always always [11:56:35] don't use what you don't want [11:56:39] "always always" but do we need buildable on windows first? [11:56:49] disconnected: does nothing if you don't turn it on at runtime, right? then eject the config option and enable always, IMHO [11:56:58] i think for windows the fileserver is already broken and we can fix it as we do [11:57:05] deason: ./configure doesn't control the Windows build [11:57:06] if you can get it fixed for the Windows build by 1.6, sure. If you don't, its a different build system. [11:57:12] disconnected always? i'm down with that [11:57:13] it is broken, but it still builds; care yes/no? [11:57:17] right right right [11:57:22] nevermind then [11:57:27] yeah, don't tweak NTMakefile [11:57:29] Windows file server does work, sort of. [11:57:33] so disconnected on [11:57:38] Eject the ifdefs? [11:57:41] yeah [11:57:45] we already talked about unix_sockets, right? [11:57:52] jhutz: yes [11:58:03] so, what is the state of pmtu discovery? [11:58:06] icmp pmtu discovery: works, i'd be ok with as-si tho [11:58:13] just note that this means -dafs version of fssync-debug as well... [11:58:20] What I want to make sure of is that devs that only build dafs do not break non-dafs unintentionally. We gain that by requiring that everything be built all the time. [11:58:22] tkeiser: thanks [11:58:29] is there a reason _not_ to have it on by default? is there a reason it can't be a runtime option? [11:58:51] pmtu runtime: another afsd switch [11:58:51] yes, I think we've agreed to always build both dafs and non-dafs [11:59:12] afsd --fries-with-that [11:59:22] Don't mind fries. [11:59:28] yes, it's another afsd switch. better than another config option. I say, punt the config option, compile always, enable by default, have a runtime switch and/or pioctl to turn it off [11:59:37] fries are tasty [11:59:38] Anyone committing to do that work? [11:59:38] pioctl is ok here. [11:59:44] i could do it [11:59:47] not hard [11:59:49] and i know the code [11:59:50] Okay. RT bug on its way [11:59:56] tivoli tsm [11:59:57] as is [12:00:03] if you use it, you want i [12:00:07] if you don't, you can't build it [12:00:14] we can't just always try to build, and if we can't we ignore? [12:00:24] > tivoli tsm WTF is this an "enable"? Shouldn't this be a "with", and default based on whether the lib exists? [12:00:29] we could but we'd need better library finding [12:00:39] since it can be installed anywhere [12:00:43] not just /opy [12:00:44] /opt [12:00:47] That was Russ's argument. [12:01:01] I think it needs to stay as it is, until have someone who can test the fix. [12:01:04] if someone wants to rewrite configure, fine. otherwise, as-is [12:01:09] i don't want to touch it [12:01:15] fine. pthreaded-ubik: as-is [12:01:16] since it does work and i have no machine to try now [12:01:18] Me neither. Looked. Felt ill. [12:01:18] okay [12:01:23] pthreaded-ubik: as-is [12:01:39] Yes. I think it should be on in 1.10. We need to do whatever testing is necessary to get it there. [12:01:40] as-is [12:01:47] the withs, i have no opinion on [12:01:50] all are fine [12:01:54] I think the withs are fine. [12:01:56] is there any with anyone wants to chop? [12:02:02] otherwise i think we are done [12:02:05] I think we are done [12:02:08] i can summarize from the log [12:02:16] We need to sort USE_FH [12:02:22] --- meffie has left [12:02:23] do we have a time frame we want to shoot for? [12:02:25] mdionne: Do you have an opinion on that? [12:02:25] USE_FH: summarize the issue quickly? [12:02:34] what was the veridct of inode on solairs? [12:02:39] time frame: i'd like to branch on july 1 [12:02:42] We only turn on support for cache filesystems other than ext3 if we don't have iget() [12:02:48] It's a crappy way of making the decision. [12:02:51] --- meffie has become available [12:02:52] edgester: inode can still be built on solaris, we will leave it [12:02:59] 1.5.75 early next week [12:03:00] enable-namei-fileserver stays as-is [12:03:10] ok, inode can eat your data, though [12:03:10] Either, it should be a configuration option, or on by default. [12:03:24] use_fh by default: i'd be fine with it [12:03:29] no, namei is default on solaris for modern solaris [12:03:32] I assume that was staying the same [12:03:34] That is _really_ agressive, given that some of the things we agreed should go in need a little work [12:03:56] deason: ok, then I'm fine with namei as default [12:04:04] july 1? it's aggressive. maybe we won't make it [12:04:08] that's fine [12:04:10] Okay. Unless Marc complains, let's do USE_FH by default. [12:04:11] we can try [12:04:12] > inode can eat your data, though uh... If you know of a specific bug, report it and get it fixed. Otherwise, no FUD, please. [12:04:14] --- tkeiser/2 has left [12:04:28] --- tkeiser has become available [12:04:36] inode can eat your ata. not fud. you need to make sure to not upgrade your UFS too far [12:04:42] older UFS? all is well [12:04:45] jhutz: there was a change in modern solaris 10 that made us not work anymore [12:05:00] The problem with fh is that the interface we use is from 2.6.24, we'd need new code to work with older [12:05:06] Oh, well, so new UFS can eat your data. Sure. [12:05:20] But we're not talking about modern Solaris 10, on which we don't support inode. [12:05:24] yeah [12:05:26] jhutz@jis.mit.edu/owl: as of solairs 9 09/05 HW you MUST add the "nologging" option to UFS filesystems to use inode [12:05:38] Yes, I know that. [12:05:51] mdionne: I'll take a look and see how scary those changes are. It would be nice to have some standardisation there, rather than it being a feature test that gives us other cache FSs. [12:05:53] a couple of more --enable's we may have skipped... if we can talk about some more? [12:06:05] while i was sitting here talking to you, there was an earthquake. [12:06:06] We also have the afsd/cm syncronisation problem if we use a kernel test. [12:06:22] what do you think we skipped? [12:06:24] (on the ontario-quebec border but felt here) [12:06:37] things that we may have agreed on before but I 'm not sure: [12:06:37] skipped? which? [12:06:49] where is "here" for you today? [12:06:49] --enable-warnings are we ejecting and turning on always when we can? [12:06:54] use_fh: we should revisir [12:06:58] jhutz: i'm at double wide grill [12:07:08] Ah. I should have done that. [12:07:24] they had beer. well. they have less than when i got here [12:07:36] enable-warnings: can stay as-is imo [12:07:41] we shoul encourage developers to use it [12:07:45] It should stay as is for now. [12:07:50] Simon: I'll have a look, but it's non trivial [12:07:52] end-builders shouldn't necessarily care [12:08:00] if their compiler is fussy or whatever [12:08:08] I'd like to turn on enable-warnings by default, but only when we've got the compiler tests to make sure we're not breaking the compiler by enabling them. [12:08:15] I expect we're not --enable-warnings and --enable-checking as part of 1.6.x; they'll change as appropriate to the evolution of the code. [12:08:23] --enable-fuse-client should we eject and just build when we find it? [12:08:33] we need to do better at finding it if so [12:08:35] We can never turn on enable-checking by default - it's too compiler dependent [12:08:38] i'd be ok with just building [12:08:40] (fuse) [12:08:52] felt in nyc as well [12:08:52] --- meffie has left [12:09:13] --- meffie has become available [12:09:18] Any more, or can I head to dinner? [12:09:20] I have one other pre-stable issue: AFSVolSplitVolume went in without any substantive stds review; from my perspective the wire interface is awful... [12:09:21] there is no --enable-fuse-client in the acinclude.m4 I'm looking at [12:09:30] we do? if fuse isn't found by default, you need to set special things nayway [12:09:43] jhhutz: it's src/cf/fuse.m4 I think [12:09:47] fuse option comes from its own m4 [12:10:14] should that be moved into acinlude.m4? [12:10:16] AFSVolSplitVolume is pretty old. The wire protocol is not changing now. You can start stds work on a better interface if you want. [12:10:22] tom: that was during the "is grandfathered" phase. do you have suggestions? can we just rev and add a nicer rpc? [12:10:37] deason: i'm ok with fuse-as-is [12:10:38] that reminds me, no 'vos split' still? [12:10:52] rev'ing the rpc is fine. I'll work on that for 1.10 [12:10:56] steven was going to do something. then steven stopped having time. uh [12:11:03] Yes, I think feature enable options should all be listed in acinclude.m4 [12:11:09] --- chaz has left [12:11:14] deason: ok, what jhutz said is fine [12:11:20] okay, I'll do that then [12:11:46] another thing: I remember it being mentioned to possible reduce the debug/optimize options we had? [12:11:53] "possibly" [12:12:05] kernel, not-kernel and pam? [12:12:10] er lwp [12:12:10] and lwp [12:12:27] The earthquake was entertaining. Quite strong here [12:12:34] i wonder if lwp is still broken by the optimizer in some cases [12:12:48] I don't think I even noticed the earthquake. Of course, my office is in a concrete bunker [12:12:52] Build stuff, I think we have to decide if someone does the work by the time we branch, we'll take them, but otherwise, they'll get queued. [12:12:54] marc, i didn't notice. a friend at apple pittsburgh in a building that always shakes commented [12:13:02] simon: agreed [12:13:07] okay [12:13:08] ttyl [12:13:15] anything else? [12:13:24] like i said, i will summarize this from the log [12:13:29] --- edgester has left [12:13:31] tag names? are we changing how we do those? [12:13:34] and of course we have tickets open, and stuff to merge [12:13:55] we could. doesn't need to be in scope for this now [12:13:59] can happen later [12:14:02] v1.6.0, etc, instead of openafs-stable-1_6_0 [12:14:03] deason: I looked at it, and decided that we can process what we have just as easily as anything new. [12:14:04] okay, just wondering [12:14:16] oh, one more thing (sorry) [12:14:17] The git describe stuff just needs to know what to expect. [12:14:33] there's some ticket on how convertROtoRW doesn't checkout volumes / is unsafe.... [12:14:46] I meant to fix that awhile ago but didn't have time; should I bother trying to for 1.6? [12:14:56] it's a recovery thing. i think we should recommend people restart after converting [12:15:06] well, it's supposed to be a recovery thing [12:15:09] something people don't agree [12:15:10] If it's a bug fix, I think it's definitely in scope for post-branch. [12:15:31] "some people don't agree" [12:15:40] if they're american: they're allowed to be wrong :) [12:15:42] my fingers do weird things when trying to thing fast [12:15:45] --- meffie has left [12:15:51] it's constitutionally-guaranteed [12:15:51] trying to "think" fast, gah [12:16:04] --- meffie has become available [12:16:06] if not american? ymmv [12:16:40] anything else? [12:16:50] simon, go have dinner with your wife [12:16:53] --- tkeiser has left [12:17:08] yeah; I think we're done here [12:17:09] --- tkeiser has become available [12:17:16] i'm gonna change locations. expect a summary email soon [12:17:29] that's I have... I don't know if tom wanted to argue about ihandle sometime [12:17:39] what of it? [12:17:51] is it any more broken than before? [12:18:00] safetyness of ih_sync_thread &co [12:18:15] i sent him a pointer and never heard anything further [12:18:35] I still think Rainer's patch should be backed out as it introduces awful races, but as of yet I haven't been able to prove that any of our vol pkg callers actually exploit those races, so I'm fine w/ leaving as-is until I have evidence to the contrary... [12:18:44] ok [12:18:51] okay, just pointing it out lest is just be forgotten :) [12:18:53] i don't think they do. i looked for that at the time [12:19:00] "lest it just be forgotten" [12:19:00] ok. back later [12:19:31] --- Derrick Brashear has left [12:20:31] --- mdionne has left [12:20:31] --- mdionne has become available [12:20:33] --- mdionne has left [12:20:51] deason: definitely not forgotten on my side; I'm still looking into the issue [12:28:05] --- matt has left [12:29:35] --- meffie has left [12:29:39] --- tkeiser has left [12:30:14] --- meffie has become available [12:30:35] --- haba has become available [12:31:14] --- tkeiser has become available [12:32:15] --- haba has left [12:35:33] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [12:37:19] --- tkeiser has left [12:44:49] --- meffie has left [13:03:03] --- Derrick Brashear has left [13:05:17] --- Russ has left [13:26:11] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [14:29:26] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [14:29:27] --- jaltman has become available [14:30:18] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [14:30:20] --- jaltman has become available [14:48:43] --- Derrick Brashear has left [14:49:25] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [14:50:39] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [15:16:24] --- Derrick Brashear has left [17:20:52] --- deason has left [17:28:18] --- jaltman has become available [17:52:25] --- tkeiser has become available [17:52:35] --- tkeiser has left [18:30:08] --- shadow@gmail.com/owl8EEDA0A2 has left [20:22:22] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [20:31:16] --- Derrick Brashear has become available