[03:51:33] --- Marshall Vale has left: Lost connection [05:20:12] --- Derrick Brashear has left [05:55:11] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [05:58:25] --- Roman Mitz has become available [06:24:29] --- tkeiser has become available [06:27:42] starting with rx [06:34:49] --- cchandler has become available [06:34:54] simon's original changes: [06:34:55] https://github.com/your-file-system/openafs-rxgk/tree/rx-fixes [06:37:41] rebased into modern tree and with some bug fixes [06:37:42] https://github.com/dbrashear/openafs/tree/perf0102 [06:42:01] --- jaltman has become available [06:42:22] --- mdionne has become available [06:47:07] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:48:10] RPC refresh documentation with Marcus's cleanup is at /afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/s/sxw/Public/draft-wilkinson-afs3-rpc-refresh-00.xml [07:02:42] --- Marshall Vale has become available [07:03:04] --- Marshall Vale has left [07:03:23] --- Marshall Vale has become available [07:04:59] --- matt has become available [07:38:28] --- deason has become available [08:01:17] --- steven.jenkins has become available [08:08:34] --- mmeffie has become available [09:20:08] --- tkeiser has left [09:21:35] --- tkeiser has become available [09:22:50] --- Roman Mitz has left [09:44:03] --- tkeiser has left [10:02:42] --- Roman Mitz has become available [10:02:51] --- Roman Mitz has left [10:47:26] --- tkeiser has become available [11:04:37] --- cchandler has left [11:04:45] talking about per file acls now. [11:04:51] --- mmeffie is now known as meffie [11:07:08] discussion about viewing the output of commands as an interface [11:08:36] in this case the output of fs listacl [11:10:14] tom: is there any way we could encode the acl data on the wire with xdr [11:10:19] marc: no. [11:11:45] but, back to per file acls. [11:16:09] discussing how acls are currently set, and the current races. [11:22:03] --- cchandler has become available [11:30:16] --- deason has left [11:31:09] --- deason has become available [11:33:43] --- deason has left [11:34:26] --- deason has become available [11:35:05] now more interesting, the on-disk format for per file acls [11:38:19] discussing new index file, implemented as a sparse file. [11:44:35] looking at VnodeDiskObject, cant steal vnodeMagic, it is used. [11:54:36] maybe ViceLock has bits available [12:22:11] on the whiteboard: VnodeBigHeader { afs_uint32 magic; afs_uint32 version; ... } [12:23:16] VnodeBidObject { afs_uint32 vnode; .. unique; ... next; kind; char data[256 - 4*4] } [12:24:14] VnodeExt1 { ViceLock vice_lock; afs_uint32 spare[mumble] } [12:38:20] nm, we are going to use the vnodeMagic by bumping the version [12:39:42] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl1CD2CB82 has left [12:40:34] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl1CD2CB82 has become available [12:43:52] and ViceLock stays where it is. [12:47:48] started putting notes in http://openafs-wiki.stanford.edu/AFSLore/hackathon_pittsburgh_2011/ [12:57:07] whiteboards there... [13:43:44] --- deason has left [13:53:03] --- Roman Mitz has become available [13:55:31] --- deason has become available [14:11:41] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [14:11:51] --- meffie has left [14:16:49] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [14:17:02] --- mdionne has left [14:17:40] --- matt has left [14:18:42] --- Roman Mitz has left [14:18:43] --- Derrick Brashear has left [14:18:55] --- cchandler has left [14:19:49] --- tkeiser has left [14:39:32] --- Marshall Vale has left [15:41:38] --- tkeiser has become available [15:42:58] --- deason has left [15:47:35] --- tkeiser has left [18:16:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [19:01:40] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [19:51:58] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [19:52:49] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [19:56:04] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [19:57:14] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [20:02:07] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [20:07:25] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [20:40:02] --- mdionne has become available [21:05:20] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [21:05:33] --- mdionne has left