Wednesday, March 18, 2015< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[03:58:42] Jeffrey Altman joins the room
[05:53:00] Jeffrey Altman leaves the room
[10:52:26] Jeffrey Altman joins the room
[12:15:11] wiesand joins the room
[13:55:17] meffie joins the room
[13:57:49] kaduk joins the room
[13:58:19] <kaduk> Hmm, my client may be laggy today...
[14:00:39] <wiesand> Here I am, just in time. Hi.
[14:00:48] <kaduk> Greetings!
[14:01:48] <wiesand> Thanks for reviewing the Linux4.0 changes
[14:02:17] <kaduk> Sure; they are actually quite small and straightforward, which I had forgotten.
[14:03:19] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> hi.
[14:03:57] <wiesand> Is anyone here who knows whether with these 2 changes we’re still good with 4.0-rc4?
[14:04:41] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> pretty sure marc is snowbound, so probably not at his computer
[14:05:08] <wiesand> Good for him, bad for us.
[14:05:49] <wiesand> I’m thinking about getting out pre1 next week. Does that sound reasonable?
[14:05:55] <kaduk> Wait, is that snowbound, like, skiing, or snowbound as in snowed in?
[14:06:18] <meffie> either sounds good to me :)
[14:06:30] <kaduk> A deadline for people to review the ubik changes seems fine.
[14:07:39] <wiesand> Start of next week’s meeting + 1 hour?
[14:08:33] <wiesand> Is there anything urgent coming up that may have to be included in 1.6.12?
[14:09:15] <kaduk> We should probably do something for freebsd 10.1; just removing the offending compiler argument seems to be sufficient, but I've been distracted from that project for a while.
[14:10:07] <wiesand> Will that break earlier releases?
[14:10:09] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> snowbound, like trying to get his driveway clear
[14:10:33] <wiesand> Ah, not good for him. Sorry to hear that.
[14:11:10] <kaduk> Luckily, we had some warm days and most of the snow is gone, here.  Now we're back to cold.
[14:11:10] <wiesand> It’s almost like summer here....
[14:11:32] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> i had to bike downtown to meet with the lawyers about my name change
and within a block i regretted not having gloves.
[14:12:11] <wiesand> I sympathise.
[14:12:52] <wiesand> Anyway. Some FBSD only change is no problem if we have it in time for 1.6.12.
[14:13:33] <wiesand> So on to thinking about the release after?
[14:14:00] <kaduk> which also needs code review, just like 1.6.12 :)
[14:14:23] <kaduk> Mike posted some new stuff that I haven't gotten to look at, and I don't think anyone has looked at akeyconvert
[14:15:03] <kaduk> I pushed some more documentation stuff to gerrit, regarding the KeyFileExt migration and such
[14:15:54] <kaduk> Andrew pushed a change to revert "lockless path through d_revalidate" in the middle of a bunch of other stuff that doesn't need to go into 1.8; I know that other people were also looking at that commit skeptically.
[14:16:33] <kaduk> Daria pushed 11787 to axe vos release -stayonline, which also needs review
[14:17:54] <kaduk> We seem to have support from the list to drop linux 2.4 and encrypt by default.
[14:18:13] <kaduk> Did anyone hear get customer input they can share on either of those fronts?
[14:18:41] <meffie> i've not heard a need for linux 2.4.
[14:19:48] <meffie> some people would like server to server encryption
[14:20:21] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> i don't remember the last time i heard anyone using 2.4 other than me,
and that machine is so non-critical it's sad
[14:20:49] <kaduk> Oh, Mike, do you still have an update to 11654 on your radar?
[14:21:50] <meffie> yes, i have a patch that i've been testing, but i dont know if it would be acceptable.
[14:22:19] <kaduk> I suppose there isn't much harm in pushing it to gerrit and trying to get eyes on it.
[14:22:43] <meffie> ok. worse case, i get a bunch of -1's and -2's.
[14:23:00] <wiesand> I invited Jan Iven to review the “revert lockless path...” one.
[14:27:45] <kaduk> Would it change anything if I gave people a list of changes to review (as opposed to just saying "please review things")?
[14:28:07] <wiesand> Mailing that to -devel may help.
[14:28:47] <kaduk> I could see that, yeah.
[14:29:14] <wiesand> I know how that feels ;-)
[14:29:29] <kaduk> Anyway, I guess that's my way of saying "I don't think we have anything that needs to be discussed right now, just work to be done"
[14:30:22] <wiesand> I’m curious regarding the root cause of RT #132020
[14:31:57] <wiesand> I hope Marc has an idea how to fix it. It’s a real issue.
[14:32:35] <kaduk> It sounded like he had some patches he thought would help...
[14:32:35] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> marc had talked a bit about it. i dunno if his idea was going to work
[14:33:24] <kaduk> I saw that rt 132034 came in, but don't deal in RPMs so I didn't even bother opening up the patch to look at it
[14:36:00] <wiesand> The problem it addresses is real.
[14:38:26] <wiesand> NB should src/packaging/RedHat be removed from master?
[14:39:50] <kaduk> Quite possibly.
[14:40:18] <wiesand> On the other hand, that “downstream packaging” just isn’t happening...
[14:40:41] <kaduk> That just means they need a stronger motivator...
[14:40:46] <kaduk> ;)
[14:42:28] <wiesand> Do you want that change for 1.8?
[14:43:36] <kaduk> I would defer to the preference of the RPM packaging maintainers...if my personal opinion is being sought, I guess I lean towards having that change in 1.8.
[14:46:59] <wiesand> Seems we’re done. I think I’ll walk home now, a bit earlier than usual, and enjoy the sun. Unless there’s anything else to discuss?
[14:47:19] <kaduk> Should we have minutes?
[14:47:44] <wiesand> Probably.
[14:48:08] <shadow@gmail.com/barnowlE5B64A04> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 47 apparently were the minutes
[14:48:44] <wiesand> I can send them, and you could reply with the list of 1.8 changes to review?
[14:49:07] <kaduk> Okay.
[14:49:16] <kaduk> Thank you!
[14:49:37] <wiesand> Should happen later today.
[14:50:17] <wiesand> I’ll be gone. Thanks a lot for being here today!
[14:50:21] wiesand leaves the room
[14:55:02] kaduk leaves the room
[15:30:52] Jeffrey Altman leaves the room
[16:27:17] meffie leaves the room
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