Wednesday, May 21, 2014< ^ >
Room Configuration
Room Occupants

[00:24:05] mvita leaves the room
[00:39:20] mvita joins the room
[01:25:16] mvita leaves the room
[01:43:41] mvita joins the room
[02:32:47] mvita leaves the room
[09:41:31] Simon Wilkinson joins the room
[12:39:38] wiesand joins the room
[13:03:55] mvita joins the room
[13:09:35] mvita leaves the room
[13:09:36] mvita joins the room
[13:11:56] mvita leaves the room
[13:11:58] mvita joins the room
[13:40:46] meffie joins the room
[13:58:24] kaduk joins the room
[14:08:08] ballbery leaves the room
[14:08:09] ballbery joins the room
[14:55:03] <kaduk> Hmm, did I mention here that 'make install' from a separate objdir is broken?  IIRC one of the libafscp headers is not found, since it's from the source dir.
[15:06:30] wiesand leaves the room
[15:06:47] meffie leaves the room
[16:25:13] stephan.wiesand joins the room
[16:42:56] Simon Wilkinson leaves the room
[16:52:48] Simon Wilkinson joins the room
[18:44:10] stephan.wiesand leaves the room
[19:59:22] meffie joins the room
[21:32:32] Simon Wilkinson leaves the room
[21:34:28] Simon Wilkinson joins the room
[21:37:47] kaduk leaves the room
[22:38:40] ballbery leaves the room
[22:38:56] ballbery joins the room
[22:54:45] ballbery leaves the room
[23:33:49] ballbery joins the room
[23:43:51] ballbery leaves the room
[23:50:10] ballbery joins the room
[23:56:31] ballbery leaves the room
[23:56:36] ballbery joins the room
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