[00:52:06] --- ballbery has left [00:52:20] --- ballbery has become available [08:14:46] --- ballbery has left [08:14:46] --- ballbery has become available [09:17:27] clang's -Weverything is (unsurprisingly) rather verbose. [09:19:41] Yeah. I don't think we'll ever be signed-vs-unsigned safe, for example. [09:20:10] What struck me first was the -Wpadded output. "We're putting padding into this structure to align its elements" [09:20:39] (I am not running -Weverything over the whole tree, ~just over my new code.) [09:29:34] Hmm, it probably makes more sense to have the rx epoch and Cid be unsigned than signed (currently there's a mixture). [09:43:13] --- ballbery has left [09:45:19] --- ballbery has become available [09:55:50] --- ballbery has left [09:56:38] --- ballbery has become available [10:13:53] Is the inability to fetch things from git due to maintenance? [10:15:07] --- meffie has become available [11:18:07] i guess the git daemon on git.openafs.org is down and out? [11:18:54] Well, pushes to gerrit work okay. [11:19:08] So I don't know what's up. [11:19:29] but those are over ssh? [11:19:57] Hmm, yes. [11:20:04] seems git:// protocol is down since yesterday. [11:21:01] Maybe longer, judging from buildbot logs. [11:21:40] I think jaltman, Simon Wilkinson, and Russ all have access to kick Gerrit, not sure who else can do it [11:22:47] i suspect it is not a gerrit problem, but a git daemon problem. [11:29:04] Seems likely. [12:31:19] At this point, I'm not particularly inclined to spend time debugging o.s.e. We'll be moving at the beginning of next week [12:53:01] --- ballbery has left [13:04:11] --- ballbery has become available [14:33:04] --- gendalia has left [15:21:29] --- ballbery has left [15:49:37] --- ballbery has become available