[01:20:16] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [05:41:42] --- toby has become available [05:46:38] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [05:58:07] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [08:04:38] --- toby has left: Lost connection [08:35:11] --- meffie has become available [09:25:22] --- meffie has left [10:53:31] --- gendalia has become available [10:55:00] OpenAFS is mentioned in passing in http://lists.bsdcan.org/pipermail/bsdcan-announce/2014-April/000127.html if anyone hasn’t seen it. [11:00:59] nice "And you'll want to catch the Friday Night Bonfire, where OpenAFS and Postgres will be burned in effigy." [11:05:40] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [11:51:24] --- meffie has become available [12:28:07] --- meffie has left [13:14:41] --- stephan.wiesand has left [14:12:47] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [17:18:40] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [17:22:44] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [19:33:43] --- mvita has left [19:34:56] --- mvita has become available [20:54:12] --- mvita has left [21:10:08] --- mvita has become available [21:56:56] --- mvita has left