[06:12:39] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:20:31] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [06:22:07] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:50:48] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left [06:51:28] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [06:54:15] developer focused instructions are usually in-tree and not in the wiki. the test harness docs for example are in the tests directory [11:06:24] --- mvita has become available [11:10:09] back in the usa [11:11:03] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [11:14:22] --- mvita has left [11:14:32] --- mvita has become available [11:15:15] --- georg@sman.dk has left [11:15:53] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [11:23:30] --- mvita has left [11:28:51] --- ballbery has left [11:29:47] --- mvita has become available [11:30:18] --- ballbery has become available [11:56:01] --- georg@sman.dk has left [12:22:36] --- mvita has left [15:12:24] --- ballbery has left [15:19:22] --- ballbery has become available [21:20:51] --- ballbery has left [21:21:33] --- ballbery has become available [22:43:25] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [22:48:31] --- georg@sman.dk has left [22:48:50] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [22:49:06] --- georg@sman.dk has left [22:51:25] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [22:53:03] --- georg@sman.dk has left [22:53:40] --- georg@sman.dk has become available [23:36:37] --- georg@sman.dk has left