[00:41:09] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [00:46:54] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [00:47:02] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [01:01:16] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:28:40] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [05:40:43] --- wiesand10699 has become available [05:40:43] --- wiesand10699 is now known as wiesand28847 [05:40:43] --- wiesand28847 has left [05:40:43] --- wiesand28847 has become available [05:40:56] --- wiesand28847 has left: Lost connection [05:43:44] --- wiesand95683 has become available [05:45:53] Is buildbot having trouble? [07:28:44] --- deason has become available [08:22:50] --- wiesand95683 has left [09:17:42] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [09:59:39] wiesand: http://buildbot.openafs.org:8010/grid doesn't seem to show anything particularly lagging behind [10:02:41] The last handful of changes that hit gerrit haven't been processed by buildbot, in many hours. [10:04:07] 10872/3/4/5 [10:13:30] --- ballbery has left [10:13:46] --- ballbery has become available [10:22:29] Ah, so you're speculating an issue with the master, I see. [10:22:45] Or with the gerrit->buildbot feed, I suppose. [10:26:10] Yes, "buildbot troubles" is vague. It could be anything. It's just neither verifying new changes nor providing failure reports. [11:13:42] --- stephan.wiesand has left [13:26:45] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [13:27:26] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [14:16:29] --- mvita has left [14:16:29] --- mvita has become available [15:14:48] --- mvita has left [15:19:45] --- deason has left [16:42:05] --- ktdreyer has left: Disconnected [16:42:18] --- ktdreyer has become available [17:00:11] --- ballbery has left [17:03:02] --- kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has left: Disconnected [17:03:51] --- kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has become available [17:22:13] --- ballbery has become available