[01:34:53] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:47:50] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [02:05:49] --- kula has become available [03:01:51] --- kula has left: Lost connection [03:15:41] --- kula has become available [03:16:19] --- kula has left: Lost connection [06:05:26] --- ballbery has left [06:21:25] --- mvita has become available [06:21:34] --- ballbery has become available [06:31:26] --- mvita has left [06:44:04] --- mvita has become available [08:04:53] --- gendalia has left [08:29:08] --- wiesand has become available [08:30:05] --- ballbery has left [08:30:06] --- ballbery has become available [08:30:58] --- deason has become available [08:42:50] --- ballbery has left [08:42:51] --- ballbery has become available [08:46:05] gerrit 5595 became 10121 on the 1.6 branch and was merged last August [09:11:08] NB http://openafs-wiki.stanford.edu/GitDevelopers/ [09:12:08] --- wiesand has left [09:12:37] --- gendalia has become available [09:41:52] --- ballbery has left [09:41:53] --- ballbery has become available [09:42:40] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [10:44:42] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [10:53:30] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [10:54:14] --- deason has left [10:54:14] --- deason has become available [11:33:34] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [12:18:02] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [12:48:24] --- stephan.wiesand has left [13:15:32] Wow, the clang that ships with FreeBSD 10.0 is super-picky. [13:22:37] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [13:23:06] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [13:31:29] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [14:07:23] --- mvita has left [14:14:40] Andrew, did you have any immediate plans to look into the bogosity surrounding reading past the end of a file (re: gerrit 10744)? [14:16:47] I plan to look at it, yes; not sure how quickly "immediate" implies [14:16:58] I'd try to have something before the next release-team meeting, but that's not a guarantee [14:19:32] Good enough for me. [14:20:18] I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around what's going on, poosibly fallout from being sick. [14:48:38] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:35:47] --- deason has left [18:06:12] Is there an easy way to determine my cache manager's rx epoch/cid (for some arbitrary connection)? [18:08:00] (In particular, which side does rxdebug print?) [18:09:19] I guess rxdebug is the one I want, actually. Sorry for the noise. [23:03:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available