[00:11:31] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [00:28:18] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:53:07] --- kula has left: Lost connection [06:32:58] --- Marc Dionne has become available [06:37:19] --- wiesand has become available [08:01:18] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [08:02:46] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [08:30:11] --- wiesand71461 has become available [08:30:11] --- wiesand71461 has left [08:30:11] --- wiesand84094 has become available [08:30:29] --- wiesand84094 has left [08:32:35] --- wiesand45431 has become available [08:32:35] --- wiesand45431 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:32:35] --- wiesand44618 has left [08:32:35] --- wiesand44618 has become available [08:32:48] --- wiesand44618 has left [08:32:48] --- wiesand69962 has become available [08:32:48] --- wiesand69962 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:32:48] --- wiesand44618 is now known as wiesand48998 [08:32:48] --- wiesand48998 has left [08:32:48] --- wiesand44618 has become available [08:32:48] --- wiesand44618 is now known as wiesand48998 [08:33:04] --- wiesand48998 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:33:11] --- wiesand44618 is now known as wiesand48998 [08:33:11] --- wiesand48998 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:33:11] --- wiesand44618 has left [08:33:11] --- wiesand1593 has become available [08:33:11] --- wiesand1593 is now known as wiesand48998 [08:33:11] --- wiesand48998 is now known as wiesand1593 [08:33:11] --- wiesand1593 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:33:11] --- wiesand44618 has left [08:33:11] --- wiesand95731 has become available [08:33:11] --- wiesand95731 is now known as wiesand44618 [08:33:11] --- wiesand44618 is now known as wiesand48998 [08:33:11] --- wiesand48998 is now known as wiesand95731 [08:36:17] --- wiesand95731 has left [11:34:19] --- mvita has left [11:58:46] --- kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has left: Disconnected [11:59:38] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [11:59:44] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [11:59:52] --- kaduk@jabber.openafs.org/barnowl has become available [12:07:05] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [12:10:23] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [12:47:59] --- mvita has become available [12:50:42] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [13:28:01] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [15:11:46] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:13:34] --- ballbery has left [15:19:25] --- mvita has left [15:28:07] --- ballbery has become available [17:23:18] --- mvita has become available [18:11:20] --- mvita has left [18:55:34] http://wiki.openafs.org/GitDevelopers/ has, under "Reviewing changes", """There are two types of review - Code Review and Verification. Code Review means that you have read through the code, and are satisfied that it works properly, follows the tree's style, and generally doesn't suck. Verification means that you have taken a copy of the patch and tested it. We hope to eventually automate the verification step, but for now both must be performed by hand.""" which doesn't really seem to match how we're using "verified" with buildbot (or be accurate about the "eventually automate", since we do have a buildbot. I can change things, but wanted to raise the issue of what "verified" and "code review" actually mean in a broader forum. [18:55:34] --- wiesand has left: Lost connection [18:58:52] verify for buildbot does mean the same a verify for a human [18:59:16] But are you guys actually looking for verify from a human before merging things? [18:59:17] buildbot is not a "developer" [19:00:01] do you mean, do we test things before merging things that are complex? yes [19:00:04] I mark "verified" for me if it's something that I've actually built or tested myself [19:01:21] Would you skip or reduce that testing if (say) I had marked the change as verified? [19:01:26] we wouldn't have merged the rxkad changes if we didn't know that human verification had been performed [19:01:57] when you mark something as verified, we would appreciate it if you described what was done to verify it [19:02:21] yeah, I try to make a brief note in the comments if I'm marking something as verified [19:02:36] Sure. (I think at the moment, I either do so by accident or to note when there is a spurious buildbot failure.) [19:03:24] not sure if this was clearly advertised, but I should also mention that OpenAFS's Gerrit is configured such that it will not allow anyone to cherry-pick a commit that doesn't have "verified" checked off by *someone* [19:03:45] whether that's buildbot or a person [19:04:24] in other words it's a technical requirement that something mark every commit as verified before it goes in [19:04:41] I believe I knew that, but don't think it's clearly advertised. [19:05:08] it doesn't matter for anyone but a gatekeeper because only gatekeepers have submit privilege [19:05:16] Right. [19:05:19] or release branch managers [19:24:08] --- ballbery has left [19:28:09] --- ballbery has become available [20:43:01] --- ballbery has left [20:43:01] --- ballbery has become available [22:01:24] --- ballbery has left [22:01:24] --- ballbery has become available