[01:22:46] --- haba has become available [01:41:50] --- haba has left [03:23:33] --- wiesand has become available [03:41:40] --- haba has become available [06:40:52] --- mvita has become available [07:11:34] --- meffie has become available [07:47:35] --- deason has become available [08:01:45] --- deason has left [08:13:31] --- deason has become available [08:27:30] --- wiesand has left [10:47:43] --- meffie has left [10:47:44] --- meffie has become available [10:53:10] --- haba has left [12:48:55] --- haba has become available [13:11:27] --- meffie has left [13:11:27] --- ballbery has left [13:11:27] --- deason has left [13:11:27] --- mvita has left [13:11:27] --- mvita has become available [13:11:27] --- deason has become available [13:12:01] --- meffie has become available [13:35:29] --- ballbery has become available [13:46:00] I am sad that I did not document which -Werror= flags I set in the 2013-12-17.txt log, since the file where I set them is on the laptop that was stolen the next day, and I don't remember exactly what they were. [13:46:52] So far I have pointer-arith and strict-prototypes, but I'm pretty sure there was another one. [14:20:23] --- haba has left [15:02:02] --- mvita has left [15:15:02] --- meffie has left [16:25:16] --- deason has left [18:19:58] --- ktdreyer has left: Replaced by new connection [18:19:59] --- ktdreyer has become available [23:35:38] --- haba has become available