[01:14:33] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [01:34:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:54:31] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [02:01:24] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [02:13:17] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [02:24:13] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [03:27:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [04:38:23] --- Marc Dionne has become available [06:25:12] --- mvita has become available [07:44:10] --- meffie has become available [07:47:06] hello, is buildbot.openafs.org down this morning? [07:48:16] not that I am aware of [07:50:14] both ssh and the web interface appear to be working [07:50:22] oh, it seems to be up now. [08:18:46] --- deason has become available [08:33:47] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [08:37:16] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [08:41:12] --- abo has left [08:44:27] --- abo has become available [08:56:07] --- abo has left [08:57:53] --- abo has become available [09:03:48] --- abo has left [09:03:48] --- abo has become available [09:41:53] --- deason has left [09:48:05] --- deason has become available [09:51:46] --- abo has left [09:51:47] --- abo has become available [11:56:57] --- meffie has left [12:27:40] --- meffie has become available [12:45:00] --- mvita has left [13:27:35] --- mvita has become available [13:51:11] --- ballbery has left [13:51:12] --- ballbery has become available [14:52:28] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [15:17:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:28:37] --- mvita has left [15:30:31] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [15:36:49] --- mvita has become available [16:01:24] --- mvita has left [16:19:56] This bit where clang -Wall -Wextra on OS X is insufficient to reproduce the -Werrors from the buildslaves is kind of annoying. Maybe I need to add -std=c89 or something... [16:37:53] --- deason has left [17:41:36] --- meffie has left [19:43:49] --- ballbery has left [19:47:17] --- ballbery has become available