[01:06:31] --- kula has left: Lost connection [01:22:19] --- ktdreyer has left: Disconnected [02:48:00] --- ktdreyer has become available [03:36:11] --- haba has become available [04:34:31] --- Marc Dionne has become available [04:53:57] --- ktdreyer has left: Disconnected [04:55:20] --- ktdreyer has become available [07:49:06] --- deason has become available [13:49:55] --- haba has left [15:45:20] --- deason has left [16:22:47] looks like "aklog" doesn't work with KEYRING: ccache types on Fedora 21 [16:23:11] Hmm. A modern (post-1.6.5) aklog? [16:23:28] KRB5_TRACE output would probably be interesting. [16:23:33] it's [16:24:00] switching to FILE: works. I'll try KRB5_TRACE [16:25:53] The F21 KEYRING: should be collection-enabled, if I remember my timelines correctly; FILE: is not. That could potentially be relevant. [16:26:00] (DIR: is also collection-enabled) [16:26:04] sigh, now I can't reproduce it [16:26:08] yeah, DIR has worked for a while [16:26:25] I'll try rebooting [16:27:02] KEYRING cache types are going to be great, if they end up working out [16:29:17] well, I guess it's working now. that's good! [16:29:27] weird [16:31:09] How about a fresh login session (or even reboot)? I wonder if the at-login credentials are somehow different from ones generated later (if that is even relevant to your setup). [16:31:19] No rush, of course. [16:36:15] yeah, I cleared my cache, even rebooted, and it has been working perfectly now. I wonder what was happening there [19:03:37] --- Marc Dionne has left