[00:02:29] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [04:42:33] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [04:58:12] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [05:29:50] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [05:33:37] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [06:01:54] --- mvita has become available [06:04:00] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [07:34:22] --- deason has become available [08:21:08] --- meffie has become available [09:56:01] --- deason has left [09:56:01] --- deason has become available [09:56:18] --- meffie has left [10:14:04] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [10:15:04] --- meffie has become available [11:10:03] --- deason has left [11:10:03] --- deason has become available [11:14:00] hrm... following the whitespace instructions in GitDevelopers on the wiki, I get: [11:14:02] ]$ git rebase --whitespace=fix fatal: Needed a single revision invalid upstream [11:19:24] are you on a tracked branch? if not then you'll need to specify which branch to rebase against [11:19:42] I did: git checkout -b newsletter-october-2013 origin/master [11:20:32] git checkout -b newsletter-october-2013 origin/master Branch newsletter-october-2013 set up to track remote branch master from origin. Switched to a new branch 'newsletter-october-2013' [11:20:41] so, I guess that would be a "yes" [11:21:44] git rebase -i --whitespace=fix HEAD~1 [11:22:10] with the "~1" ? [11:22:57] one up from the HEAD [11:23:08] which would equal my local branch? [11:24:04] is this a new commit? [11:24:16] it is [11:24:20] I already did a "git commit -a" [11:24:54] $ git rebase -i --whitespace=fix HEAD~1 error: unknown option `whitespace=fix' [11:25:53] git --version ? [11:26:08] git version 1.7.1 [11:27:47] oh, what's the -i doing in there? [11:28:12] that's for interactive rebase [11:29:16] *tries w/o the -i* [11:29:30] that seems happier [11:29:56] hmm, ok. [11:30:16] do I need to do a commit --ammend after the rebase? [11:30:34] no [11:32:39] cool... thanks [11:34:05] btw, if you use vim, i recommend the vim plugin Simon pointed out; trailing-whitespace.vim [11:37:17] of course, trailing is only half the "problem" [11:59:31] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:45:37] --- meffie has left [12:46:20] --- meffie has become available [14:02:46] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [14:39:58] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [15:10:43] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:14:55] --- meffie has left [19:28:16] --- mvita has left [21:59:35] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [23:23:55] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [23:51:54] --- Simon Wilkinson has left