[02:29:46] --- haba has become available [03:34:58] --- abo has left [04:53:18] --- abo has become available [06:05:03] --- haba has left [06:12:05] --- meffie has become available [06:33:11] --- meffie has left [06:54:49] --- meffie has become available [07:59:36] --- deason has become available [08:02:18] btw, i have someone looking at why the new solaris x86 builder went away. seems to be some sort of networking problem on it. [09:55:07] --- mvita has become available [10:16:18] --- meffie has left [10:28:46] --- haba has become available [10:57:39] --- meffie has become available [12:26:54] --- ballbery has left [12:29:02] --- ballbery has become available [13:33:20] --- haba has left [13:40:37] sol10 x86 builder seems fixed, as a successful build finally went through; but of course many submissions took a long time and were eventually not successful while it was broken [14:09:32] yes, a few more builds have gone through, so it appears fixed. the error was a networking misconfiguration on our side. apologies. [14:39:10] --- meffie has left [15:08:36] --- mvita has left [16:22:29] --- deason has left [20:18:38] --- ballbery has left [20:18:40] --- ballbery has become available [20:53:21] --- ballbery has left [20:53:23] --- ballbery has become available [22:32:41] --- ballbery has left [22:32:42] --- ballbery has become available [22:52:41] --- ballbery has left [22:52:42] --- ballbery has become available