[00:10:57] --- abo has left [00:14:27] --- abo has become available [00:32:48] --- ballbery has left [07:22:59] --- deason has become available [07:30:09] --- meffie has become available [07:44:32] --- meffie has left [08:31:06] --- deason has left [08:31:19] --- deason has become available [12:29:01] --- abo has left [13:47:09] --- kula has become available [14:21:08] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [14:21:08] --- CUDWB has left: Disconnected [14:21:09] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [14:21:53] --- cudave has left: Replaced by new connection [14:21:53] --- cudave has become available [15:21:18] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [16:54:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [17:03:12] --- deason has left [17:42:56] Having a pthreaded bosserver that mostly runs, I wanted to go back and check the behavior of the lwp version. But when I go and try to run a bosserver from either master or 1.6.5 on my freebsd vm, it dies real fast with a bus error. I hope this is just me linking it wrong and not an actual problem... [17:48:55] Maybe the compiler flags are happier with gcc than the clang I'm using. [22:41:51] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [22:42:07] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [22:42:58] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [22:50:15] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [22:58:01] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [23:12:13] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has left [23:15:14] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [23:15:37] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [23:18:21] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [23:21:33] --- andersk has left: Lost connection [23:25:36] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [23:37:37] --- abo has become available [23:57:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [23:57:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [23:57:35] --- Simon Wilkinson has left