[05:10:04] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [05:32:53] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [06:16:24] --- Marc Dionne has become available [06:54:23] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [07:15:39] --- deason has become available [07:26:36] --- meffie has become available [09:56:20] --- meffie has left [10:28:36] Sigh, AIX. [10:30:27] And I misread a diff-of-diffs, so the windows build failed, too. [10:34:01] deason: any thoughts about http://buildbot.openafs.org:8010/builders/aix-builder/builds/9578/steps/compile/logs/stdio ? [10:34:43] Do I just need to specify a PTHREAD_LIBS to the linker or something? [10:35:58] thoughts: well, it's not linking pthreads :) [10:36:54] or MT_LIBS or something? I'm not sure if there's a different way to be specifying it for libtool [10:36:59] I guess it's spelled MT_LIBS, yeah. [10:48:13] using MT_LIBS should be what you want, without looking at the url [10:48:30] Yeah, just poring over the details now. [11:06:08] Yay, AIX is happy. [11:06:55] i wouldnt go that far [11:07:09] Heh. [11:16:17] --- meffie has become available [12:03:57] Yay, verified [13:03:29] --- ballbery has left [13:08:26] --- ballbery has become available [14:40:52] --- meffie has left [14:40:54] --- m.meffie has become available [14:54:24] --- m.meffie has left [14:54:44] --- Marc Dionne has left [14:55:46] --- Marc Dionne has become available [16:04:26] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [16:07:28] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [20:18:08] --- cudave has become available [20:18:26] macos-x86_64-builder is back online... sorry about that [20:18:52] if the system could start yelling at me if one of my buildslaves is offline for more than 12 hours, that'd be useful [20:55:30] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [21:11:10] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [21:17:42] --- deason has left [22:57:10] --- Simon Wilkinson has left