[02:24:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [04:35:08] --- m.meffie has left [04:35:24] --- m.meffie has become available [05:30:19] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [05:45:26] --- mvitale has become available [05:52:56] --- mvitale has left [05:56:10] --- m.meffie has left [06:32:15] --- ballbery has left [06:33:33] --- ballbery has become available [06:41:19] --- meffie has become available [07:15:23] --- mvitale has become available [07:57:01] --- mvitale has left [08:01:41] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [08:02:42] --- meffie has left [08:03:44] --- mvitale has become available [08:13:23] --- mvitale has left [08:36:02] --- mvitale has become available [09:18:47] --- mvitale has left [10:02:34] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [10:19:27] --- mvitale has become available [10:46:16] I find it amusing that some of these checks for failing read()/write() are adding more printfs, and maybe the compiler will decide that we must check the return value of printf in the future. [10:51:29] if the compiler starts to behave that way we should all hunt down the gcc committer that introduced the change and tar and feather her/him in a public square [11:00:19] No, I don't think that will happen. [11:05:43] I agree, it is doubtful [11:06:03] It does seem quite unlikely. [11:32:08] --- mvitale has left [11:39:59] --- mvitale has become available [11:40:39] --- mvitale has left [11:40:52] --- deason has become available [13:50:49] Sigh. Dependencies are so hard to get right... [14:11:09] --- mvitale has become available [14:58:16] --- mvitale has left [16:09:20] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [16:23:33] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [19:55:00] Sigh. Not my day, apparently. :-/ [20:10:38] hrm [20:10:50] Sorry about all the extra mail. [20:15:27] Hmm, I should probably abandon my realpath change, since jhutz's work is of broader scope and encompasses it. [20:16:08] I was going to suggest you do that, once you finished reviewing mine [20:16:38] --- ballbery has left [20:19:55] --- ballbery has become available [21:15:56] --- ballbery has left [21:16:02] --- ballbery has become available [23:52:42] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available