[00:09:59] --- andersk has left [00:10:12] --- andersk has become available [05:06:33] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:37:34] --- meffie has become available [06:39:04] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [06:41:46] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:48:39] --- ballbery has left [06:49:15] --- ballbery has become available [06:53:32] --- mvitale has become available [07:10:53] --- mvitale has left [09:06:23] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [09:28:33] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [09:30:09] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [10:03:48] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [14:45:58] It would be nice if someone would review 9963, 9964, 9971, 9965, 9972, 9982 for me. They're mostly pretty small, and 9971 is a bug fix. [14:46:35] Also 9985, 9977, 9986, which lead to a fix for 130719 [16:01:47] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [16:36:58] --- m.meffie has become available [16:37:15] --- meffie has left [17:18:30] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [19:21:55] --- deason has left [21:36:20] What do I need to do to get external/heimdal refreshed? Ben's change and mine have both been merged upstream. [21:40:50] src/external/import-external-git.pl [21:43:03] What, I should just do that and submit it to gerrit? [21:43:10] I think so. [21:43:30] There are commit messages like "import heimdal snapshot at [revspec]" [21:43:37] Be sure to note new files. [21:44:13] Oh, yuck [21:44:47] Well, we only care about explicit subsets of what's in upstream. Also, I am turning into a pumpkin, now. [21:53:18] Yeah, I know. I'm going to merge and submit this, then go to bed too. Good night. [21:57:48] Hm. That was actually ridiculously easy. [22:01:16] Ok. All of my cleanup/dewarning/etc patches are updated and pushed, except the general asprintf cleanup, which still needs fixes in several more places (jaltman helpfully pointed out I had only fixed occurrances that actually get compiled on my platform) [22:01:21] good night