[01:13:08] --- ballbery has left [01:20:53] --- squinney has become available [04:24:09] --- squinney has left [06:45:19] --- meffie has become available [06:47:48] --- meffie has left [06:50:29] --- m.meffie has become available [06:50:29] --- m.meffie has left [06:54:52] --- meffie has become available [06:55:02] --- Marc Dionne has become available [07:00:54] I'm not expressing surprise that official release builds must use a lowest common denominator toolchain. [07:06:49] --- deason/gmail has become available [07:06:58] --- abo has left [07:20:44] --- abo has become available [07:24:41] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [07:26:44] --- abo has left [07:29:02] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [07:39:40] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [08:28:45] --- meffie has left [08:28:53] --- m.meffie has become available [09:26:28] --- LOGGING STARTED [09:41:34] --- LOGGING STARTED [09:41:37] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [09:41:57] --- m.meffie has become available [09:42:13] --- Marc Dionne has become available [09:42:46] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [09:43:01] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl5ABA57FD has become available [09:43:58] --- deason/gmail has become available [09:44:34] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [09:49:53] --- Marc Dionne has left [09:57:14] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has become available [09:57:23] My windows build gives me the ktc 7 error (service probably not running). How can I get detailed logs of what it's trying to do? [10:13:28] --- Marc Dionne has become available [10:15:03] http://www.openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.7.25/winxp/ReleaseNotes/html/#chap_4.html#d6e1198 , I think [10:15:21] er that is, that section, not necessarily that specific page [10:17:10] Sure. [10:20:02] are you device drivers signed? if not, they won't be loaded unless you put Windows into development mode [10:20:30] I don't have a signing setup. Do you have a link for putting windows in development mode? [10:21:02] afsd_init.log seems to say that RDR_Initialize returned code=2 and then goes on to start the smb interface. [10:23:30] that is what it does. you can install the loopback adapter but be warned the smb driver on windows 7 will deadlock on you [10:25:07] http://en.kioskea.net/faq/3914-windows-7-disable-signature-verification-of-drivers [10:25:22] found by google "unsigned drivers on windows" [10:26:26] Thanks again. msdn(windows develpment mode) was quite unhelpful. [10:27:28] but since you have a signing setup for kfw I suggest you use it. it will make your testing life much happier. [10:28:35] There's an ~air gap to that setup, it does not seem very helpful at the moment. [10:29:54] build the dest tree, copy the binaries, sign them, copy them back to the dest tree, build the installer. or copy the drivers, sign them, copy them to \windows\system32\drivers and reboot [10:30:28] or just use the production drivers. [10:30:58] Hmm, that might be worth trying again now that I've got a VS2005 environment. [10:31:27] BTW, do you think a wiki page would be a good place to put my step-by-step for getting my build environment? [10:32:37] you are welcome to submit updates to README-WINDOWS [10:33:35] Okay. I don't know whether building on win7 vs. building on an older release is relevant for some parts of that. [10:35:38] --- stephan.wiesand has left [10:35:38] The OS you build on only matters from the perspective of which tools you end up using for the build. If the OS is 64-bit or 32-bit [10:35:47] I am rather confused by the bit in ntbuild.bat which insists that APPVER and _WIN32_IT must match and be 0x1N00 but the build tools insisting that APPVER be something like a WinSDK version. [10:36:55] ntbuild.bat doesn't work for anyone. it must be custom built for each system based upon the installed tools and the platform for which a build is being performed. [10:37:04] it is just an example of what one looks like [10:37:06] Right. [10:37:20] But I would expect the comments in it describing what to set the variables to, to be accurate. [10:37:40] at one point they probably were. submit a patch [10:37:54] It's on the todo list. [11:01:51] Apparently bcdedit's nointegritychecks is not respected by win7 and higher. There is a link to "test signing" elsewhere in its command reference, though. [11:02:51] I think it matters if you are using 64-bit or 32-bit. [11:03:20] for your work you probably want to test on 32-bit because it avoids the need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit network providers [11:03:35] The boot log indicates that it did not load the driver \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\AFSRedir.sys [11:03:37] (I'm on 32-bit win7) [11:04:56] I have never used test signatures since I have real cross-signed keys [11:05:11] Understandable, it looks like a fair bit of hassle. [11:10:36] Ah, but it looks like I can disable driver signing enforcement from the f8 menu (that boot only). [11:12:57] you need to do it for each boot cycle [11:13:09] which is why I didn't mention it [11:15:40] Trying it (and a couple other bcdedit options) seems to have made this VM very slow to start up. Though that happen sometimes randomely, anyway. [11:16:50] if you turned on bcdedit /debug then it will block waiting for a kernel debugger to attach [11:17:36] Hmm, I probably did do that for kicks. Good thing for VM snapshots [11:18:25] it will timeout after a minute or two [12:43:02] --- gendalia has become available [13:20:56] I tried on a 32-bit vista VM just for kicks, the bcdedit nointegritychecks did not seem to work by itself, but that with the F8 option did let AFSRedir.sys load. ... but my client utilities are targetted for too new an architecture to run on vista. :( [13:28:50] Oh dear, maybe ntbtlog is appended to on each boot, not rewritten from scratch. That could explain some things, and would make my life more convenient (probably). [13:39:37] Hmm, both afsd_init.log and ntbtlog are "all history" logfiles, not new at boot. Sigh. Anyway, my local build has a cache manager that at least nominally works, now. (Yay) [13:56:08] yay [14:42:10] --- m.meffie has left [15:03:06] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [15:42:53] --- deason/gmail has left [15:46:06] --- ballbery has become available [18:40:40] --- jakllsch/siwenna has become available [19:01:05] --- jakllsch has become available [19:03:00] --- jakllsch has left [20:06:53] --- jakllsch/siwenna has left [20:07:34] --- jakllsch/xenotaph has become available [20:14:55] --- ballbery has left [20:16:45] --- ballbery has become available [20:26:43] --- ballbery has left [20:29:48] --- ballbery has become available [20:41:00] --- jakllsch/xenotaph has left [23:10:46] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [23:31:00] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [23:42:13] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: Machine going to sleep [23:55:38] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [23:57:32] --- Stephan Wiesand has left