[08:37:42] --- meffie has become available [08:54:08] Hmm, apparently the symptoms of my failure to build the loopback bits for the installer show up on msdn as indicative of a conflict between windows SDK and DDK headers (windows.h, presumably). [09:08:58] This may be VS2008-specific and not present with VS2005, if one can trust commenters on the internet. [09:09:33] I was dissuaded from installing VS2005 on my windows 7 32-bit VM by an ominous warning of version incompatibility from the installer. [09:12:26] --- deason/gmail has become available [09:13:26] the incompatibility it speaks of is UAC mode. VS2005 SP1 fixes it. [11:52:58] --- meffie has left [11:53:08] --- m.meffie has become available [11:59:07] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [12:03:27] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:35:37] --- CUDave has left: Disconnected [12:46:25] --- cudave has become available [12:54:03] --- jakllsch has become available [12:56:25] --- jakllsch has left [14:12:49] --- jakllsch/siwenna has become available [14:20:57] --- jakllsch/siwenna has left [14:31:13] --- jakllsch has become available [15:13:07] --- ballbery has left [15:13:08] --- ballbery has become available [16:15:19] --- m.meffie has left [16:50:02] --- deason/gmail has left [19:35:35] VS2005 does seem to make it easier to get an installer built. Kind of a shame, though... [20:18:00] its a shame to use the tools that are used to create the production releases? [20:19:57] It's a shame that we can't use the more modern tools which MS makes available. (or can't easily do so, at least.) [20:53:45] Given the length of the development lifecycle for 1.7 (six years) and the desire to support Windows 2000 when the work on 1.7 began, its not surprising that the release is built from those tools. [20:56:31] I will most likely not switch tool chains until we get to the point where Windows XP no longer requires support. Since 50% of corporate america is still running XP I don't see that change being made for a couple of years.