[00:00:10] --- kula has become available [00:23:54] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [00:37:27] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [00:40:35] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [07:24:53] --- deason has become available [09:01:56] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [12:54:58] --- kula has left: Lost connection [13:02:40] I wonder what Troy did to cause such delayed dupes. [13:07:14] delayed dupes? [13:07:54] I got a second copy of two emails from last week, today. [13:08:23] Maybe they just went to me and not the list? [13:09:35] Dunno, I haven't seen any dupes, but gmail saves me from much mailing-list related craziness. [13:11:06] Yeah, I guess the path in the headers makes it look like the direct copy to me is the delayed one. So ... jaltman and warlord would have been the only other people to get any. [13:43:31] --- kula has become available [14:23:24] --- kula has left: Lost connection [14:54:06] --- kula has become available [15:21:43] Sigh, cfc9b34856c6649a44e9fe762f9b0c0f09d7c653 is needed in the other branch of the conditional, too. [15:33:31] --- deason has left [19:30:38] --- andersk has left