[00:37:36] --- abo has become available [02:10:53] --- squinney has become available [05:34:17] grr... stupid whitespace [07:14:13] --- deason/gmail has become available [07:38:38] --- meffie has become available [07:44:05] --- Mark Vitale has become available [07:44:55] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [08:48:11] --- abo has left [09:26:15] CUDave: yeah it can be frustrating. One thing that has helped me with whitespace stuff is "git config --global color.ui true". Then my whitespace errors show up as bright red in "git diff" or "git show", similar to how they would appear in Gerrit [09:44:17] --- squinney has left [10:12:53] I just get in the habit of always running git rebase --whitespace=fix before pushing. [10:13:08] --- Mark Vitale has left [12:50:15] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [12:53:01] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:55:29] dunno if that's on the gitdevelopers wiki page or not... dun git enough for it to be a habit, yet [12:55:50] anyway, thanks for the newsletter feedback, I'll try and make some edits later this week [13:38:44] --- gendalia has left: Lost connection [16:01:12] --- meffie has left [16:17:50] --- mvitale has become available [16:41:52] --- mvitale has left [17:02:51] --- deason/gmail has left