[00:49:13] --- abo has left [00:53:17] --- abo has become available [01:36:35] --- abo has left [02:01:34] --- squinney has become available [02:23:10] --- abo has become available [05:30:05] --- squinney has left [05:39:06] --- mvitale has become available [06:04:51] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [06:10:21] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [06:48:40] --- meffie has become available [06:52:52] --- ballbery has become available [07:14:34] --- deason has become available [07:38:36] --- gendalia has become available [07:56:21] --- ballbery has left [08:03:00] --- ballbery has become available [08:17:57] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [08:21:37] --- mvitale has left [08:22:54] --- mvitale has become available [08:40:53] fyi, gerrit.openafs.org is currently unhappy. Problem accessing /. Reason: Guice provision errors: 1) Cannot open ReviewDb while locating com.google.gerrit.server.config.RequestScopedReviewDbProvider while locating com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.ReviewDb 1 error [08:42:01] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [08:49:47] --- gendalia has left [08:50:21] --- ballbery has left [08:51:36] --- gendalia has become available [08:54:13] --- ballbery has become available [08:55:09] --- ballbery has left [09:10:46] --- ballbery has become available [09:29:27] --- abo has left [09:40:06] --- mvitale has left [09:54:07] --- mvitale has become available [10:35:14] --- dwbotsch has left: Disconnected [11:15:31] --- mvitale has left [11:16:54] --- mvitale has become available [11:34:53] --- mvitale has left [11:37:55] --- mvitale has become available [11:43:24] --- mvitale has left [11:43:24] --- mvitale has become available [11:50:47] --- meffie has left [12:25:29] --- mvitale has left [12:26:28] --- mvitale has become available [12:46:40] --- mvitale has left [12:46:40] --- mvitale has become available [13:12:18] --- ballbery has left [15:15:33] --- mvitale has left [16:00:08] --- deason has left [16:31:18] --- mdionne has become available [18:30:12] --- CUDave has become available [18:37:07] when you guys get a chance, reviewing the newsletter ( http://gerrit.openafs.org/#change,9528 ), so that we can get that up, would be "a good thing"™ ... thanks [19:13:36] --- mdionne has left [20:01:45] CUDave: done [20:18:06] --- andersk has left [20:18:06] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has left [20:20:06] --- andersk has become available [20:27:37] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has become available [20:33:35] --- asedeno has left [20:35:41] --- asedeno has become available [21:47:42] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has left [21:49:11] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has become available