[01:20:37] --- squinney has become available [05:47:25] --- meffie has become available [05:57:28] --- meffie has left [05:58:06] --- mmeffie has become available [05:59:53] --- mmeffie is now known as meffie [06:03:18] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [06:08:45] --- ballbery has become available [07:10:09] --- deason has become available [07:37:37] --- mvitale has become available [08:42:57] --- squinney has left [09:10:11] --- meffie has left [09:17:32] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [09:53:35] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [11:09:25] RFC 4462 (GSSAPI SSH) gives an equality check for GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED; isn't the pedantically correct check for whether that bit is set? [11:42:37] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has left [11:43:34] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has become available [12:39:03] --- stephan.wiesand has left [13:53:45] --- meffie has become available [14:51:44] --- ballbery has left [15:03:09] --- mvitale has left [17:34:03] --- meffie has left [17:59:00] --- deason has left