[02:09:53] --- squinney has become available [04:33:42] --- squinney has left [04:42:35] --- squinney has become available [05:24:12] --- squinney has left [05:24:18] --- squinney has become available [07:17:11] --- Stephan Wiesand has become available [08:19:07] --- squinney has left [08:20:33] --- Stephan Wiesand has left [08:25:20] --- meffie has become available [08:26:53] --- ballbery has become available [09:01:01] --- deason has become available [10:00:42] --- kula has become available [10:43:02] Re 9136 does that constant want to not be a literal? [10:48:04] kaduk: Which constant are you referring to? [10:48:25] 04000 [10:48:38] (I only looked at the email so far) [10:49:05] But it sure looks like it is supposed to be a particular bit, and maybe ought have a symbol for it [10:49:36] The change is really just fiddling with the code so that clang doesn't moan about it. Basically doing bitfield &= ~blah trips compiler errors that doing bitfield = bitfield & ~blah doesn't. [10:49:49] Right. [10:50:15] Unrelatedly, it seems to usually be a good idea to use defined constants instead of magic numbers. [10:50:17] They should probably be S_ISUID and S_ISGID [10:50:26] But that's a different change ... [10:50:36] Right, it's a different change. [10:51:34] (also, whilst they look like OS mode bits, they're actually internal mode bits. I don't know if there's any guarantee that those defines will always have those values) [10:52:12] Well, we could have our own defines, I suppose. [11:03:22] Will 1 ever be allowed as an rx error code? [11:04:18] (Well, GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, really) [11:21:19] I wouldn't rely on it not appearing as an RX error code. [11:22:11] Also - GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED _isn't_ an error, so having it be transmitted as an RX abort would not be a good thing. [11:22:35] True. [11:23:14] (Certainly, in rxgk, all of the gss status codes are passed as parameters, rather than as return codes) [11:24:01] I'm re-rewriting the client GSS negotiation loop, and I want to condense a bunch of different cases into a single variable, which might indicate an RX error or a GSS error. I think it's easiest to just use a flag value to indicate that there is a GSS error (so the caller can consult the GSS status if desired), and if that flag value is received as an RX error, remap to RXGK_INCONSISTENCY. [11:25:15] I could define RXGK errors for these cases, I suppose. [11:27:20] That sounds over complex, but I guess we can cross that point when it comes to review. [11:27:27] Not sure it's worth it, though. [11:28:06] I don't think the caller should ever be aware of the underlying GSS library. [11:28:40] So, the caller shouldn't ever see GSS error codes. [11:28:50] Well. [11:29:24] The case at present is a subroutine which is the body of the loop, called from an outer get_token() routine that has the loop logic. [11:29:35] So it is still internal, but nor does it need to see a GSS error. [11:30:29] Yeah, we have something pretty similar. [11:31:03] What the library does internally isn't that important - the critical thing is that the caller (to the token acquisition routine) can't be expect to be linking against the same GSS library as rxgk is linked against. [11:32:11] Right. [11:32:37] (I don't comply to this right now for other reasons right now, of course.) [11:41:41] get_token_round_trip() is the subroutine in question, here: https://github.com/kaduk/openafs/blob/9d8909d498898ba937077d74baa95ed633ca7e5f/src/rxgk/ndebug.c [12:49:31] Anyone seeing bosserver segfaults on master? [12:53:09] I don't run the OpenAFS bosserver, so I can't really say there. Chas has been doing a lot of work on the bosserver, though. [12:54:57] i'm running bosserver master, havent seen any crashes. [12:57:08] Linking the bosserver with anything pthreaded won't end well, though... [12:57:40] Or with anything that calls sleep() or select(), come to that [13:12:35] --- mvitale has become available [13:20:17] --- meffie has left [13:48:27] --- mdionne has become available [14:35:43] --- ballbery has left [14:54:15] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:05:55] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [16:17:52] --- deason has left [17:08:54] --- mvitale has left [17:15:49] --- mvitale has become available [18:43:20] --- mvitale has left [18:45:25] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [18:51:08] --- mdionne has left [18:51:40] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [21:45:44] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected