[01:07:22] --- jakllsch has left [04:59:49] --- Dan has left: Replaced by new connection [04:59:49] --- Dan has become available [05:01:03] --- Dan has left: Replaced by new connection [05:01:04] --- Dan has become available [05:32:26] --- Dan has left [05:32:54] --- Dan has become available [05:48:20] --- Dan has left [05:50:44] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:13:06] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [06:20:36] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:27:27] --- mvitale has become available [06:48:14] --- deason has become available [08:30:28] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [08:31:34] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [08:55:33] --- Brandon Allbery has left [08:55:36] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [09:42:27] --- meffie has become available [09:50:50] --- jakllsch has become available [10:03:16] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [10:11:51] --- meffie has left [10:45:04] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [11:16:07] --- stephan.wiesand has become available [11:16:17] --- stephan.wiesand has left [12:06:36] --- meffie has become available [12:18:26] --- jakllsch has left [12:23:50] I'm going to go ahead and guess that I'm not supposed to get behavior wherein in rxi_SendPacket, p->wirevec has a header, my nominal packet payload, then eleven iov entries of length 1416 with body all NULs, and then three zero-length iovec entries. [12:49:44] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [12:54:37] --- meffie has left [14:55:57] --- Brandon Allbery has left [14:56:11] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [14:57:13] --- Brandon Allbery has left [14:57:14] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [15:33:14] --- Brandon Allbery has left [15:39:14] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [16:00:39] --- mdionne has become available [16:16:42] --- deason has left [16:45:14] --- Brandon Allbery has left [17:34:00] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [18:22:59] --- mdionne has left [19:14:19] --- Brandon Allbery has left [19:14:20] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [20:54:29] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [21:02:46] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available