[06:34:23] --- kula has become available [06:45:36] --- deason has become available [06:45:37] --- Dan has left [11:22:52] --- kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl has become available [11:23:19] I suppose when rxgk_int.xg actually hits our tree, we should be using afs_intNN_t instead of the stock 'int' and friends used in the abstract RPC-L. [11:23:19] --- Ken Dreyer has left: Lost connection [12:00:18] --- kula has left [12:01:08] --- simonxwilkinson has become available [12:02:33] --- kula has become available [12:04:31] --- jakllsch has become available [12:10:59] --- simonxwilkinson has left [12:29:44] --- mvitale has left [12:47:51] --- mvitale has become available [13:18:52] --- meffie has become available [13:57:04] --- Dan has become available [15:12:03] --- meffie has left [15:19:03] --- mvitale has left [15:31:15] --- Dan has left [17:15:31] --- deason has left [17:22:51] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [18:01:39] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [23:48:25] --- Dan has become available