[01:58:55] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [01:58:55] --- jaltman has become available [01:59:24] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [01:59:25] --- jaltman has become available [04:47:00] --- abo has left: Lost connection [05:00:48] --- abo has become available [06:07:30] --- Roman Mitz has become available [06:09:02] --- Roman Mitz has left [06:09:11] --- Roman Mitz has become available [06:18:34] --- meffie has left [06:18:40] --- meffie has become available [06:34:57] --- Derrick Brashear has left [06:45:33] --- mvitale has become available [07:24:46] --- deason has become available [08:17:12] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [09:26:13] --- jaltman has become available [09:36:35] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [09:37:13] --- jaltman has become available [10:48:39] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [10:48:39] --- jaltman has become available [11:20:40] anyone here can provide some git help? [11:20:41] --- phalenor has left: Lost connection [11:21:18] trying to redo this change per Deason's comment [11:21:26] so, dit git commit -a --amend, changed the commit message [11:21:34] and then: git push ssh://gerrit.openafs.org/openafs-web.git I5dd362fd96a8dd8e1cf0801b189be3fc418d05ce:refs/for/master [11:21:44] and I get: error: src refspec I5dd362fd96a8dd8e1cf0801b189be3fc418d05ce does not match any. error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://gerrit.openafs.org/openafs-web.git [11:21:52] just git push gerrit.openafs.org:openafs-web.git HEAD:refs/for/master [11:22:07] so why isn't what I'm trying working? [11:22:24] you're specifying the change-id on the command line; the gerrit stuff will pick it up on it's own [11:22:37] git push ssh://gerrit.openafs.org/openafs.git :refs/for/ where is the SHA-1 hash of the revised change that follows the word commit in the log message [11:22:37] --- abo has left: Lost connection [11:22:43] from http://wiki.openafs.org/AFSLore/GitDevelopers/ [11:22:51] in the syntax 'git push foo.git bar:baz', 'bar' is supposed to be a sha1 commit id (or a tag, or branch, etc) [11:23:03] you're specifying a Change-Id, which is a thing that only exists in gerrit [11:23:15] so I need to hash that change-id ? [11:23:26] no, don't specify the change-id at all [11:23:34] the new commit id you can see at the top of 'git log' or 'git show' [11:23:38] oh, I see, I want the "commit" [11:23:52] I don't know what it is; when you changed it via 'git commit --amend', the commit id changed [11:23:58] (or rather, you created a new commit with a new commit id) [11:24:27] but if you say 'HEAD', that will just automatically choose the most recent commit (on the branch you're on) [11:24:33] right [11:24:40] so HEAD is like "the stuff I'm looking at right now" [11:24:43] ok, it accepted it this time, I think [11:24:55] --- abo has become available [11:24:57] yep [11:26:02] yes; thanks for doing that [11:26:07] sure [13:17:54] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [13:22:31] --- pod has become available [13:56:02] --- Derrick Brashear has left [14:10:41] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [14:39:42] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [15:16:59] --- mvitale has left [15:25:00] --- Derrick Brashear has left [16:00:43] --- meffie has left [16:20:31] --- deason has left [17:21:46] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [18:47:43] --- Derrick Brashear has left [19:37:16] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [22:48:37] --- Derrick Brashear has left [22:48:44] --- Derrick Brashear has become available