[00:01:39] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [06:46:08] --- deason has become available [08:02:09] --- Russ has become available [08:24:36] --- squinney has become available [08:30:37] Hi, what's the easiest way to get the european conf announcement added to the "Recent OpenAFS News" section of the website? [08:31:16] submit a change to gerrit against openafs-web? [08:32:55] correct [08:34:10] Ta, will do [08:34:12] you will want to edit the top.html frame as well to refer to the 2012 conference [08:34:19] yes, I spotted that too [08:35:13] before you submit that you should send a copy of the announcement letter to openafs-announce@openafs.org so that the actual e-mail can be referenced in the recent news description. [08:37:21] Will do [08:40:33] Isn't there also the "poke Derrick to actually propagate the changes to the live website" step? [09:16:29] I've submitted the announcement, it awaits moderation [10:11:56] --- squinney has left [10:17:35] --- abo has left: Lost connection [10:18:38] --- abo has become available [14:46:51] --- jaltman has become available [14:47:23] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [15:57:42] --- deason has left [17:56:56] --- jaltman has become available [18:12:50] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [20:38:28] --- jaltman has become available [20:53:03] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [20:53:06] --- jaltman has become available [21:55:06] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [23:29:51] --- Russ has left: Disconnected