[06:51:44] --- abo has left [07:07:50] --- abo has become available [07:23:06] --- phalenor has left [07:23:25] --- dwbotsch has become available [07:27:05] --- deason has become available [07:27:09] how long does it take for the website to update after merging in a change on openafs-web.git ? [07:27:33] as long as "for the person who publishes" to publish. hi [07:28:17] Ok. Just merged in the April 2012 newsletter, so, lemme know when it's live so I can email out an announcement [07:28:38] see if you see it now [07:28:49] cool... there it is [07:32:36] Thanks for the hard work [07:34:03] sure [07:34:15] The High Availability Case Study is great [07:35:21] yeah, Ken and Arne gave me some good stuff [07:35:34] what is next months topic? [07:35:44] haha, I am open to suggestions :) [07:36:02] roaming profiles on windows served from /afs? [07:36:08] that's a good one [07:36:34] perhaps we will also want to put in something about the workshop, if that's taking place? [07:36:59] still working on that :( [07:37:28] I suggest interviewing Lars and Nathan about roaming profiles. [07:37:38] Nathan has an excellent page http://coe.uncc.edu/~nhatley7/tasks/win7-roaming-profiles-on-openafs/ [07:39:32] yeah, I can speak on that some, since we do it as well [07:40:07] --- phalenor has become available [07:48:44] one change that I would make to the patches list and the statistics. Instead of including the "Committer" name, use the "Author" name. The "Committer" is not the person that should be attributed as having done the work. [08:05:35] --- Derrick Brashear has left [08:50:37] --- Russ has become available [08:56:51] good point, will have to try and decipher this json crud to figure out how to change that [08:57:47] hmm... looks like 'owner' -> 'name' is the committer [09:01:18] any objection to putting a link to the newsletters in the sidebar? [09:11:34] none. [09:58:58] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [10:06:18] regarding 7231 in gerrit, is the bos protocol a standard? a reasonable argument could be made that no, it's not. nothing but afs will implement it and ibm isn't going to update theirs; as long as we use a capability to denote sets of new functionality and use RPCs in the range we agreed to not trip over IBM for, we could do this change today. [10:20:53] --- Derrick Brashear has left [10:21:35] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [12:54:16] --- sxw has become available [12:54:42] Would anyone have any object to rxperf moving out of src/rx/tests into tools/ ? [12:54:53] s/object/objection/ [12:54:54] sounds good to me [12:55:32] It makes it slightly easier to then use it from the test suite as a general purpose check that RX hasn't been broken ... [13:19:19] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [13:35:01] Hmmm. But the fact that tools is an LWP directory makes this slightly harder. [13:49:08] --- Derrick Brashear has left [13:49:31] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [13:51:22] --- Derrick Brashear has left [14:12:10] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [15:05:40] I would prefer that you create an rxperf directory much as there is rxdebug [15:06:24] Well, the newest plan is to move the whole of tools into tools/dumpscan, and then also create tools/rxperf [15:09:23] that is fine with me [15:09:36] you canmove rxdebug to tools/rxdebug while you re at ita [16:00:40] --- deason has left [16:13:33] --- jakllsch has become available [16:43:17] --- phalenor has left [16:45:53] --- phalenor has become available [17:05:23] --- Derrick Brashear has left [17:10:36] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [18:44:50] --- Russ has become available [21:52:12] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [00:00:09] --- Derrick Brashear has left