[06:15:37] --- Russ has become available [06:44:22] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [07:01:18] I may have slightly swamped buildbot. Sorry. [11:35:52] Did someone fix the FreeBSD 82 issue? [12:53:13] I haven't seen a FreeBSD 82 issue [12:59:32] besides the slave being offline [14:09:21] Builds were failing - Jason provided an example on openafs-devel [19:30:17] I see no e-mail from Jason to openafs-devel that provided an example of freebsd82 failing a compile. The first e-mail simply says that freebsd82 is currently down and that there were compile errors. His second e-mail says that you told him to disable it. Third e-mail is from Andrew saying that AIX should not be disabled and he would look at the AIX build errors. Fourth e-mail is Simon's saying that 7116 shows no freebsd82 compile errors. Fifth e-mail is Jason saying that he is confused by 7116 building on freebsd82 because he had already disabled the freebsd82 slave. [19:30:45] Simon, perhaps you had a private e-mail exchange with Jason? [19:41:21] I don't remember seeing anything about freebsd82, but my mailbox is also a mess :( [20:20:47] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left [20:21:22] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [20:25:33] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [20:30:02] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available