[00:39:20] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [04:56:37] --- reuteras has left [07:49:38] --- reuteras has become available [07:49:46] --- reuteras has left [09:16:30] --- Russ has become available [12:31:25] --- Roman Mitz has become available [12:31:41] --- Roman Mitz has left [15:52:31] Ben, what you need to identify is the error code returned by VL_GetEntryByNameU() and then look at the code in afs_Analyze() to decide how it will be processed. In the case of an VL_xxx rpc there will be no Fid provided to afs_Analyze() and afs_BlacklistOnce() will always return 0. If the server is marked down and afs_Analyze() returns a non-zero value then a retry should occur to an alternate server (if there is one that isn't marked down.) I see no platform specific code in this logic so unless there is a platform specific error being returned from rx the problem is going to be generic. [16:09:02] Thanks for the pointers. [21:50:49] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [21:50:50] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [22:32:12] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [22:32:13] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [22:50:25] Any reason why a freshly-newfs'd /usr/vice/cache would cause the cache scan to take upwards of twenty minutes? (1.4.8) [22:55:50] cacheinfo specifies a different cache directory? [23:26:09] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [23:35:19] --- reuteras has become available