[09:11:30] --- Russ has become available [11:29:45] Are there best practices for cache partition filesystem settings (blocks per inode, fragment size, etc.)? [12:07:24] Looks like "no", at least so far as google is concerned. Maybe I should ask -info ... [13:12:20] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [13:15:22] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [19:26:35] --- Roman Mitz has left [19:34:08] --- Roman Mitz has become available [19:51:20] --- Roman Mitz has left [20:38:24] I guess I should send mail about the failover issue, then? [20:45:33] its always useful to send a note to openafs-bugs so the issue isn't forgotten [20:48:45] "Why would I send mail to openafs-bugs when I could just create a ticket in RT?" [20:51:39] why would you send mail somewhere else? [20:54:13] There could be discussion on -devel? I am also somewhat curious who is running master regularly ... [21:07:44] the only regular use of master is on windows. [21:08:33] :-/ [21:16:33] Does we have a uintmax_t available on windows? [21:24:59] you want to use afs_uintmax_t. See config/stds.h [21:25:45] Oops, already fired off private mail to deason. He does still read here, right? [21:26:15] he isn't here now [21:26:44] The topic has been set to: Logs at http://jabber.openafs.org/ [21:27:29] I wouldn't count on people reading logs unless they have been asked to do so [21:27:57] I also assume that everyone is on vacation this week. [21:28:01] YFS is closed [21:28:40] I am "on vacation" in that I'm not in boston, but I plan to be doing grad-student stuff nonetheless. [21:29:22] sure. but for those of us who work on openafs for a job, a vacation means not working on openafs