[00:10:09] --- reuteras has left [00:10:17] --- reuteras has become available [00:10:22] --- reuteras has left [00:16:30] kaduk@mit.edu/barnowl: here we've been using subversion 1.6 on top of afs for ages with no issues. the web says 1.7 uses the same repository format as 1.6 [00:17:34] we only run the client on one machine though (an apache server with mod_dav_svn) [00:39:24] The Subversion 1.7 _working copy_ format is totally different and uses SQLite, hence byte-range locks. [00:53:55] oh! [03:06:29] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [10:46:34] --- Russ has become available [11:35:49] --- Simon has become available [11:37:59] On Linux, byte range locks are fine, providing you are only accessing the working copy from one machine at a time. [11:43:58] --- Simon has left [20:57:38] --- abo has left: Lost connection [20:58:03] --- abo has become available [22:36:36] --- reuteras has become available